430+ Teen Slang, Emojis, & Hashtags Parents Need to Know (The Ultimate List)
SmartSocial.com regularly updates this comprehensive list of teen slang, social media terms, popular acronyms, secret emoji meanings, and dangerous hashtags that parents and educators need to know.
Emoji Meanings
Popular Teen Slang
Dangerous Hashtags
Social Media Acronyms
Social Media Terms
Video Game Slang
55+ "Secret" Emoji Meanings
Emojis are pictograph characters approved and programmed into digital language coding by the Unicode Consortium. While they are programmed with "official" meanings, social use of the images often create "secret" or "hidden" messages. Learn more about the Unicode Consortium's process for emojis. Is SmartSocial.com missing a "secret" meaning? Click here to let us know!
Greatest of all time

Smirk Face
Can symbolize the person is being flirtatious, or trying to get something in a romantic manner

Squirt Gun
Is often used by teens to jokingly express extreme frustration, stress, or embarrassment, like saying "I can't deal with this" or "I'm done with this." It’s typically not meant to be taken literally but is used in a humorous or exaggerated way to convey how they feel in the moment

Can represent Ecstasy, especially when combined with other emojis like pills

Typically used to symbolize that someone is a "backstabber"
Smiling Face With Horns
In the mood to have a sexual encounter with someone
Can sometimes mean "I love you"
"Lit", "fire", or "sexy"
Woman Dancing
Expressing the desire to party hard
Kitchen Knife
Expression of being in a bad mood or wanting to cause destruction
Nail Polish
A response that indicates you’re not bothered about something someone said about you
Women With Bunny Ears
Can mean a girls' night out or as code for "sex worker"
Woman Tipping Hand
Used to express an exasperated “I don’t even know what to think anymore”
Eggplant or
Male genitalia. Often sent to illustrate the anticipation of a sexual encounter
Derogatory term to describe a young person who is easily offended or used to represent cocaine
Clapping Hands
When used in between every single word in a sentence, it represents a passive-aggressive way of emphasizing something that people can’t seem to understand
Water Closet
Woman crush
Fishing pole
Fishing for a compliment
Baseball cap
A lie or not true
Used to show something is funny
Fuel or Gas Pump
Something is "Fire" or "Gas"
Four Leaf Clover

Green Check Mark
Electric Plug
Represents a drug dealer
Dashing Away
Can indicate that someone is running so hard they leave a trail of smoke behind them or serves as a symbol for vaping
Love Hotel
Represents getting a tattoo
Has been reported that drug dealers use this to symbolize they have heroin for sale
Face With Steam From Nose
Has been reported that drug dealers use this to symbolize they have MDMA for sale
Maple Leaf
Can be used to symbolize cannabis or drugs in general
Has been reported that drug dealers use this to symbolize that their products have a high potency
Sweat Droplets
Represents an orgasm
Raised Fist followed by
Sweat Droplets
Represents masturbation
Can be used to request that someone send an explicit picture
Circus Tent
Represents an erection
Represents a male orgasm
Represents testicles
Represents breasts
Open Mailbox With Raised Flag
Can sometimes mean sex
Dizzy Face
Having just seen something x-rated
Woman Gesturing OK
Represents a female orgasm
Fingers pointing to each other
The user is feeling shy
Hand with a pencil
Reminder to take note or take the advice
Drooling Face
Response to someone being attractive
Face with Open Mouth + Dashing Away
Represents vaping or smoking


Loudly Crying Face
Something is really funny


Under 18
Something explicit

100 Points
Keeping it real or 100
170+ Popular Teen Slang
To grow up and act responsibly
All the ___
An exaggeration to show strong feelings, usually in a positive way
Group leader or main character
A mood
A relatable feeling or situation
Very excited
