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The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

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Attention parents! Are you worried about the impact screen time is having on your child's motivation offline?

In this resource you'll learn:

  • Insights from students who have experienced the pull of these platforms firsthand, sharing their journey towards finding balance and reigniting their motivation
  • An exploration of the psychological tactics employed by video apps to keep teens hooked, and how you can empower your child to navigate these influences
  • Practical advice on fostering a healthy relationship with screens, promoting productivity, and nurturing intrinsic motivation
  • Tips for initiating open and supportive conversations about digital habits, mental health, and the importance of offline activities in maintaining motivation

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Superintendents, Directors and Principals: Request a partnership on this page to unlock our resources for your whole community.
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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!


Sharon M.

Parent VIP Member

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Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.


Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

Quotation marks

This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.


Irene C.

Educator Webinar Attendee

Full Live Event - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated (For Parents)

Teens live in a world dominated by digital devices. From the mesmerizing glow of smartphones to the immersive worlds of video games and social media platforms, screens have woven themselves seamlessly into the fabric of our daily existence. What impact does this screen time have on your teen’s motivation? We are diving into the relationship between screen time and motivation and providing practical strategies for navigating them. 

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

What is the connection between screen time and motivation?

  • Studies have found a connection between excessive screen time (especially entertainment-oriented screen time) and lower motivation in teens (Source: Emerging Investigators)
  • The average teen spends 7 hours and 22 minutes a day on screens outside of schoolwork (Source: Gitnux.org). That time may be impacting their motivation for offline activities
  • One of our student interns states, “Whenever I got up, I immediately checked Instagram and spent 3 or 4 hours on it without getting anything done, so it sucked me in.” (See full event video for more information)

What is emotional buffering? 

  • Emotional buffering is when we choose to do something in order to avoid negative feelings like stress or anger and one of the most common ways teens buffer is by reaching for their phone and getting on their favorite app
  • Buffering can allow students to “pause” their emotions just as they would if they watched an intense movie, felt overwhelmed, and then hit the pause button
  • Buffering isn’t always bad, because sometimes our brain needs a break, but too much emotional buffering can prevent us from doing the more important things in our life

How to Balance Screen Time to Improve Motivation

Replace Negative Screen Time With Positive Screen Time

  • Teens can prevent screen time from impacting their motivation by using it more actively, such as learning a new skill like programming, graphic design, cooking, 3D printing, etc.
  • One of our student interns recommends, “tailoring your following page so it is full of inspiring things and things that make you happy” (Watch the full event replay for details)
  • Consume information that inspires you by listening to positive podcasts, watching YouTube videos that open your mind to something new, and following uplifting social media accounts

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth. 

Full Live Event - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated (For Parents)

Understanding the Connection Between Screen Time and Motivation (For Students & Parents)

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Understanding the Connection Between Screen Time and Motivation (For Students & Parents)

Balancing Screen Time to Improve Motivation (For Students & Parents)

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Balancing Screen Time to Improve Motivation (For Students & Parents)

Using Screen Time in a Positive Way (For Students & Parents)

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Using Screen Time in a Positive Way (For Students & Parents)

Tools and Strategies to Deal with Screen Time Addiction (For Students & Parents)

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Tools and Strategies to Deal with Screen Time Addiction (For Students & Parents)

Helping Teens Manage Screen Time with a Family Media Agreement ( For Parents)

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Helping Teens Manage Screen Time with a Family Media Agreement ( For Parents)

Spanish Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated


Muchos padres y educadores están preocupados por el impacto del tiempo frente a la pantalla en la motivación de los estudiantes. Compartimos esa preocupación. El tiempo excesivo frente a la pantalla puede afectar la motivación de los estudiantes y causar muchas consecuencias negativas. Sin embargo, también hay muchos usos positivos para el tiempo frente a la pantalla si los estudiantes eligen cultivar una relación saludable con las pantallas y utilizarlas para apoyar su crecimiento personal.

