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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.

دليل الآباء النهائي لسناب شات (2024)

.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذا المورد وشارك برامجنا مع منطقة مدرستك لإرسال هذه الموارد إلى مجتمعك بأكمله
أخبر منطقة مدرستك عن برنامجنا
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
شارك هذا المورد مع أحد الوالدين على . (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد مركز المشاركة)
نسخ رابط المشاركة
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذه البطاقة التجريبية. انقر فوق الزر لمشاركة الوصول مع القادة في منطقة مدرستك (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد) مركز المشاركة)
شارك بطاقتك التجريبية مع قادة المنطقة التعليمية

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
June 24, 2024

افتح هذا الدرس لمعرفة ما يمكنك القيام به للحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال على Snapchat

في هذا الدليل، سيتعلم الآباء والمعلمون:

  • لماذا يحظى Snapchat بشعبية كبيرة بين الطلاب
  • إيجابيات وسلبيات الطلاب الذين يستخدمون Snapchat
  • نصائح للحفاظ على سلامة الطلاب أثناء استخدام Snapchat

قم بتسجيل الدخول أو الانضمام إلى عضوية VIP اليوم لعرض جميع موارد SmartSocial.com حول Snapchat!

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
Quotation marks

هذه معلومات رائعة، شكرًا لإعطائي بعض الأفكار حول كيفية بدء حوار مع ابني المراهق!


شارون م.

عضو VIP ولي الأمر

Quotation marks

كان عرض جوش حول وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق. لقد تعلم طلابنا الكثير حول ما يجب على الأطفال فعله وما لا ينبغي عليهم فعله. حقيقة أنها عملية مدروسة جعلت كل شيء جديرًا بالاهتمام.


مدير الإرشاد الجامعي

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Quotation marks

تعد هذه الندوة عبر الويب مفيدة جدًا لفتح أعين الطلاب على التطبيقات الشائعة لدى طلابي.


إيرين سي.

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Full Replay - The Psychology of Snapchat (For Parents & Educators)

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teens, offering unique features like disappearing messages and fun filters that make it appealing to younger users. As with any social media app, Snapchat has its pros and cons that parents need to be aware of. While it can be a great way for teens to stay connected with friends and express their creativity, it also poses risks such as privacy concerns, exposure to inappropriate content, and an increased risk of cyberbullying. 

At SmartSocial.com, we understand the importance of helping parents navigate these challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of Snapchat for teens and provide practical tips on how parents can ensure their teens use the app safely and responsibly.

What is Snapchat?

  • Snapchat is a popular photo, video, audio, and live messaging app
  • The app is popular because of the private messaging feature that allows Snapchat users to send private video, audio, or photos to one another that “disappear” after being viewed
  • Posts made on the app are called “Snaps.” Snaps can be sent to a user’s Story, to their Snapchat friends in a one-on-one chat, or to a group chat
  • Snapchat is known for its filters which create effects over photos or videos. The most popular Snapchat filters change the user’s appearance 
  • Snapchat has built-in AI users can interact with via Chat, Snap, or calls. “My AI” can be renamed and customized by the user

What is Snapchat rated?

Why should parents care?

  • The app is very popular with students. 50% of US teens use Snapchat daily (Source: Pew Research)
  • Snapchat can be highly addictive, especially with the Snapstreaks feature that encourages users to Snap with their friends often
  • There are many reports of predators using Snapchat (and the Snap Map feature) to target and solicit minors in real-time and in person
  • Snapchat has been known as a place to find and sell drugs
  • Due to Snapchat saying that Snaps are temporary, many teens might post riskier content on Snapchat
  • The Spotlight feed can contain age inappropriate content for tweens and teens
  • The built-in AI chatbot uses content users share within Snapchat, including location, to formulate responses
  • Bullying can be prevalent with no way to prove who is involved with “disappearing” messages
  • Snapchat can create unrealistic image expectations with selfie filters and editing

What can parents & educators do?

