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الذكاء الاصطناعي لنجاح الطلاب: الإنتاجية وتعلم مهارات المستقبل

.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذا المورد وشارك برامجنا مع منطقة مدرستك لإرسال هذه الموارد إلى مجتمعك بأكمله
أخبر منطقة مدرستك عن برنامجنا
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
شارك هذا المورد مع أحد الوالدين على . (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد مركز المشاركة)
نسخ رابط المشاركة
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذه البطاقة التجريبية. انقر فوق الزر لمشاركة الوصول مع القادة في منطقة مدرستك (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد) مركز المشاركة)
شارك بطاقتك التجريبية مع قادة المنطقة التعليمية

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
August 12, 2024

افتح هذا الدرس لمعرفة ما يمكنك القيام به للحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال على الذكاء الاصطناعي

في هذا الدليل، سيتعلم الآباء والمعلمون:

  • كيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي مساعدة الطلاب على زيادة الإنتاجية
  • لماذا يجب أن يهتم الآباء بالذكاء الاصطناعي
  • نصائح للحفاظ على سلامة الطلاب وصدقهم أثناء استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي

قم بتسجيل الدخول أو الانضمام إلى عضوية VIP اليوم لعرض جميع موارد SmartSocial.com حول الذكاء الاصطناعي!

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
Quotation marks

هذه معلومات رائعة، شكرًا لإعطائي بعض الأفكار حول كيفية بدء حوار مع ابني المراهق!


شارون م.

عضو VIP ولي الأمر

Quotation marks

كان عرض جوش حول وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق. لقد تعلم طلابنا الكثير حول ما يجب على الأطفال فعله وما لا ينبغي عليهم فعله. حقيقة أنها عملية مدروسة جعلت كل شيء جديرًا بالاهتمام.


مدير الإرشاد الجامعي

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Quotation marks

تعد هذه الندوة عبر الويب مفيدة جدًا لفتح أعين الطلاب على التطبيقات الشائعة لدى طلابي.


إيرين سي.

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Full Event Replay - AI for Student Success with Melvin J. Brown, Ed.D. and Phil Edwards

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Today’s world is changing fast and artificial intelligence (AI) is a massive part of that. New AI tools have many parents and educators concerned, but when used appropriately, these tools can help students increase their productivity and provide a more personalized education. National AI usage has drastically increased over the last 12 months and is only likely to continue to grow. It is important that parents and students learn to use these tools in ways that support education (Source: CNBC).

This guide will explore ways ChatGPT and other AI tools can be used to improve time management, make study time more efficient, and help students get the help they need with an on-demand AI tutor.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Why should students learn how to use AI tools?

  • AI tools are being incorporated into more applications, including tools that students will need to use for school and future careers
  • Many career fields will require strong AI skills as job descriptions change to match current technologies
  • AI shouldn’t be used to cheat but it can be a study assistant to enhance learning and productivity. In many cases AI doesn’t give the answer without teaching how it was found
  • Teachers are beginning to recognize the role that AI tools and tools that incorporate AI can have in supporting the learning process. Many are beginning to use these tools more often in the classroom and allowing their use to support additional learning outside of the classroom

The Three Major AI Tools


  • ChatGPT is owned by openai.com and is the original AI tool
  • It can access the web in most circumstances
  • It has the ability to create images


  • Gemini is owned by Google and is quickly gaining popularity
  • It has full access to the web
  • Gemini has limited image creation ability


  • Claude is owned by Anthropic and may currently be one of the best AI tools when it comes to reasoning skills
  • It does not have any image creation ability
  • It does not have any internet access

AI Tools That Enhance Learning & Improve Study Skills

  • Grammarly - Grammarly uses AI to spot mistakes and give suggestions to make a student’s writing even better, helping them learn finer writing mechanics
  • Notion AI - Notion AI is a powerful note-taking tool that uses the ChatGPT API to help summarize notes and brainstorm ideas
  • Speechify - Speechify uses AI to convert textbooks, notes, and websites into audio, making studying easier for auditory learners
  • Quizlet - Quizlet utilizes AI to tailor flashcards and study sets, helping students master topics at their own pace
  • Khan Academy- Khanmigo allows students to ask questions about lessons as they go and get help with concepts they are struggling with
  • Duolingo - Duolingo employs AI to customize language lessons, adapting to each student's pace and progress

Prompts to Use ChatGPT as a Tutor

  • “I don’t understand this math problem [include the problem]. How do I work through the problem to find the right answer?”
  • “Explain to me why [historical event] was important.”
  • “I found the answer to this problem [include problem], but I don’t understand how I got it. Please explain.”
  • “Explain this problem to me in 4 different ways so I can see different ways to solve it.”
  • "Summarize the life of ___ in 50 words or less."
  • "Explain ____ to me like I am 5 years old."
  • "Compare and contrast [event in history, places, people]."
  • "What themes are in [this book]?"
  • "What steps do I need to take to solve this math problem: [insert math problem]?"
  • "Discuss the cause of [this event in history]."
  • "How does [this science concept] work in real life?"

Ways to Use AI Tools to Help Prioritize Your Time & Be More Efficient

  • Use the following prompt when you are overwhelmed with school assignments:
    “I have the following assignments [include assignments, estimated length of time, and due dates]. Please help me create the most efficient plan to finish them over [time period]”
  • AI time-tracking tools can be used to help you determine where your time is being spent so you can make changes to be more efficient
  • Use AI tools to automate tasks such as scheduling, organization, and more
  • AI tools can help students proofread their work while teaching them ways to improve their writing  
  • Students can use AI to summarize notes taken during class so they can pull out the most critical information

What Do Experts Say About AI Tools?

