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April 25, 2024



  • 亲身体验过这些平台拉力的学生的见解,他们分享了他们寻求平衡和重燃动力的旅程
  • 探讨视频应用程序为吸引青少年而采用的心理策略,以及如何赋予孩子应对这些影响的能力
  • 有关与屏幕建立健康关系、提高生产力和培养内在动机的实用建议
  • 发起关于数字习惯、心理健康以及线下活动对保持动力的重要性的公开和支持性对话的技巧


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沙龙 M.

家长 VIP 会员

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艾琳 C.


Full Live Event - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated (For Parents)

Teens live in a world dominated by digital devices. From the mesmerizing glow of smartphones to the immersive worlds of video games and social media platforms, screens have woven themselves seamlessly into the fabric of our daily existence. What impact does this screen time have on your teen’s motivation? We are diving into the relationship between screen time and motivation and providing practical strategies for navigating them. 

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide here

What is the connection between screen time and motivation?

  • Studies have found a connection between excessive screen time (especially entertainment-oriented screen time) and lower motivation in teens (Source: Emerging Investigators)
  • The average teen spends 7 hours and 22 minutes a day on screens outside of schoolwork (Source: Gitnux.org). That time may be impacting their motivation for offline activities
  • One of our student interns states that in the past, he was losing hours a day to social media. “Whenever I got up, I immediately checked Instagram and spent 3 or 4 hours on it without getting anything done, so it sucked me in.” (See Instagram App Guide 2024 video for more information)

What is emotional buffering? 

  • Emotional buffering is when we choose to do something in order to avoid negative feelings like stress or anger and one of the most common ways teens buffer is by reaching for their phone and getting on their favorite app
  • Buffering can allow students to “pause” their emotions just as they would if they watched an intense movie, felt overwhelmed, and then hit the pause button
  • Buffering isn’t always bad, because sometimes our brain needs a break, but too much emotional buffering can prevent us from doing the more important things in our life

How to balance screen time to improve motivation

Replace negative screen time with positive screen time

  • Teens can prevent screen time from impacting their motivation by using it more actively, such as learning a new skill like programming, graphic design, cooking, 3D printing, etc.
  • One of our student interns recommends, “tailoring your following page so it is full of inspiring things and things that make you happy” (Watch the full event replay for details)
  • Consume information that inspires you by listening to positive podcasts, watching YouTube videos that open your mind to something new, and following uplifting social media accounts

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth. 

Teens live in a world dominated by digital devices. From the mesmerizing glow of smartphones to the immersive worlds of video games and social media platforms, screens have woven themselves seamlessly into the fabric of our daily existence. What impact does this screen time have on your teen’s motivation? We are diving into the relationship between screen time and motivation and providing practical strategies for navigating them. 

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide here

What is the connection between screen time and motivation?

  • Studies have found a connection between excessive screen time (especially entertainment-oriented screen time) and lower motivation in teens (Source: Emerging Investigators)
  • The average teen spends 7 hours and 22 minutes a day on screens outside of schoolwork (Source: Gitnux.org). That time may be impacting their motivation for offline activities
  • One of our student interns states that in the past, he was losing hours a day to social media. “Whenever I got up, I immediately checked Instagram and spent 3 or 4 hours on it without getting anything done, so it sucked me in.” (See Instagram App Guide 2024 video for more information)

What is emotional buffering? 

  • Emotional buffering is when we choose to do something in order to avoid negative feelings like stress or anger and one of the most common ways teens buffer is by reaching for their phone and getting on their favorite app
  • Buffering can allow students to “pause” their emotions just as they would if they watched an intense movie, felt overwhelmed, and then hit the pause button
  • Buffering isn’t always bad, because sometimes our brain needs a break, but too much emotional buffering can prevent us from doing the more important things in our life

How to balance screen time to improve motivation

Replace negative screen time with positive screen time

  • Teens can prevent screen time from impacting their motivation by using it more actively, such as learning a new skill like programming, graphic design, cooking, 3D printing, etc.
  • One of our student interns recommends, “tailoring your following page so it is full of inspiring things and things that make you happy” (Watch the full event replay for details)
  • Consume information that inspires you by listening to positive podcasts, watching YouTube videos that open your mind to something new, and following uplifting social media accounts

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth. 

Full Live Event - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated (For Parents)

Understanding the Connection Between Screen Time and Motivation (For Students & Parents)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

There’s Life Beyond Devices

  • What offline things are important to you that you might miss out on if you spend too much of your time on screens?

Tracking Time

  • What are some practical ways you can keep track of how much time you spend online and set limits so you don’t overdo it?