  • Before giving your child access to an app, download it, spend some time using it, and determine if the app is safe for your family
  • Set up Family Center to see who your child is communicating with through the app (see below)
  • Walk through the app settings with your student to help them understand safety issues and long-term consequences of who sees what they are sharing
  • Consider having them turn off Location Sharing through their device so they will not be able to share their maps with “friends” or restrict their ability to share their location through native phone parental controls
  • Have regular discussions with your children about what they are seeing and who they are interacting with on Snapchat
  • Remind your children that their online activity (even Snapchat posts that disappear) can impact their reputation and others can screenshot their “disappearing posts” to save or share on other platforms
  • Create a Social Media Agreement with your teen to set guidelines and expectations around Snapchat use
  • Ensure your students that they can always talk with a trusted adult (like a parent,  teacher, or a school counselor) if they see something on Snapchat that makes them feel uncomfortable

How does Snapchat try to protect teens?

  • Teens are unable to communicate one-to-one with other Snapchat users that they are not already friends with through the app or have as a contact in their phone
  • Snapchat doesn’t allow teens to show up as suggested friends in others’ search results unless there are multiple mutual friends
  • Snapchat “uses strong proactive detection tools to find public accounts that try to market age-inappropriate content, and a new Strike System to more effectively crack down on these types of accounts” (Source: Snapchat)

What is Family Center?

  • Family Center is Snapchat’s version of parental controls
  • Parents must have their own Snapchat account and be friends with their child on Snapchat
  • From the Settings menu, scroll down to “Privacy Controls” and tap “Family Center”
  • Select the child (between age 13-18) to supervise and tap “Send Invitation.” The teen must accept the invitation in a direct chat from the child's account before parents will be able to set limits
  • Family Center will allow parents to
    • View Your Teen’s Friends
    • See Who They’re Chatting With (within the last 7 days)
    • Restrict Sensitive Content in Stories and Spotlight
    • Report Abuse
  • Messages and Snap content cannot be seen by parents

What is a Snapchat streak?

Snapstreak example
  • A Snapchat streak is when two people send photos/videos back and forth on Snapchat for more than two days 
  • Snapchat shows a small icon, of a flame or a small fire, next to someone's name when they are on a streak with you 
  • Streaks encourage students to keep up with each other and keep their streaks going
  • This feature gamifies the app for students and increases engagement for the app

‍Important Snapchat settings to know

How to turn off Snap Map

When Snap Map is activated, others can see your real-time location every time you check the app 

1: Tap on the map icon in the lower left corner

2: Tap the gear in the top right corner

3: Toggle “Ghost Mode” on

4: Tap “Until Turned Off”

If you must keep it on, make sure to only share with 2-3 close friends or family members

How to have fun and stay safe on Snapchat

  • Don’t talk to strangers - only accept friend requests when you are positive you know the person
  • NEVER send nude pictures - images never truly disappear!
  • Report bullying when you see it to help stop it
  • Be aware of how much time you actually use Snapchat
  • Set Snapchat time limits - consider when to keep it off completely and set your Apple Screen Time or Digital Wellbeing controls
  • Limit notifications to make Snapchat less distracting
  • Know who your trusted adults are to talk to if you feel uncomfortable from what you have seen on Snapchat

Should you block or unfriend a bully?

  • There is a difference on Snapchat in what other users can see based on whether you block them or unfriend them
  • Blocking another user makes it so they cannot see your publicly shared content‍
  • Unfriending a user means they can still see what you share publicly 

How to block another user

Note: If you or one of your Snapchat friend has been bullied by another user, save a photo of those messages BEFORE blocking the user

Tap on the user’s bitmoji

1: Tap the 3 dots in the top right

2: Tap “Manage Friendship”

3: Tap “Block” in the menu 

4: Tap “Block” to confirm

How to find and set Privacy Controls in Snapchat

Privacy settings

1: Open Snapchat, tap on your headshot/bitmoji in the top left, then tap on the gear in the top right

2: In Settings, scroll to “PRIVACY CONTROLS”

3: Set “Contact Me” to “Friends”

4: “See My Location” is another way to activate Ghost Mode for Snap Map

5: Tap on “See Me in Quick Add” to turn the feature off, so random people can’t follow you

Myth: Snaps disappear!

  • While a Snap may no longer show in your app after everyone has seen it (or it expired from your story), others may have taken a screen shot and shared the photo/video with others or on other social media apps
  • You do get a notice when someone uses their device’s screenshot to save your Snap, but you don’t know if someone has another device or camera and has taken a picture to share with others off Snapchat!

What is My Eyes Only?