And I oop
When someone says something unexpected or provocative
Admiration or praise for one’s actions, fashion choices or performances
Short for “baby.” It’s used as a term of endearment for a significant other such as a girlfriend or boyfriend. As an acronym, it stands for “Before Anyone Else"
A non-complimentary way to say someone is only interested in trendy or popular things
To have a full face of makeup
Beige Flag
Behavior that goes against social norms but isn’t concerning
Agreeing with someone. A response when someone challenges you
Big Yikes
A more intense version of the word "yikes"
Shortened form of the word b*tch
Feeling fortunate
Body count
The number of people someone has slept with
A promiscuous female
Rich or acting rich
Leaving suddenly
Brat/Brat Summer
Admiring that someone can be themselves and not care what others think about them
Casual nickname for “bro”
The food you’re eating is very good
Refers to a person's buttocks or money
Cap or Cappin'
To lie about something
Caught in 4K
Someone is caught in an action with irrefutable evidence
A hyper-masculine and overtly sexual young man
Calm down, hang out
Virtual currency that can be used to buy awards for other users on sites like Reddit
Take extra time to a given task or action
Meaning crazy
Clap back
A comeback filled with attitude
Something that is awkward, embarrassing, or uncomfortable to witness
Dad or Daddy
An older, attractive male
Meaning “really good”
When someone is euphorically happy
Used when something is extremely funny or embarrassing
Synonym to delusional
A statement of self-awareness and confidence
A slang term that stands for "Dad I'd Like to F***" It's often used to describe an attractive dad
Down in the DM
Making plans using social media or texts for an oncoming sexual encounter
A virtual thumbs down which users are encouraged to use if they think the comment or post doesn’t contribute or is off-topic
Relationship with someone you met online
Eboy or Egirl
Active internet users, emo, punk-rock
Describes over the top or dramatic behavior
A nice way to acknowledge someone made a true statement
Closest friends
Being a fan of something, or a group of fans
To smooth things out
Finished my shampoo and conditioner at the same time
The person posting is expressing depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts
(Click here for tips on how to talk with your teen about suicide and depression.)
Means “going to” or “intend on” doing something
Finstagram or Finsta
A second Instagram account. Finstagrams are intimate spaces intended for an audience of friends, with the number of followers purposely kept low
Fire and Straight fire
Something is really good, cool, or amazing
The shortened version of outfit
To knowingly flaunt and show off
A joke
Action of praising an individual
Ghost or Ghosted
Ignoring someone on purpose
Girl Dinner
A dinner that’s not seen as a proper meal. It consists of many snacks/random foods for ex. pickles, raisins, and ramen
Girly pop
Female who is ultra-feminine, follows trends and has a bubbly personality
Being inspired, can also be used to express a subtle form of jealousy
Go Off
To encourage a choice, or to support a rant or ridiculous behavior that's already occurred
Dance move on social media
Meaning good or cool
A way to express admiration or surprise at someone's appearance
When you are angry because you are so hungry
A deep understanding of a topic being discussed
Heart Horny
Desiring a romantic connection
Anime pornography
The opposite of "low key" - meaning let everyone know
Hits different
When different circumstances cause something to be better than it normally is
Humble brag
When someone complains about their life while sneaking in a brag
Equivalent of friend but said with attitude
I had pasta tonight
The person posting is expressing depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts
(Click here for tips on how to talk with your teen about suicide and depression.)