What Games Can’t Fix

  • Why is it better sometimes to deal directly with something you’re worried about—or ask for help—than look for an escape like playing online games?

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

The Screen Calls

  • Why is it so easy to jump onto social media when you know you have other immediate goals you need to achieve? 

The Social Media Escape

  • Can you imagine a situation where a classmate might check into social media just to avoid a stressful situation?

Manage Your Screen Time

  • What are some ways you can monitor and limit your own screen time so it doesn’t take away from other priorities in your life?

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Why Escapes Don’t Work

  • What are some alternative coping strategies instead of going straight to social media to get your mind off a problem or stressful situation?

Getting the Job Done

  • How can you be more aware of when you might be using screen time to procrastinate? 

A Day to Focus

  • How do you think it would feel to avoid social media even for a day just to focus on meeting other goals?

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

There’s Life Beyond Devices

  • What offline things are important to you that you might miss out on if you spend too much of your time on screens?

Tracking Time

  • What are some practical ways you can keep track of how much time you spend online and set limits so you don’t overdo it?

What Games Can’t Fix

  • Why is it better sometimes to deal directly with something you’re worried about—or ask for help—than look for an escape like playing online games?

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

The Screen Calls

  • Why is it so easy to jump onto social media when you know you have other immediate goals you need to achieve? 

The Social Media Escape

  • Can you imagine a situation where a classmate might check into social media just to avoid a stressful situation?

Manage Your Screen Time

  • What are some ways you can monitor and limit your own screen time so it doesn’t take away from other priorities in your life?

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Why Escapes Don’t Work

  • What are some alternative coping strategies instead of going straight to social media to get your mind off a problem or stressful situation?

Getting the Job Done

  • How can you be more aware of when you might be using screen time to procrastinate? 

A Day to Focus

  • How do you think it would feel to avoid social media even for a day just to focus on meeting other goals?

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Understanding the Connection Between Screen Time and Motivation (For Students & Parents)

Balancing Screen Time to Improve Motivation (For Students & Parents)

Student Discussion Topics

  • Taking a Break from Screens
    • What are some things you really enjoy that you don’t want screen time or other distractions to take away from? 
  • Tips for Tuning Out
    • What tips in the video do you think would help you reduce your screen time? 
  • Managing Priorities
    • In what important area do you think you might be more productive if you spent less time on social media?


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Student Discussion Topics

  • Taking a Break from Screens
    • What are some things you really enjoy that you don’t want screen time or other distractions to take away from? 
  • Tips for Tuning Out
    • What tips in the video do you think would help you reduce your screen time? 
  • Managing Priorities
    • In what important area do you think you might be more productive if you spent less time on social media?


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Balancing Screen Time to Improve Motivation (For Students & Parents)

Using Screen Time in a Positive Way (For Students & Parents)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

An App for Everything

What are some topics or DIY advice you’ve learned from social media (or video apps like YouTube)? 

Curating Your Feed?

How much thought do you give to the people/groups/trends you follow on social media? 

No Topic Unexplored

What kinds of content have you been most surprised to find on video apps like YouTube or TikTok?


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

An App for Everything

What are some topics or DIY advice you’ve learned from social media (or video apps like YouTube)? 

Curating Your Feed?

How much thought do you give to the people/groups/trends you follow on social media? 

No Topic Unexplored

What kinds of content have you been most surprised to find on video apps like YouTube or TikTok?


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Using Screen Time in a Positive Way (For Students & Parents)

Tools and Strategies to Deal with Screen Time Addiction (For Students & Parents)

Student Discussion Topics

  • Where Did the Time Go?
    • If you use an app to keep track of how much time you spend on passive screen time, do you think you’ll be surprised by what you find out? 
  • Hard to Stop
    • Why is it hard to walk away from online activities, whether it’s scrolling through Instagram or playing a game like Fortnite?
  • How Much is Too Much?
    • What factors do you consider when deciding how much time you can afford to spend on passive screen time?


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Student Discussion Topics

  • Where Did the Time Go?
    • If you use an app to keep track of how much time you spend on passive screen time, do you think you’ll be surprised by what you find out? 
  • Hard to Stop
    • Why is it hard to walk away from online activities, whether it’s scrolling through Instagram or playing a game like Fortnite?
  • How Much is Too Much?
    • What factors do you consider when deciding how much time you can afford to spend on passive screen time?