  • “My Eyes Only” in Snapchat allows users to move Snaps and Stories so only the user can save them and see them with a passcode
  • Talk to your student about what they would want to save in “My Eyes Only” 
  • Remind students that there are easy ways to “hack” a passcode, so nothing is ever completely private online

How to check for “My Eyes Only”

From the Snapchat camera screen on your student’s device:

1: Swipe up from the middle of the screen

2: From the Memories screen, swipe left to get to the “My Eyes Only” tab‍

Examples of Snapchat dangers from the news

California judge rules Snap must face lawsuit over children's fentanyl purchases
A California state judge has ruled that Snap must face a lawsuit from families whose children allegedly used the Snapchat app to purchase fentanyl on the platform. - CBS News, Los Angeles
Very powerful technology: Snapchat's new AI bot raising privacy, addiction concerns for parents and teens
People looking to do harm can use AI technologies to impersonate trusted people, feed users propaganda or dangerous lies, and make users feel like their close friends are recommending they do something that will cost them a lot of money. - WKRN, Nashville, TN

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teens, offering unique features like disappearing messages and fun filters that make it appealing to younger users. As with any social media app, Snapchat has its pros and cons that parents need to be aware of. While it can be a great way for teens to stay connected with friends and express their creativity, it also poses risks such as privacy concerns, exposure to inappropriate content, and an increased risk of cyberbullying. 

At SmartSocial.com, we understand the importance of helping parents navigate these challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of Snapchat for teens and provide practical tips on how parents can ensure their teens use the app safely and responsibly.

What is Snapchat?

  • Snapchat is a popular photo, video, audio, and live messaging app
  • The app is popular because of the private messaging feature that allows Snapchat users to send private video, audio, or photos to one another that “disappear” after being viewed
  • Posts made on the app are called “Snaps.” Snaps can be sent to a user’s Story, to their Snapchat friends in a one-on-one chat, or to a group chat
  • Snapchat is known for its filters which create effects over photos or videos. The most popular Snapchat filters change the user’s appearance 
  • Snapchat has built-in AI users can interact with via Chat, Snap, or calls. “My AI” can be renamed and customized by the user

What is Snapchat rated?

Why should parents care?

  • The app is very popular with students. 50% of US teens use Snapchat daily (Source: Pew Research)
  • Snapchat can be highly addictive, especially with the Snapstreaks feature that encourages users to Snap with their friends often
  • There are many reports of predators using Snapchat (and the Snap Map feature) to target and solicit minors in real-time and in person
  • Snapchat has been known as a place to find and sell drugs
  • Due to Snapchat saying that Snaps are temporary, many teens might post riskier content on Snapchat
  • The Spotlight feed can contain age inappropriate content for tweens and teens
  • The built-in AI chatbot uses content users share within Snapchat, including location, to formulate responses
  • Bullying can be prevalent with no way to prove who is involved with “disappearing” messages
  • Snapchat can create unrealistic image expectations with selfie filters and editing

What can parents & educators do?

  • Before giving your child access to an app, download it, spend some time using it, and determine if the app is safe for your family
  • Set up Family Center to see who your child is communicating with through the app (see below)
  • Walk through the app settings with your student to help them understand safety issues and long-term consequences of who sees what they are sharing
  • Consider having them turn off Location Sharing through their device so they will not be able to share their maps with “friends” or restrict their ability to share their location through native phone parental controls
  • Have regular discussions with your children about what they are seeing and who they are interacting with on Snapchat
  • Remind your children that their online activity (even Snapchat posts that disappear) can impact their reputation and others can screenshot their “disappearing posts” to save or share on other platforms
  • Create a Social Media Agreement with your teen to set guidelines and expectations around Snapchat use
  • Ensure your students that they can always talk with a trusted adult (like a parent,  teacher, or a school counselor) if they see something on Snapchat that makes them feel uncomfortable

How does Snapchat try to protect teens?

  • Teens are unable to communicate one-to-one with other Snapchat users that they are not already friends with through the app or have as a contact in their phone
  • Snapchat doesn’t allow teens to show up as suggested friends in others’ search results unless there are multiple mutual friends
  • Snapchat “uses strong proactive detection tools to find public accounts that try to market age-inappropriate content, and a new Strike System to more effectively crack down on these types of accounts” (Source: Snapchat)

What is Family Center?

