Mojiit App Guide for Parents

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Mojiit App Guide for Parents
The Mojiit app is a social network where users create and share animated avatars using augmented reality.
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What is the Mojiit app?
- The Mojiit app is a social network where users create and share animated avatars using augmented reality
- Using their phone’s camera, users take videos of themselves which turn into an avatar
- Users create, dress, and style their avatars
- Using their avatar, users communicate with their friends on the app
- Users record messages that track their voice and facial movements and send those messages to friends
- Different animations can be used for avatars
- The 3D avatar mimics the user’s voice and movements
- Augmented reality is used to place the avatar in real places around the world
Why should parents care?
- The Mojiit app is in the top 50 most popular social media apps list in the App Store
- Since the app is new, most parents might not have heard about it yet
- Some teens who don’t like the Snapchat update are using the Mojiit app instead
- Mojiit uses geolocation and encourages users to go to certain locations nearby
- Geolocation features can be very dangerous for teens and tweens because strangers nearby can find the student’s exact location
- Vendors use emojis on the app to sell physical products, some students may not be aware that some emojis are advertisements
- Some users report having trouble getting in contact with the developers when they experience issues on the app
Mojiit app in the news
[Mojiit] has previously said Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was also involved with the project, but Wozniak has since denied the connection saying conflicts ruled out even an advisory position. –CNBC
[Steve] Wozniak declined to be involved with Mojiit the day after meeting with [the Founder], but Mojiit nonetheless put out a press release on Aug. 16 announcing the advisorship. –Yahoo Finance
What users are saying about the Mojiit app
I have not been able to use this app! Please have developers fix this quirky mix soon. I sent an email but no one has gotten back to me!
Revolutionary! Consider Snapchat dead after downloading this app!!
Really like the concept of the app. Definitely better than Snapchat and Bitmoji.
Source: iTunes
What can parents do?
- Teach your student about the dangers of geolocation features on apps
- Remind your student to never meet strangers in person who they met online
- Instruct your student to ask for permission before downloading new apps
- When you’re ready for your student to be online, work with them to use apps that positively impact their digital footprint. Check out our Parent App Guide page and consider using the apps in our Green Zone (and be on all apps your kids are using)
- Before giving your teen access to a device, create a Family Cell Phone Safety Contract
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