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Balancing Screen Time on Instagram (For Students & Parents)

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Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

Having it both ways

  •  What are some ways you can enjoy Instagram while making sure it doesn’t interfere with the time needed for schoolwork and other activities? 

Setting priorities

  • What are some things you could be doing that are more important to you if you spent less time on Instagram (if you use it) or screens in general?

What do you want to see?

  • If you can pick and choose what pictures/news/ videos show up on social media sites, what kinds of things would you enjoy seeing?

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Where did the time go?

  • Have you ever walked away from Instagram feeling like you’ve lost valuable time you needed to get schoolwork and other things done? 

How much is too much?

  • What are some warning signs a person might be overdoing it with the amount of time they spend on social media? 

Comparison crushers

  • How can students avoid falling into the trap of comparing themselves unkindly to others based on the posts they see?

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Time tracking

  • What strategies if any do you use to balance time spent on social media with other priorities? 

Making the most of Instagram

  • How many accounts do you think you follow that you don’t really care about?

Uplifting others on Instagram

  • Can you think of ways you could tweak your own posts to make them uplifting for others who follow you?

Additional Instagram resources


Instagram can have a positive impact on your student’s digital footprint, as long as they are using it responsibly. Parents should have conversations with their students about appropriate behavior in the app and monitor their student’s Instagram accounts and who they are in direct communication with.