  • Family Center is Snapchat’s version of parental controls
  • Parents must have their own Snapchat account and be friends with their child on Snapchat
  • From the Settings menu, scroll down to “Privacy Controls” and tap “Family Center”
  • Select the child (between age 13-18) to supervise and tap “Send Invitation.” The teen must accept the invitation in a direct chat from the child's account before parents will be able to set limits
  • Family Center will allow parents to
    • View Your Teen’s Friends
    • See Who They’re Chatting With (within the last 7 days)
    • Restrict Sensitive Content in Stories and Spotlight
    • Report Abuse
  • Messages and Snap content cannot be seen by parents

What is a Snapchat streak?

Snapstreak example
  • A Snapchat streak is when two people send photos/videos back and forth on Snapchat for more than two days 
  • Snapchat shows a small icon, of a flame or a small fire, next to someone's name when they are on a streak with you 
  • Streaks encourage students to keep up with each other and keep their streaks going
  • This feature gamifies the app for students and increases engagement for the app

‍Important Snapchat settings to know

How to turn off Snap Map

When Snap Map is activated, others can see your real-time location every time you check the app 

1: Tap on the map icon in the lower left corner

2: Tap the gear in the top right corner

3: Toggle “Ghost Mode” on

4: Tap “Until Turned Off”

If you must keep it on, make sure to only share with 2-3 close friends or family members

How to have fun and stay safe on Snapchat

  • Don’t talk to strangers - only accept friend requests when you are positive you know the person
  • NEVER send nude pictures - images never truly disappear!
  • Report bullying when you see it to help stop it
  • Be aware of how much time you actually use Snapchat
  • Set Snapchat time limits - consider when to keep it off completely and set your Apple Screen Time or Digital Wellbeing controls
  • Limit notifications to make Snapchat less distracting
  • Know who your trusted adults are to talk to if you feel uncomfortable from what you have seen on Snapchat

Should you block or unfriend a bully?

  • There is a difference on Snapchat in what other users can see based on whether you block them or unfriend them
  • Blocking another user makes it so they cannot see your publicly shared content‍
  • Unfriending a user means they can still see what you share publicly 

How to block another user

Note: If you or one of your Snapchat friend has been bullied by another user, save a photo of those messages BEFORE blocking the user

Tap on the user’s bitmoji

1: Tap the 3 dots in the top right

2: Tap “Manage Friendship”

3: Tap “Block” in the menu 

4: Tap “Block” to confirm

How to find and set Privacy Controls in Snapchat

Privacy settings

1: Open Snapchat, tap on your headshot/bitmoji in the top left, then tap on the gear in the top right

2: In Settings, scroll to “PRIVACY CONTROLS”

3: Set “Contact Me” to “Friends”

4: “See My Location” is another way to activate Ghost Mode for Snap Map

5: Tap on “See Me in Quick Add” to turn the feature off, so random people can’t follow you

Myth: Snaps disappear!

  • While a Snap may no longer show in your app after everyone has seen it (or it expired from your story), others may have taken a screen shot and shared the photo/video with others or on other social media apps
  • You do get a notice when someone uses their device’s screenshot to save your Snap, but you don’t know if someone has another device or camera and has taken a picture to share with others off Snapchat!

What is My Eyes Only?

  • “My Eyes Only” in Snapchat allows users to move Snaps and Stories so only the user can save them and see them with a passcode
  • Talk to your student about what they would want to save in “My Eyes Only” 
  • Remind students that there are easy ways to “hack” a passcode, so nothing is ever completely private online

How to check for “My Eyes Only”

From the Snapchat camera screen on your student’s device:

1: Swipe up from the middle of the screen

2: From the Memories screen, swipe left to get to the “My Eyes Only” tab‍

Examples of Snapchat dangers from the news

California judge rules Snap must face lawsuit over children's fentanyl purchases
A California state judge has ruled that Snap must face a lawsuit from families whose children allegedly used the Snapchat app to purchase fentanyl on the platform. - CBS News, Los Angeles
Very powerful technology: Snapchat's new AI bot raising privacy, addiction concerns for parents and teens
People looking to do harm can use AI technologies to impersonate trusted people, feed users propaganda or dangerous lies, and make users feel like their close friends are recommending they do something that will cost them a lot of money. - WKRN, Nashville, TN

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Full Replay - The Psychology of Snapchat (For Parents & Educators)

What Students Think of Snapchat (For Students, Parents & Educators)

Student Discussion Topics

  • Snapchat Positives
    • What are some productive or engaging ways you use Snapchat?
  • How Much Is Too Much?
    • Have you ever noticed friends or other students using Snapchat or other apps compulsively? 
  • Is Snapchat Safe?
    • What are some ways students might misuse Snapchat or let down their guard too much on the app?