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Tools and Strategies to Deal with Screen Time Addiction (For Students & Parents)

Helping Teens Manage Screen Time with a Family Media Agreement ( For Parents)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide here

Key takeaways: 

  • Setting healthy boundaries, including time limits, helps students avoid a wide number of problems associated with excessive screen time
  • A family media agreement not only establishes screen-time rules, it opens positive dialogue between kids and parents about what’s appropriate 
  • Families that create and follow media agreements experience less friction and have fewer arguments about screen time
  • A family media agreement should include all types of media, including videos and games as well as social media
  • Parents can download a free family media agreement here: https://smartsocial.com/post/social-media-agreement

Dialogue starters for parents

To initiate conversations with students (by age group)

Elementary School

Making Choices

  • What things do you do online (like watching videos or playing games) that you enjoy the most?

Middle School 

Where to Cut Back

  • What kinds of videos, games, or apps do you think you spend the most time on, and which do you think would be easiest to cut back on to reduce your overall screen time?

High School

Importance of Time Management

  • Given all the goals you have this year for school and other activities, how can you know if the amount of time you spend on social media might be too much? 

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide here

Key takeaways: 

  • Setting healthy boundaries, including time limits, helps students avoid a wide number of problems associated with excessive screen time
  • A family media agreement not only establishes screen-time rules, it opens positive dialogue between kids and parents about what’s appropriate 
  • Families that create and follow media agreements experience less friction and have fewer arguments about screen time
  • A family media agreement should include all types of media, including videos and games as well as social media
  • Parents can download a free family media agreement here: https://smartsocial.com/post/social-media-agreement

Dialogue starters for parents

To initiate conversations with students (by age group)

Elementary School

Making Choices

  • What things do you do online (like watching videos or playing games) that you enjoy the most?

Middle School 

Where to Cut Back

  • What kinds of videos, games, or apps do you think you spend the most time on, and which do you think would be easiest to cut back on to reduce your overall screen time?

High School

Importance of Time Management

  • Given all the goals you have this year for school and other activities, how can you know if the amount of time you spend on social media might be too much? 

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Many parents and educators are concerned about screen time's impact on a student’s motivation. We share that concern. Excessive screen time can impact a student’s motivation and cause many negative consequences. However, there are also many positive uses for screen time if students choose to cultivate a healthy relationship with screens and use it to support their personal growth.

Helping Teens Manage Screen Time with a Family Media Agreement ( For Parents)

Spanish Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated


Muchos padres y educadores están preocupados por el impacto del tiempo frente a la pantalla en la motivación de los estudiantes. Compartimos esa preocupación. El tiempo excesivo frente a la pantalla puede afectar la motivación de los estudiantes y causar muchas consecuencias negativas. Sin embargo, también hay muchos usos positivos para el tiempo frente a la pantalla si los estudiantes eligen cultivar una relación saludable con las pantallas y utilizarlas para apoyar su crecimiento personal.


Muchos padres y educadores están preocupados por el impacto del tiempo frente a la pantalla en la motivación de los estudiantes. Compartimos esa preocupación. El tiempo excesivo frente a la pantalla puede afectar la motivación de los estudiantes y causar muchas consecuencias negativas. Sin embargo, también hay muchos usos positivos para el tiempo frente a la pantalla si los estudiantes eligen cultivar una relación saludable con las pantallas y utilizarlas para apoyar su crecimiento personal.

Spanish Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Mandarin Chinese Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated





Mandarin Chinese Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Arabic Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

November 26, 2024


يشعر العديد من الآباء والمعلمين بالقلق إزاء تأثير وقت الشاشة على دافعية الطلاب. نحن نشاركهم هذا القلق. يمكن أن يؤثر وقت الشاشة المفرط على دافعية الطالب ويسبب العديد من العواقب السلبية. ومع ذلك، هناك أيضًا العديد من الاستخدامات الإيجابية لوقت الشاشة إذا اختار الطلاب تنمية علاقة صحية مع الشاشات واستخدامها لدعم نموهم الشخصي.


يشعر العديد من الآباء والمعلمين بالقلق إزاء تأثير وقت الشاشة على دافعية الطلاب. نحن نشاركهم هذا القلق. يمكن أن يؤثر وقت الشاشة المفرط على دافعية الطالب ويسبب العديد من العواقب السلبية. ومع ذلك، هناك أيضًا العديد من الاستخدامات الإيجابية لوقت الشاشة إذا اختار الطلاب تنمية علاقة صحية مع الشاشات واستخدامها لدعم نموهم الشخصي.

Arabic Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Ukrainian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

November 26, 2024


Багато батьків та освітян турбують вплив часу, проведеного за екранами, на мотивацію учнів. Ми поділяємо цю стурбованість. Надмірний час за екраном може впливати на мотивацію студентів та мати багато негативних наслідків. Проте, існують також багато позитивних застосувань часу за екраном, якщо студенти виберуть розвивати здорові відносини з екранами та використовувати їх для підтримки свого особистого росту.


