TikTok Bad Word Bathroom Challenge: What Parents Need to Know

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TikTok Bad Word Bathroom Challenge: What Parents Need to Know

The Bad Word Bathroom Challenge is currently gaining traction on TikTok, encouraging parents to record their children as they freely express themselves using inappropriate language in the bathroom. Some view this challenge as a positive way for their children to vent in a safe space, but there are concerns that should be considered before participating in this challenge.
What is the Bad Word Bathroom Challenge?
- The Bad Word Bathroom Challenge is a popular trending TikTok challenge among parents where they leave their toddler or child alone in the bathroom and give them permission to say any bad word they want—all while recording
- Some parents on TikTok say this challenge is the perfect outlet for their kids who want to experiment with saying bad words and let out all the bad words they want
- The #BadWordBathroomChallenge is also known as the #BathroomOnlySwearingChallenge or the #BathroomCursingChallenge
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Top concerns of the Bad Word Bathroom Challenge

- This challenge may encourage children to say bad words and receive positive reinforcement from it because they are being recorded and praised for their potty mouths
- Including your kids on social media, especially with viral hashtags can lead to exploitation, violation of their privacy, and security risks
- Posting videos of your child online leaves a permanent mark on their digital footprint. The Bad Word Bathroom Challenge may not be how they want to be represented in the future
- Posting images and videos of your child online may lead to distorted self-esteem that is based on likes and shares and make them feel like their worth is linked to their popularity on social media. It may also cause kids to be angry at their parents in the future for posting videos online that they did not consent to
What can parents do?

- Posting videos of children online may potentially cause problems for the children in the future so careful consideration should be taken before posting on behalf of someone who is too young to give consent
- Recording your child and letting them know it is okay to say bad words is reinforcing them to do it again. SmartSocial recommends parents avoid participating in this challenge
- Children are most likely learning these curse words from their social circle or adult influences. Consider reevaluating the language they are exposed to, have conversations about appropriate language, and create a plan to ensure they are exposed to language you are okay with your child repeating
- Dialogue with your child to let them know what language is okay to use in the home and set an example as the parent by only using appropriate language around your kids
Bad Word Bathroom Challenge in the News

We noticed our daughter had picked up on some inappropriate language for her age, one mom told The Post. The TikTok video provided an opportunity to have an open conversation about appropriate language and behavior, reinforcing the importance of respectful communication and awareness. - NY Post

Setting your child up in front of a camera and getting them to swear next to a sink or toilet may get you brief notoriety or five minutes of fame on social media with some shares and comments, but it is a sad indication of where we are. - 9now
While the Bad Word Bathroom Challenge might seem like a novel way to address the curiosity around your child using bad words, it raises significant concerns about reinforcing negative behaviors and digital footprint. Parents on social media may initially be curious about trying the Challenge but it is important to consider the immediate and long-term negative effects participating in this challenge could have on your family and child. By focusing on positive language, setting clear boundaries, and leading by example, parents can guide their children towards understanding the impact of their words and actions.
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