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Student Discussion Topics

  • Snapchat Positives
    • What are some productive or engaging ways you use Snapchat?
  • How Much Is Too Much?
    • Have you ever noticed friends or other students using Snapchat or other apps compulsively? 
  • Is Snapchat Safe?
    • What are some ways students might misuse Snapchat or let down their guard too much on the app?


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

What Students Think of Snapchat (For Students, Parents & Educators)

Navigating Snapchat (For Students and Parents)

November 26, 2024

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Navigating Snapchat (For Students and Parents)

Snapchat Parental Controls (For Parents & Educators)

November 26, 2024

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Snapchat Parental Controls (For Parents & Educators)

Quick Tips for Snapchat (For Parents & Educators)

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Quick Tips for Snapchat (For Parents & Educators)

Parents Guide to Snapchat (For Parents & Educators)

November 26, 2024

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

More Snapchat resources for parents, students, & educators

The Impact of Screen Time on Motivation

Sneaky Ways TikTok, Reels, & Shorts Are Pulling Kids In and Making Them Numb

Instagram App Guide: What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Negative Effects of Snapchat for Teens


While Snapchat offers teens a fun and creative way to communicate with friends, it also presents significant risks that parents must address. By understanding both the pros and cons of the app, parents can better guide their teens in using Snapchat responsibly. Encouraging open conversations about online behavior, setting clear usage guidelines, and monitoring activity can help mitigate potential dangers.

Parents Guide to Snapchat (For Parents & Educators)

دليل الآباء النهائي لسناب شات (2024)

.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذا المورد وشارك برامجنا مع منطقة مدرستك لإرسال هذه الموارد إلى مجتمعك بأكمله
أخبر منطقة مدرستك عن برنامجنا
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
شارك هذا المورد مع أحد الوالدين على . (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد مركز المشاركة)
نسخ رابط المشاركة
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذه البطاقة التجريبية. انقر فوق الزر لمشاركة الوصول مع القادة في منطقة مدرستك (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد) مركز المشاركة)
شارك بطاقتك التجريبية مع قادة المنطقة التعليمية
.، الآن هي فرصتك لكسب 10 نقاط مقابل بطاقة هدايا ستاربكس بقيمة 5 دولارات من خلال إخبارنا بما تعلمته في هذا المورد!
للحصول على بطاقة الهدايا الخاصة بك، يرجى أن تكون محددًا وأن تكتب جملة كاملة تساعدنا على معرفة ما أعجبك في الموضوع. تستخدم مؤسستنا غير الربحية هذه المعلومات لتحسين برنامجنا.

40 characters remaining to reach minimum

تم استلام طلبك! لديك الآن نقاط إضافية مضافة إلى حسابك.

إذا كنت في حدث مباشر، فيرجى التعليق «لقد ملأت النموذج!» في مربع دردشة الحدث المباشر!

وإلا فأنت حر في التجول في الموقع.
-جوش وفريق سمارت سوشيال
عفوًا! حدث خطأ ما أثناء إرسال النموذج.

Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teens, offering unique features like disappearing messages and fun filters that make it appealing to younger users. As with any social media app, Snapchat has its pros and cons that parents need to be aware of. While it can be a great way for teens to stay connected with friends and express their creativity, it also poses risks such as privacy concerns, exposure to inappropriate content, and an increased risk of cyberbullying. 

At SmartSocial.com, we understand the importance of helping parents navigate these challenges. In this guide, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of Snapchat for teens and provide practical tips on how parents can ensure their teens use the app safely and responsibly.

What is Snapchat?

  • Snapchat is a popular photo, video, audio, and live messaging app
  • The app is popular because of the private messaging feature that allows users to send private video, audio, or photos to one another that “disappear” after being viewed
  • Posts made on the app are called “Snaps.” Snaps can be sent to a user’s Story, to their friends in one-on-one chats, or to group chats
  • Snapchat is known for its filters which create effects over photos or videos. The most popular filters change the user’s appearance 
  • 60% of US teens use Snapchat (Source: Pew Research)
  • Snapchat has built-in AI users can interact with via Chat, Snap, or calls. “My AI” can be renamed and customized by the user

What is Snapchat rated?