I’m weak
Meaning that was funny
Internet friend
Used to describe someone on the internet who knows them better than anyone else in their life
Internet separation anxiety
It's giving
Describe appearance of vibe
It’s lit
Meaning it’s cool or awesome
Typically used to refer to an entitled mom, who can be a bit irritating with her frequent requests to "talk to the manager"
Key or Major Key
Meaning something that is essential or important
Left me on read
When someone opens your text or private message and doesn’t respond
A signature physical trait, or a specially and carefully constructed outfit or appearance
Describing when something's amazing, exciting, high-energy, or otherwise great. It can alternatively mean intoxicated or drunk
A warning that what they’re saying isn’t something they want everyone to know
Someone who is extremely attractive
The act of pressing one’s tongue to the roof of their mouth and simultaneously swallowing to create the illusion of a sharper and more pronounced jawline, rendering them unable to speak. Rather than vocalizing the term, mewing individuals will mime a shushing signal and drag a finger across their jawline to signal their mew-related silence
Average, mediocre, boring
A slang term that stands for "Mom I'd Like to F***" It's often used to describe an attractive Mom
The responsible friend
Moderator. Often volunteers or other users for popular chat sites
Used to express something that is relatable
When two social media users follow each other
Netflix ‘n Chill
To meet under the pretense of watching Netflix/TV together when actually planning to meet for “making out” or sex
Refers to someone who is "cool" on the internet
No cap
Telling the truth, the equivalent of saying "no lie"
Something that is said to affirm when someone is being put in their place
OK, boomer
Old, out of touch, resistant to change. Baby Boomer
On fleak
On point, nice
Popularized by the game Roblox, oof is the sound a character makes when it dies. It is typically used as a response when you don't really care but should say at least something
Opposition or someone against you
Out of pocket
Something is out of control
Describes when social media influencers have or encourage unhealthy relationships with their fans
Adding emphasis to a point that has been made
Snubbing someone to pay attention to your phone instead
Pull Up, Pulling Up, Pulled Up, Pullin' Up
Used to invite someone to meet you or that you have arrived to where they are
Typically used to describe an uncouth individual
Reality shifting/Lifa
People talk about projecting their consciousness into an alternate reality into fictional plots like Hogwarts or Twilight
Evidence of a person’s hypocrisy often pulled from past social media or text conversations
Short for charisma or one's ability to flirt/make a move on someone by using their “rizz”
Spending an extended period doing very little or engaging in activities that are unproductive or mindless
Rule 30
What has been seen cannot be unseen
Rule 34
Any topic can be made into pornographic content
To be bitter about something or someone
A response to things you have in common with someone, genuinely or sarcastically
Meaning it’s cool or awesome. To do or say something completely outrageous and not fear the repercussions or consequences of their actions
Say less
Say no more
Sending me
Exclamation of shock or an exaggerated reaction
Shade or Shading
A sneaky action toward someone or something. When you “throw shade,” you do the sneaky action
She's bad
Attractive or good looking female
Short for “relationship”
Wanting two people to date
Being confused or in utter disbelief
Sip tea
To mind your own business
If someone asks you what happened and you respond with "Sis," it means there's a whole lot of drama that unfolded and there's a whole lot more to the story. "Sis" can also be used as a term of endearment toward friends
To ejaculate
A filler word often interjected into random parts of a sentence
To leave a place
Strikes you as good
Meaning someone is succeeding
Sleep(ing) on
Ignoring something
Sliding into DMs
Using direct messaging to invite someone to "hook up"
To have casual sex
A way to describe an attractive individual
Meaning well-styled, good looking, or attractive
Sorry to this man
When you don't know who a person is (either because you genuinely don't know who they are or are pretending not to know them in a way to diminish their existence)
Spill the tea
To “spill” the gossip
Friend group. Squad is also an app
A combination of stalker and fan. The word can also be used to express tame support of a person or a cause
When someone is acting suspicious or shady
To avoid something
Extremely buff or physically fit
To be picked up by an automobile
Gossip or talking behind someone's back
That’s a choice
It’s your decision
That's on ____
Used to say that's the truth and we don't need to talk about it anymore
Looking good in your skin no matter your size or shape
Thirst trap
A flirtatious photograph or message posted on social media
Being desperate for attention or something else. Often used in place of "horny"
Throw shade