Spanish Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Mandarin Chinese Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated



Mandarin Chinese Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Arabic Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated


يشعر العديد من الآباء والمعلمين بالقلق إزاء تأثير وقت الشاشة على دافعية الطلاب. نحن نشاركهم هذا القلق. يمكن أن يؤثر وقت الشاشة المفرط على دافعية الطالب ويسبب العديد من العواقب السلبية. ومع ذلك، هناك أيضًا العديد من الاستخدامات الإيجابية لوقت الشاشة إذا اختار الطلاب تنمية علاقة صحية مع الشاشات واستخدامها لدعم نموهم الشخصي.

Arabic Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Ukrainian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated


Багато батьків та освітян турбують вплив часу, проведеного за екранами, на мотивацію учнів. Ми поділяємо цю стурбованість. Надмірний час за екраном може впливати на мотивацію студентів та мати багато негативних наслідків. Проте, існують також багато позитивних застосувань часу за екраном, якщо студенти виберуть розвивати здорові відносини з екранами та використовувати їх для підтримки свого особистого росту.

Ukrainian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Russian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated


Многие родители и педагоги обеспокоены влиянием времени, проведенного за экранами, на мотивацию учащихся. Мы разделяем это беспокойство. Чрезмерное времяпровождение за экраном может повлиять на мотивацию студентов и привести к множеству негативных последствий. Однако существуют также множество положительных применений времени за экраном, если студенты выберут выработать здоровые отношения с экранами и использовать их для поддержки своего личного роста.

Russian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

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Enjoy this demo pass. Click the button to share access with leaders in your school district (or visit our new sharing center)
Share Your Demo Pass With School District Leaders

Teens live in a world dominated by digital devices. From the mesmerizing glow of smartphones to the immersive worlds of video games and social media platforms, screens have woven themselves seamlessly into the fabric of our daily existence. What impact does this screen time have on your teen’s motivation? We are diving into the relationship between screen time and motivation and providing practical strategies for navigating them. 

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

What is the connection between screen time and motivation?

  • Studies have found a connection between excessive screen time (especially entertainment-oriented screen time) and lower motivation in teens (Source)
  • The average teen spends 7 hours and 22 minutes a day on screens outside of schoolwork (Source). That time may be impacting their motivation for offline activities
  • One of our student interns states, “Whenever I got up, I immediately  checked Instagram and spent 3 or 4 hours on it without getting anything done, so it sucked me in” (See full event video for more information)

What is emotional buffering? 

  • Emotional buffering is when we choose to do something in order to avoid negative feelings like stress or anger and one of the most common ways teens buffer is by reaching for their phone and getting on their favorite app
  • Buffering can allow students to “pause” their emotions just as they would if they watched an intense movie, felt overwhelmed, and then hit the pause button
  • Buffering isn’t always bad, because sometimes our brain needs a break, but too much emotional buffering can prevent us from doing the more important things in our life

How to Balance Screen Time to Improve Motivation

Replace Negative Screen Time With Positive Screen Time

  • Teens can prevent screen time from impacting their motivation by using it more actively, such as learning a new skill like programming, graphic design, cooking, 3D printing, etc.
  • One of our student interns recommends, “tailoring your following page so it is full of inspiring things and things that make you happy” (Watch the full event replay for details)
  • Consume information that inspires you by listening to positive podcasts, watching YouTube videos that open your mind to something new, and following uplifting social media accounts

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth. 

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Superintendents, Directors and Principals: Request a partnership on this page to unlock our resources for your whole community.

Attention parents! Are you worried about the impact screen time is having on your child's motivation offline?

In this resource you'll learn:

  • Insights from students who have experienced the pull of these platforms firsthand, sharing their journey towards finding balance and reigniting their motivation
  • An exploration of the psychological tactics employed by video apps to keep teens hooked, and how you can empower your child to navigate these influences
  • Practical advice on fostering a healthy relationship with screens, promoting productivity, and nurturing intrinsic motivation
  • Tips for initiating open and supportive conversations about digital habits, mental health, and the importance of offline activities in maintaining motivation

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Log in or join the VIP membership today to view all SmartSocial.com resources!

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Superintendents, Directors and Principals: Request a partnership on this page to unlock our resources for your whole community.
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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!


Sharon M.

Parent VIP Member

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Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.


Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

Quotation marks

This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.


Irene C.

Educator Webinar Attendee

Learn more

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How screen time is making kids less motivated (and what parents can do about it)

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