Why should parents care?

  • The app is very popular with students. 50% of US teens use Snapchat daily (Source: Pew Research)
  • Snapchat can be highly addictive, especially with the Snapstreaks feature that encourages users to Snap with their friends often 
  • There are many reports of predators using Snapchat (and the Snap Map feature) to target and solicit minors in real-time and in person
  • Snapchat has been known as a place to find and sell drugs
  • Due to Snapchat saying that Snaps are temporary, many teens might post riskier content on Snapchat
  • Content in the Spotlight feed can be inappropriate for tweens and teens
  • The built-in AI chatbot uses content users share within Snapchat, including location, to formulate responses
  • Bullying can be prevalent with no way to prove who is involved with “disappearing” messages
  • Snapchat can create unrealistic image expectations with selfie filters and editing

What can parents & educators do?

  • Before giving your child access to an app, download it, spend some time using it, and determine if the app is safe for your family
  • Set up Family Center to see who your child is communicating with through the app (see below)
  • Walk through the app settings with your student to help them understand safety issues and long-term consequences of who sees what they are sharing
  • Consider having them turn off Location Sharing through their device so they will not be able to share their maps with “friends” or restrict their ability to share their location through native phone parental controls
  • Have regular discussions with your children about what they are seeing and who they are interacting with on Snapchat
  • Remind your children that their online activity (even Snapchat posts that disappear) can impact their reputation and others can screenshot their “disappearing posts” to save or share on other platforms
  • Create a Social Media Agreement with your teen to set guidelines and expectations around Snapchat use
  • Ensure your students that they can always talk with a trusted adult (like a parent,  teacher, or a school counselor) if they see something on Snapchat that makes them feel uncomfortable

How does Snapchat try to protect teens?

  • Teens are unable to communicate one-to-one with other users that they are not already friends with through the app or have as a contact in their phone
  • Snapchat doesn’t allow teens to show up as suggested friends in others’ search results unless there are multiple mutual friends
  • Snapchat “uses strong proactive detection tools to find public accounts that try to market age-inappropriate content, and a new Strike System to more effectively crack down on these types of accounts” (Source:  Snapchat)

What is Family Center?

  • Family Center is Snapchat’s version of parental controls
  • Parents must have their own Snapchat account and be friends with their child on Snapchat
  • From the Settings menu, scroll down to “Privacy Controls” and tap “Family Center”
  • Select the child (between age 13-18) to supervise and tap “Send Invitation.” The teen must accept the invitation in a direct chat before parents will be able to set limits
  • Family Center will allow parents to:some text
    • View Your Teen’s Friends
    • See Who They’re Talking To (within the last 7 days)
    • Restrict Sensitive Content in Stories and Spotlight
    • Report Abuse
  • Messages and Snap content cannot be seen by parents

What is a Snapchat streak?

Snapstreak example
  • A Snapchat streak is when two people send photos/videos back and forth on Snapchat for more than two days 
  • Snapchat shows a small icon, of a flame or a small fire, next to someone's name when they are on a streak with you 
  • Streaks encourage students to keep up with each other and keep their streaks going
  • This feature gamifies the app for students and increases engagement for the app

‍Important Snapchat settings to know

How to turn off Snap Map

When Snap Map is activated, others can see your real-time location every time you check the app 

1: Tap on the map icon in the lower left corner

2: Tap the gear in the top right corner

3: Toggle “Ghost Mode” on

4: Tap “Until Turned Off”

If you must keep it on, make sure to only share with 2-3 close friends or family members

How to have fun and stay safe on Snapchat

  • Don’t talk to strangers - only accept friend requests when you are positive you know the person
  • NEVER send nude pictures - images never truly disappear!
  • Report bullying when you see it to help stop it
  • Be aware of how much time you actually use Snapchat
  • Set Snapchat time limits - consider when to keep it off completely and set your Apple Screen Time or Digital Wellbeing controls
  • Limit notifications to make Snapchat less distracting
  • Know who your trusted adults are to talk to if you feel uncomfortable from what you have seen on Snapchat

Should you block or unfriend a bully?