To give someone a nasty look or say something unpleasant about them
Touch grass
Someone should spend more time outdoors
Something absolutely unacceptable or terrible
Deliberately provoking, upsetting, or misleading people online for amusement
Hype for a party
A virtual thumbs up that users can utilize to show their approval for a post and help it get moved to the top of the site
Shortened form of very
Staying up all night like vampire, usually while using electronic devices such as phones, computers, or video games
Relaxing and having a good time
VSCO girl
Describes a type of picture/video posted through the VSCO app
To refer to something that is amazing
Wig snatched
Exposing someone to reveal the truth
Highly aware of social issues
An enthusiastic way of saying yes
A very strong word for yes
You're him/You're her
A complement to describe a confident successful person
A well-dressed, attractive man
14+ Dangerous Hashtags
#420: Pot/weed/drugs
#69: Oral sex position
#ana: Anorexia
#crow: Marijuana
#cu46: See you for sex
#deb: Depression
#ednos: "Eating disorder not otherwise specified"
#herb Weed or marijuana
#mia: Bulimia
#molly: MDMA or ecstasy
#pre-ing: Could refer to activities before planned drinking or drugs
#secretsociety123: Non-suicidal self harm
#sue: Suicide
#svv: Self-harming behavior
#thinsp or #thinspo: Thinspiration (content that "inspires" others to be thin)
#wired, #wavey, or #merked: Saying they are high or drunk
#WLW: Women love women
120+ Social Media Acronyms
1174: "Nude club"
1337 and L337: "Elite"
143: "I love you"
182: "I hate you"
420: "Marijuana"
459: "I love you"
8: "Oral sex"
ADR: "Address"
AEAP: "As Early As Possible"
AF: "As f***"
ALAP: "As Late As Possible"
AMA: “Ask me anything,” a Q&A style discussion with the author of a post
AMAA: "Ask me almost anything"
ADN: "Any Day Now"
ASLP: "Age/Sex/Location/Picture"
ASMR: "Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response" meaning something gave you chills
AUS: Ask us anything
Banana: "Penis"
BTO: "Bathroom time off"
CCW: “Comments and criticism welcome”
CD9: "Code 9" meaning parents are around
CMV: “Change my view”
DAE: “Does anybody else or does anyone else”
DM;HS: “Doesn’t matter; had sex”
DPW: "D*** pictures welcome"
DTF: "Down to f***"– which means I want to have sex OR I would like to join you in the plans you suggested. When used in question form it means, do you think he/she would sleep with me or do you think he/she would want to come with us?
DUM: "Do you masturbate?"
DUSL: "Do you scream loud?"
ELI5: "Explain like I'm 5 (years old)"
F2F: "Face-to-Face" meaning FaceTime
FB: "F*** buddy"
FBOI: "F*** boy" meaning a guy looking for sex
FIFY and FTFY: “Fixed It For You” and "Fixed that for you", respectively
FMLTWIA: "F*** me like the w**** I am"
FOL: "Fond of leather"
FOMO (Fear of Missing Out): FOMO is when a student (or adult) experiences anxiety that an exciting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often prompted by posts seen on social media
FR: "For real"
FWB: “Friends with benefits”
FWP: “First world problems”
FYP: "For you page"
GG: "Good game"
GGG: reference to the “Good Guy Greg” or “Good Girl Gina” meme
GIS: "Google Image Search"
GNRN: "Get Naked Right Now"
GOAT: “Greatest of all time!”
GNOC: “Get naked on camera"
GTFO: “Get the f**k out”
GTG: “Got to go”
GYPO: "Get your pants off"
HAK: "Hugs and kisses"
HIFW: “How I feel when”
HMB: “Hold my beer”
HMU: Hit me up
IAmA: "I am a.” This is the standard way to begin the title of an AMA (Ask me anything) post
IANAD: "I am not a doctor"
IANAL: "I am not a lawyer"
IAYM: "I am your master"
ICYMI: "In case you missed it"
IDC: I don't care
IDGAF: "I don’t give a f***" – which means I don’t care at all
IDK: I don't know
IF and IB: "In the front" or "In the back", respectively
IYKYK: "If you know you know"
IMO or IMHO: "In my opinion" and "In my humble/honest opinion"
IIRC: "If I recall correctly"
ILY and ILU: "I love you"
IRL: “In real life”
ISO: “In search of”
ITT: "In this thread"
IYKYK: "If you know you know" meaning an inside joke
JOMO: "Joy of missing out"
KMS: "Kill myself"
KPC: "Keeping Parents Clueless"
KYS: "Kill yourself"
LB: "Like back"
LMAO: "Laugh my a** off"
LMD: "Let me die"
LMIRL: "Let’s meet in real life"
LMP: "Like my pic"
LOL: “Laugh out loud”
LoL: “League of Legends”, a popular online game
MRW and MFW: "My reaction when" and "My face when", respectively
MOS: "Mom Over Shoulder"
NIFOC: “Naked in front of their computer”
NP: “No problem”
NSFL: "Not safe for life" (explicit and offensive; often gore)
NSFW: "Not safe for work" or inappropriate for minors
OAG: References the “Overly attached girlfriend” meme
OC: “Original content”, meaning the author of the post created the content shown or linked in the post or "Open crib", meaning no parents will be at home or at a gathering or party
OFC: "Of course"
OG: Meaning “original” or “original gangster”
OMFG: "Oh my f**king god"
OOTL: "Out of the loop"
OP: "Original poster" meaning the author of the post
P911: "Parent Alert"
PIR: "Parent In Room"
PMOYS: "Put me on your Snapchat"
POS: "Parents over shoulder"
