Social Media, Bullying, and Violence: What Can Parents Do?

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Social Media, Bullying, and Violence: What Can Parents Do?
Bullying, threats of violence, and destruction of school buildings, along with physical abuse to school personnel, have increased recently, thanks to social media challenges and fast-spreading social media posts.
Principals and teachers across the country are begging for parents’ help to get more involved in their student’s social media and decision-making skills to help stop these dangerous trends.
Parents must have ongoing conversations with their students about social media challenges and appropriate behavior expected in their family and help students learn how to say no to peer pressure, online or in person.
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What are social media challenges?
- Social media challenges encourage users to participate in specific activities and then share their videos or photos for others to see
- Some of the most recent popular social media challenges stem from TikTok but can be found on any popular social media app once the challenge goes viral
What is cyberbullying?
- Cyberbullying is any form of bullying that takes place using electronic devices
- Cyberbullying can quickly transfer from social media to in-person disagreements between students at the same school
Recent school violence and social media challenges in the news

San Francisco schools superintendent has gotten wind of a spinoff challenge of sorts – this one involving the assault of teachers. And he's ready for disciplinary action if need be…

There have been over 100 incidences of vandalism and theft in the last few weeks that have been linked to social media challenges.

‘Right now to them, it’s a joke,’ Douglas County Deputy Gabe Uribe said. ‘What’s concerning is that from being funny to committing a crime is a very thin line.’
What can parents do?
- Start tonight-don’t wait
- Encourage an open discussion with your student about what they have seen on social media, heard at school, or among friends about social media challenges
- If your student doesn’t want to talk, reassure them that you, or other trusted adults, are there to listen any time
- Ask your student if they feel threatened or teased at school or on social media and help them find trusted adults to talk to about their feelings and what to do
- Frequently look at your student’s social media feed and their posts WITH your student
- ~Remember, “Snaps” disappear after the user sees them once, so checking your student’s phone frequently and with the student (so they don’t miss seeing anything) is important
- ~If your student doesn’t have TikTok or Snapchat on their own device, it doesn’t mean your student is not seeing it shared on other social media they do have or on their friends’ accounts and devices
- As you are looking at your student’s social media feeds with them, ask them what they think about what they see
- Explain the serious criminal repercussions police and school officials will pursue if a student’s social media accounts are connected to threats, evidence, or obstruction of enforcement of violence, property destruction, or physical harm to others
- Talk about a plan with your student for when they do see or hear something that is pressuring them to participate in a dangerous social media challenge, or if they are being bullied and feel angry or upset
- ~Talk about ways to say no even if they are repeatedly asked by their peers, or are teased for walking away
- ~Help your student make a mental list of trusted adults whom they feel comfortable talking to at school or at home if their friends are pressuring them to partake in dangerous social media challenges
- Reassure your student that their true friends like them for who they are outside of social media, not because they posted something risky
- If students are not willing to talk or share with you at all, consider installing parental control software to help monitor their actions. Learn more about the different options here
- ~Caution: parental control software cannot replace parental involvement as no service is able to monitor 100% of social media
Parents: Learn more about social media dangers
Join the SmartSocial VIP (Very Informed Parent) membership to learn tips to keep your student safer online. With more than 30+ courses, you AND your student will better understand the dangers and ways to stay safer on the most popular social media apps
Schools: Consider adding a social media/anti-bullying tool
Give your students a way to report issues and concerns from their smartphones. Click here to learn about the SmartSocial Anti-Bullying & Incident Reporting Text Message Platform
More resources about peer pressure and bullying
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