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5 Ways to Recruit Yourself in the College Admission Process

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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!


Sharon M.

Parent VIP Member

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Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.


Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

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This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.


Irene C.

Educator Webinar Attendee

5 Ways to Recruit Yourself in the College Admission Process

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5 Ways to Recruit Yourself in the College Admission Process by Josh Ochs SmartSocial.com

The college admission process is pivoting to embrace technology in order to meet the needs of future students. Colleges want to find students who are diverse in character, talent, and overall potential, beyond the academic profile. Here’s how:

Don’t wait until your junior or senior year of high school to create a positive online profile

1. Create an online presence early

Don’t wait until your junior or senior year of high school to create a positive online profile. Usually passionate students are actively involved in organizations and clubs since middle school. Collect photos, video clips, and testimonials of your experiences that highlight your talent and interests as soon as your participation begins. There are plenty of online platforms to begin collecting and organizing your experiences.

College campuses are using social media campaigns to reach out to potential applicants.

2. Connect with the college community

College campuses are using social media campaigns to reach out to potential applicants. The big ones include Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. As a potential student, become active in these campaigns by adding comments and linking your profile when appropriate. In addition, don’t stop with the campaigns that the admission offices use. Go the extra step and investigate student college clubs and organizations, joining their social media activity as well.

If your college of choice offers webinar make sure to register.

3. Participate in admissions webinars

    Investigating college admission requirements and campus life has become easier with the use of webinars. If your college of choice offers webinar showcasing academic programs, student life, and/or the admission process, make sure to register. Avoid being a passive observer during the webinar by asking questions in the chat box and sharing experiences when asked. Remember that your intention joining the webinar is to be known.

4. Contact your regional admission counselor

    Almost every college has a designated admission counselor in charge of reviewing applications from your high school. Determine who that counselor is by talking to your school counselor, or searching the staff directory on the college admission website. Once you find the contact, find ways to connect and share your online profile with this person whether it’s through email or at a college recruitment event (just be sure to bring your iPad with online access).

5. Include your digital profile in the college application

    When you begin applying to college, include your LinkedIn profile and online portfolio

About our guest blogger: Sonja Montiel has served more than 15 years in the profession of college admissions. She founded College Confidence in 2002 to offer college admissions assistance and help students discover their sense of ownership in the admissions process.

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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!


Sharon M.

Parent VIP Member

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Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.


Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

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This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.


Irene C.

Educator Webinar Attendee

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Parent Strategies for Your Struggling Teen (Live Event)

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