PSA: "Public service announcement"
Pu: "Pull up"
ROTFLMAO: "Rolling on the floor laughing my as* off"
RT: "Retweet"
SALTS: "Smiled a little then stopped"
sksksk: The sound you make when you hit lots of keys at once on your keyboard
Skrt: To stop unexpectedly
SMDH: “Shaking my damn head”
SMH: “Shaking my head” or "that's so dumb"
SFS: "Shoutout for Shoutout"
SO: “Significant other”
STFU: "Shut the f**k up"
SU: "Swipe up/Shut up"
Sus: "Suspect" or "Suspicious"
T: Gossip or talking behind someone's back
TBH: “To be honest"
TDTM: “Talk dirty to me"
TFW: "That feeling when"
TIFU: “Today I f**ked up”
TIL: "Today I learned"
TL;DR: "Too long; Didn't read.” Sometimes used as a synonym for "summary"
V: "Very"
WIP: “Work in progress"
WTF: "What the f**k?"
WTH: "What the he**"
WTM: "What's the move?"
WUF: "Where you from?"
WYA: "Where you at?"
WYD: "What you doing?"
WYLL: "What you look like?"
YASS or YEET: A very strong way to say "yes"
YK: "You know"
YMMV: “Your mileage may vary”
YSK: "You should know"
40+ Social Media Terms
Brute-force attack
Repetitive successive attempts of trying various password combinations to break into someone else's website or account
When a person creates a fake identity on a social network, usually with the intention of deceiving a specific victim
A story on Instagram that is only shown to selected people
Internet content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page. Click-bait headlines typically aim to exploit the "curiosity gap", providing just enough information to make readers of news websites curious, but not enough to satisfy their curiosity without clicking through to the linked content
Blocks of text which get copy and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites, to the point of becoming spam
The fraudulent practice of adding unauthorized charges to a customer's phone bill
Any form of bullying that takes place using electronic devices. Cyberbullying is repeated and intentional harm towards someone online, on social media, or through texting
Dark web
A collection of websites that exist on an encrypted network and cannot be found by using traditional search engines or visited by using traditional browsers. The dark web is full of criminal activity
DM or PM
"Direct message" or "private message", respectively
Doxing or Doxxing
Publishing personal or identifying information about a particular individual online, typically with the intent to do harm
Facetune is a photo editing application used to edit, enhance, and retouch photos on a user’s iPhone, iPad or Android device. The app is often used for portrait and selfie editing. Features allow users to whiten teeth, remove blemishes, smooth skin, reshape, defocus and blur
In social media, a follow represents a user who chooses to see all of another user's posts in their content feed
Group Chat
A type of computer file that contains a still or moving image. GIF is the abbreviation for "Graphic Interchange Format"
When someone profusely compliments another person without resist, they are “glazing” this person
The action by a pedophile of preparing a child for a meeting, especially via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offense
When someone who doesn’t own the account gets the password illegally and takes control of the account, sometimes posting inappropriate content
A word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media websites and applications, to identify messages on a specific topic. Typically hashtags are searchable on the platform it was posted on
When someone is illegally pretending to be someone else through their social media accounts
A person with the ability to influence potential buyers of a product or service by promoting or recommending the items on social media
Like, comment, or repost
Spying on others online while remaining invisible
Software that is specifically designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to a computer system
An activity, concept, catchphrase, or piece of media that spreads, often as mimicry or for humorous purposes, from person to person via the Internet. A meme usually takes the form of an image, GIF, or video. It can also be just a word or phrase
The act of sending emails pretending to be from reputable companies in order to get individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers
An app where people can edit their photos to look better or how they want them to appear
Priv (Private Story)
Snapchat stories that are invite only
Private Groups
A separate area of social networks where only designated users can communicate with one another. Private groups are popular on Facebook
Ransomware is a type of malicious software that holds your personal digital data for ransom. Those affected by ransomware cannot gain access to their personal data without paying a fine. Most ransomware is disguised as a valid file to be downloaded or opened in an email
Malicious computer programs designed to trick a user into buying and downloading unnecessary and potentially dangerous software, such as fake antivirus protection
SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
A marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results
A self-portrait type image, typically taken with a smartphone which may be held in the hand or supported by a selfie stick
When people send photos of themselves to others, sometimes inappropriate images
When Snapchat friends send a message or photo to each other every day, they create a "snapstreak" or "streak"
Using electronic messaging systems to send an unsolicited message, email is the most common platform for spam but it can also be sent via text or on social media
When a person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data, to gain an illegitimate advantage
A form of malware that hides on your device, monitors your activity, and steals sensitive information like bank details and passwords
Typically used to describe a user who chooses to see all of another user's posts in their content feed on YouTube. Subscribe can be used on other social media networks but it's most commonly used when referring to YouTube
When someone makes a prank call to emergency services in an attempt to dispatch armed police officers to a particular address
Troll or Trolling
Deliberately using the internet to provoke others. Trolling isn't necessarily focused on insulting others or being rude, it's more about tricking people into believing you or playing pranks
40+ Video Game Slang Terms
Extra life in the game
"Away from keyboard"
Arena Mode
A player-controlled character is placed in a closed-off area and must attempt to defeat other players using their unique skills in the video game
Assault Mode
One team tries to attack (or capture) areas that are defended by the other team in the video game
The player’s character in the game world
Battle Pass
An in-game, tiered reward system to give players more options and extra items after playing the game or completing certain challenges. There are usually both free and paid video game options
Battle Royale
Individual players or teams enter a shrinking playing field and must search for weapons/shelter while battling until there is one player/team left in the video game. Currently one of the best video games in popularity
BM - Bad Manners
Player input that is disrespectful or unsportsmanlike in the video game
A computer-operated character in a video game that is harder to beat, often at the end of a level or a game
Campaign mode (Story mode)
A mode that tells a story and the player’s actions can affect which path the story takes from the original game
Hiding from other players in a game
Challenge mode
A level of play that requires the player to repeat a certain section or battle but with limited resources
Cooperative gameplay (co-op)
The gamers work together as a team to face computer-operated challenges
A computer-operated player in the video game
Cranking 90’s
A Fortnite term that refers to building a tower full of 90-degree turns
A gamer must try to kill as many other gamers as possible in a given time period of gameplay
E-Sports (Electronic Sports)
Organized, competitive gaming where gamers are usually rewarded with monetary prizes and recognition
Expansion Pack
A free or paid add-on or new content to a game that usually offers new characters, worlds, weapons, etc. where a game already takes place
FPS - First Person Shooter
A genre where the player experiences play from the view of their character, often down the scope of their weapon
F2P or FtP
Games that are "Free To Play"
Game Launcher
An application program for a PC that is used to launch games (example: Battle.net, Steam, or Epic Games Store)
When a player messes something up intentionally, similar to trolling
Completing many tasks to earn points (in general to work hard)
The amount of damage a player can take before being defeated
"In-App Purchase"
Kill-death Ratio (K/D ratio)
The number of times that you killed an opponent vs the number of times they killed you
When the game isn’t running smoothly due to wifi or bad connection
Loot box
Rewards to gamers for completing certain levels or tasks usually given on a random basis - may cost money
MOBA - Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
Teams of players have to defend their home base from enemies
In-game purchases where players can purchase virtual goods
Third part addition or change to a game
An update to the game limiting the power of a special weapon/power-up/ability
A newcomer/starter of playing the game
NPC - Non-player Character
A character that is controlled by the computer (also, CPU)
PC - Player Character
The character in the game that is controlled by the player
"Player vs Environment"
"Player vs Player"
PUG - Pick-up Group
A group of players that spontaneously join together to beat a common goal and then disband after completion
Rage Quit
When someone gets mad enough to get off the game
"Role-Playing Game"
"Real-Time Strategy"
A game where there is no true objective or goal, players have the ability to create, modify, or destroy their environment (Minecraft Creative Mode)
An add-on to a player’s avatar to change its appearance or weapons
The username/online name of the player