  • There is a difference on Snapchat in what other users can see based on whether you Block them or unfriend them‍
  • Blocking another user makes it so they cannot see your publicly shared content‍
  • Unfriending a user means they can still see what you share publicly 

كيفية حظر مستخدم آخر

ملاحظة: إذا تعرضت أنت أو صديقك للتنمر من قبل مستخدم آخر، فاحفظ صورة لتلك الرسائل قبل حظر المستخدم

اضغط على bitmoji الخاص بالمستخدم

1: اضغط على النقاط الثلاث في الجزء العلوي الأيمن

2: انقر على «إدارة الصداقة»

3: اضغط على «حظر» في القائمة

3: انقر على «حظر» للتأكيد

كيفية العثور على عناصر التحكم في الخصوصية وتعيينها في Snapchat

إعدادات الخصوصية

1: افتح Snapchat، وانقر على لقطة الرأس/bitmoji في الجزء العلوي الأيسر، ثم انقر على العتاد في الجزء العلوي الأيمن

2: في الإعدادات، انتقل إلى «عناصر التحكم في الخصوصية...»

3: قم بتعيين «اتصل بي» إلى «الأصدقاء»

4: «انظر موقعي» هي طريقة أخرى لتنشيط وضع Ghost لـ Snap Map

5: انقر على «See Me in Quick Add» لإيقاف تشغيل الميزة، حتى لا يتمكن الأشخاص العشوائيون من متابعتك

الخرافة: تختفي الطقات!

  • على الرغم من أن Snap قد لا يظهر في تطبيقك بعد أن يراه الجميع (أو انتهت صلاحيته من قصتك)، فقد يكون الآخرون قد التقطوا لقطة شاشة وشاركوا الصورة/الفيديو
  • تتلقى إشعارًا عندما يستخدم شخص ما لقطة شاشة جهازه لحفظ Snap، لكنك لا تعرف ما إذا كان لدى شخص ما جهاز أو كاميرا أخرى وقد التقط صورة لمشاركتها مع الآخرين خارج Snapchat!

ما هي عيني فقط؟

  • يتيح تطبيق «My Eyes Only» في Snapchat للمستخدمين نقل Snaps and Stories بحيث يمكن للمستخدم فقط حفظها ورؤيتها برمز مرور
  • تحدث إلى الطالب حول ما يريد حفظه في «My Eyes Only»
  • ذكّر الطلاب بأن هناك طرقًا سهلة «لاختراق» رمز المرور، لذلك لا يوجد شيء خاص تمامًا عبر الإنترنت!

كيفية التحقق من «عيني فقط»

من شاشة كاميرا Snapchat على جهاز الطالب الخاص بك:

1: اسحب لأعلى من منتصف الشاشة

2: من شاشة الذكريات، مرر لليسار للوصول إلى علامة التبويب «عيني فقط» ‍

أمثلة على مخاطر Snapchat من الأخبار

California judge rules Snap must face lawsuit over children's fentanyl purchases
حكم قاضي ولاية كاليفورنيا بأن Snap يجب أن يواجه دعوى قضائية من العائلات التي يُزعم أن أطفالها استخدموا تطبيق Snapchat لشراء الفنتانيل على المنصة. - أخبار سي بي إس، لوس أنجلوس
Very powerful technology: Snapchat's new AI bot raising privacy, addiction concerns for parents and teens
يمكن للأشخاص الذين يتطلعون إلى إلحاق الضرر استخدام تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي لانتحال شخصية الأشخاص الموثوق بهم، وتغذية المستخدمين بالدعاية أو الأكاذيب الخطيرة، وجعل المستخدمين يشعرون بأن أصدقائهم المقربين يوصون بالقيام بشيء سيكلفهم الكثير من المال. - البالي، ناشفيل، تينيسي

المزيد من موارد Snapchat لأولياء الأمور والطلاب والمعلمين

تأثير وقت الشاشة على التحفيز

الطرق المخادعة التي تجذب بها تيك توك والبكرات والسراويل القصيرة الأطفال وتجعلهم يشعرون بالخدر

دليل تطبيق Instagram: ما يحتاج الآباء والمعلمون والطلاب إلى معرفته

الآثار السلبية لـ Snapchat للمراهقين


بينما يوفر Snapchat للمراهقين طريقة ممتعة ومبتكرة للتواصل مع الأصدقاء، فإنه يمثل أيضًا مخاطر كبيرة يجب على الآباء معالجتها. من خلال فهم كل من إيجابيات وسلبيات التطبيق، يمكن للوالدين توجيه أبنائهم المراهقين بشكل أفضل في استخدام Snapchat بمسؤولية. يمكن أن يساعد تشجيع المحادثات المفتوحة حول السلوك عبر الإنترنت، ووضع إرشادات استخدام واضحة، ومراقبة النشاط في التخفيف من المخاطر المحتملة.