Багато батьків та освітян турбують вплив часу, проведеного за екранами, на мотивацію учнів. Ми поділяємо цю стурбованість. Надмірний час за екраном може впливати на мотивацію студентів та мати багато негативних наслідків. Проте, існують також багато позитивних застосувань часу за екраном, якщо студенти виберуть розвивати здорові відносини з екранами та використовувати їх для підтримки свого особистого росту.

Ukrainian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

Russian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated

November 26, 2024


Многие родители и педагоги обеспокоены влиянием времени, проведенного за экранами, на мотивацию учащихся. Мы разделяем это беспокойство. Чрезмерное времяпровождение за экраном может повлиять на мотивацию студентов и привести к множеству негативных последствий. Однако существуют также множество положительных применений времени за экраном, если студенты выберут выработать здоровые отношения с экранами и использовать их для поддержки своего личного роста.


Многие родители и педагоги обеспокоены влиянием времени, проведенного за экранами, на мотивацию учащихся. Мы разделяем это беспокойство. Чрезмерное времяпровождение за экраном может повлиять на мотивацию студентов и привести к множеству негативных последствий. Однако существуют также множество положительных применений времени за экраном, если студенты выберут выработать здоровые отношения с экранами и использовать их для поддержки своего личного роста.

Russian Language Version - How Screen Time is Making Kids Less Motivated


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教育工作者和家长: 使用此学生工作表指导学生的反思和讨论。 (登录您的 Google 帐号并选择 “文件”--> “制作副本”)


  • 研究发现,过长的屏幕时间(尤其是以娱乐为导向的屏幕时间)与青少年的动机降低之间存在联系(来源)
  • 青少年平均每天在课余时间在屏幕上花费7小时22分钟(来源)。那段时间可能会影响他们进行线下活动的动机
  • 我们的一位学生实习生说:“每当我起床时,我都会立即查看Instagram,花了3到4个小时没有完成任何事情,所以它吸引了我”(查看完整活动视频了解更多信息)


  • 情绪缓冲是指我们选择做某事来避免压力或愤怒等负面情绪,而青少年最常见的缓冲方式之一是伸手去拿手机,使用自己喜欢的应用程序
  • 缓冲可以让学生 “暂停” 自己的情绪,就像他们看了一部激烈的电影,感到不知所措,然后按下暂停按钮一样
  • 缓冲并不总是坏事,因为有时候我们的大脑需要休息一下,但是过多的情感缓冲会阻止我们做生活中更重要的事情



  • 青少年可以通过更积极地使用屏幕时间来防止屏幕时间影响他们的动机,例如学习编程、平面设计、烹饪、3D 打印等新技能。
  • 我们的一位学生实习生建议,“量身定制你的关注页面,让它充满鼓舞人心和让你开心的事情”(请观看完整活动回放了解详情)
  • 通过收听正面播客、观看 YouTube 视频以开启你对新事物的看法以及关注令人振奋的社交媒体账户,来消费能激发你灵感的信息




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  • 亲身体验过这些平台拉力的学生的见解,他们分享了他们寻求平衡和重燃动力的旅程
  • 探讨视频应用程序为吸引青少年而采用的心理策略,以及如何赋予孩子应对这些影响的能力
  • 有关与屏幕建立健康关系、提高生产力和培养内在动机的实用建议
  • 发起关于数字习惯、心理健康以及线下活动对保持动力的重要性的公开和支持性对话的技巧


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沙龙 M.

家长 VIP 会员

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艾琳 C.


参加我们的 Next Live 家长问答活动(并赢取 5 美元的星巴克礼品卡)*

访问我们的 VIP 会员页面 观看我们最近活动的重播
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*仅适用于合作学区的家庭或个人付费 VIP 会员:要获得礼品卡,只需参加直播活动,参加活动,您的家人每年就有资格获得一张礼品卡(售完即止)。

Watch An On-Demand Replay Of Our Past Events

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赚取 5 美元的星巴克礼品卡,学习如何打击在线欺凌行为并确保孩子的上网安全

Register for this event

AI 助力学生取消成功了:提高工作效率和学员习得未成技能


*Only for families in partner school districts or individual paid VIP members: to receive a gift card, simply attend the live event, join in the activities, and your family will be eligible to earn one gift card per quarter (while supplies last).


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你好,我是 SmartSocial.com 的创始人乔什。参加我的 1 分钟测验来保护你的家人


参加 Josh 的 1 分钟测验
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学校和地区:和我们合作 保护您的在线社区


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Josh Ochs 共有 240 多集,采访了心理学家、治疗师、辅导员、教师和家长,同时向你展示了如何利用社交媒体,有朝一日能在网上大放异彩。
