How To Get Fired In One Tweet

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How To Get Fired In One Tweet
We caught up with Ricardo Kawasei, on the creator of the FireMe! website and asked him to share with us the idea behind the FireMe! and how hate Tweets can cause people get fired.
Ricardo was a PHD candidate to the L3S Research Center in Hannover, Germany and was studying “Contextualization On The Web.”
What is the FiredMe! app?
Ricardo built a really cool app, called FireMe!
The main goal of FireMe! is to raise awareness of how people leak information, private and sensitive information on the web. FireMe! is focused on these tweets that mention the work environment and the bosses. In the categories, you’ve got Haters, Horrible Bosses, Sexual Intercourse, and Potential Killer, which is funny but not funny. So you’re searching queries for the word “boss” and bad words?
The app has 13 set queries that fill these four categories.
The main thing we learned here is that people are, first of all, not aware of the audience they have. They never know when a tweet is going to escalate and may affect their real lives.
The second problem is that these users, they think they are anonymous on the web. They have no idea that they implicitly reveal their real identities and even their locations even though they don’t complete their real profiles. There are plenty of researches on the web field that prove that this is possible—to localize and identify users.
Twitter can give the location of the user based on IP, but even based on the social network of the users –who he’s following and who’s following him—then you’re able to identify the user.
However, they can get fired because of the one simple tweet.
How many people get fried from a Tweet?
Ricardo found 300 people who were listed on this app and sent a public mention, and that mention said something along the lines of “Are you sure want to tweet something negative about your job?”
After he sent these alert messages he checked their posts again after an hour and around five percent of the users deleted the tweet that mentioned their work and bosses.
Will knowing that "hate" Tweets can cause you get fired change your online behavior? Share with us your thoughts below.
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