المناطق التعليمية: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.

افتح هذا الدرس لمعرفة ما يمكنك القيام به للحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال على Snapchat

في هذا الدليل، سيتعلم الآباء والمعلمون:

  • لماذا يحظى Snapchat بشعبية كبيرة بين الطلاب
  • إيجابيات وسلبيات الطلاب الذين يستخدمون Snapchat
  • نصائح للحفاظ على سلامة الطلاب أثناء استخدام Snapchat

قم بتسجيل الدخول أو الانضمام إلى عضوية VIP اليوم لعرض جميع موارد SmartSocial.com حول Snapchat!

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
Quotation marks

هذه معلومات رائعة، شكرًا لإعطائي بعض الأفكار حول كيفية بدء حوار مع ابني المراهق!


شارون م.

عضو VIP ولي الأمر

Quotation marks

كان عرض جوش حول وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق. لقد تعلم طلابنا الكثير حول ما يجب على الأطفال فعله وما لا ينبغي عليهم فعله. حقيقة أنها عملية مدروسة جعلت كل شيء جديرًا بالاهتمام.


مدير الإرشاد الجامعي

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Quotation marks

تعد هذه الندوة عبر الويب مفيدة جدًا لفتح أعين الطلاب على التطبيقات الشائعة لدى طلابي.


إيرين سي.

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

تعرف على المزيد

لون ليبسوم من لوريم يناسب النخبة المكرّسة والمخلصة. قم بتعليق العديد من العناصر في العنصر الثلاثي الخاص بك. دوران، أريد أن أعيش من جديد، لن يكون هناك أي ألم مؤقت، ولكن يمكنني الحصول على حياة حرة. حبوب منع الحمل ليست مجرد سلسلة من الدهون غير المؤذية. الآن يجب أن تكون سيرتك الذاتية محفوفة بالمخاطر.

انضم إلى أحداث الأسئلة والأجوبة المباشرة التالية للوالدين (واكسب بطاقة هدايا ستاربكس بقيمة 5 دولارات) *

قم بالتسجيل
سجل لهذا الحدث

Avoiding Strangers & Dangerous Situations: Help Your Child Stay Safe Online (Live Session #1)

Learn the dangers of students talking with strangers online, how to recognize the red flags, and a practical approach to help your child stay safe and happy online.

* فقط للعائلات في المناطق التعليمية الشريكة أو أعضاء VIP الفرديين المدفوعين: للحصول على بطاقة هدايا، ما عليك سوى حضور الحدث المباشر والانضمام إلى الأنشطة وستكون عائلتك مؤهلة لكسب بطاقة هدايا واحدة سنويًا (حتى نفاد الإمدادات).

كن والدًا مطلعًا جدًا (VIP) للحصول على اقتراحاتنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في بريدك الإلكتروني كل ثلاثاء وخميس.

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سيساعدك هذا الاختبار على فهم مدى أمان عائلتك.

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المدارس والمناطق: كن شريكًا معنا لحماية مجتمعك عبر الإنترنت

تُعلم عروضنا التقديمية عن بُعد (وموقعنا الإلكتروني) أكثر من مليون طالب كل عام كيفية التألق عبر الإنترنت. نحن نعلم الطلاب كيف يمكن استخدام حساباتهم لإنشاء مجموعة من الإنجازات الإيجابية التي تثير إعجاب الكليات وأرباب العمل.

كن شريكًا مع سمارتسوشيال. كوم
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من خلال أكثر من 240 حلقة، يُجري جوش أوش مقابلات مع علماء النفس والمعالجين والمستشارين والمعلمين وأولياء الأمور بينما يوضح لك كيفية التنقل عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للتألق على الإنترنت يومًا ما.

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