Monica Burns - Ed Tech Consultant

If you are working side by side with your child at home and you don't know the answer to a question, or you're not quite sure how to explain something, AI tools can definitely come in handy.  As a family you might come across things that you're just not quite sure how to explain or need a step-by-step guide or process on how to do something, so you can have ChatGPT generate an explanation. You can put qualifications in your prompt to say, "Give me a simple explanation” or “Give me an explanation for my third grader who hasn't had experience with this before”.

Jamie Lewsadder - Associate Superintendent of Technology Services, La Canada Unified

“There's this large fear about cheating. I would argue that cheating existed before ChatGPT. Yes, this is a shortcut tool for kids. But when I interviewed them and asked them about what they liked about it,  they said things like, ‘it's faster than Google’, ‘I have a tutor now’, and ‘I can get answers when my teacher isn't available.’ So there are things that kids are seeing, not as a way to cheat, because these are students that want to do their best as learners.  So we have to separate it. It's not just a tool for cheating. It's a tool that can enable a lot of really positive growth.”

Dan Carsen - 7th Grade English Teacher

"Using AI to brainstorm early in the process—that's probably safer; the earlier in the process, the better. I worry, however, about kids who are not confident in their writing. They're more likely to be like, 'Oh, this is what the computer spat back, and it looks really good. I'm going to maybe change one or two words.' To me, that's not creative. If you're really struggling for ideas, if your teacher gives you a prompt on the motivation of a certain character in a book that you have actually read, but you have no idea what the teacher is asking you, sure, I think it's okay to look at a computer-generated response to that. The only way to handle these admittedly very gray areas right now is through constant communication. As long as that communication is clear, AI-generated text can be useful in an early stage in all these processes."

More resources for parents, students, & educators


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Today’s world is changing fast and artificial intelligence (AI) is a massive part of that. New AI tools have many parents and educators concerned, but when used appropriately, these tools can help students increase their productivity and provide a more personalized education. National AI usage has drastically increased over the last 12 months and is only likely to continue to grow. It is important that parents and students learn to use these tools in ways that support education (Source: CNBC).

This guide will explore ways ChatGPT and other AI tools can be used to improve time management, make study time more efficient, and help students get the help they need with an on-demand AI tutor.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Why should students learn how to use AI tools?

  • AI tools are being incorporated into more applications, including tools that students will need to use for school and future careers
  • Many career fields will require strong AI skills as job descriptions change to match current technologies
  • AI shouldn’t be used to cheat but it can be a study assistant to enhance learning and productivity. In many cases AI doesn’t give the answer without teaching how it was found
  • Teachers are beginning to recognize the role that AI tools and tools that incorporate AI can have in supporting the learning process. Many are beginning to use these tools more often in the classroom and allowing their use to support additional learning outside of the classroom

The Three Major AI Tools


  • ChatGPT is owned by openai.com and is the original AI tool
  • It can access the web in most circumstances
  • It has the ability to create images


  • Gemini is owned by Google and is quickly gaining popularity
  • It has full access to the web
  • Gemini has limited image creation ability


  • Claude is owned by Anthropic and may currently be one of the best AI tools when it comes to reasoning skills
  • It does not have any image creation ability
  • It does not have any internet access

AI Tools That Enhance Learning & Improve Study Skills

  • Grammarly - Grammarly uses AI to spot mistakes and give suggestions to make a student’s writing even better, helping them learn finer writing mechanics
  • Notion AI - Notion AI is a powerful note-taking tool that uses the ChatGPT API to help summarize notes and brainstorm ideas
  • Speechify - Speechify uses AI to convert textbooks, notes, and websites into audio, making studying easier for auditory learners
  • Quizlet - Quizlet utilizes AI to tailor flashcards and study sets, helping students master topics at their own pace
  • Khan Academy- Khanmigo allows students to ask questions about lessons as they go and get help with concepts they are struggling with
  • Duolingo - Duolingo employs AI to customize language lessons, adapting to each student's pace and progress

Prompts to Use ChatGPT as a Tutor

  • “I don’t understand this math problem [include the problem]. How do I work through the problem to find the right answer?”
  • “Explain to me why [historical event] was important.”
  • “I found the answer to this problem [include problem], but I don’t understand how I got it. Please explain.”
  • “Explain this problem to me in 4 different ways so I can see different ways to solve it.”
  • "Summarize the life of ___ in 50 words or less."
  • "Explain ____ to me like I am 5 years old."
  • "Compare and contrast [event in history, places, people]."
  • "What themes are in [this book]?"
  • "What steps do I need to take to solve this math problem: [insert math problem]?"
  • "Discuss the cause of [this event in history]."
  • "How does [this science concept] work in real life?"

Ways to Use AI Tools to Help Prioritize Your Time & Be More Efficient

  • Use the following prompt when you are overwhelmed with school assignments:
    “I have the following assignments [include assignments, estimated length of time, and due dates]. Please help me create the most efficient plan to finish them over [time period]”
  • AI time-tracking tools can be used to help you determine where your time is being spent so you can make changes to be more efficient
  • Use AI tools to automate tasks such as scheduling, organization, and more
  • AI tools can help students proofread their work while teaching them ways to improve their writing  
  • Students can use AI to summarize notes taken during class so they can pull out the most critical information

What Do Experts Say About AI Tools?

Monica Burns - Ed Tech Consultant

If you are working side by side with your child at home and you don't know the answer to a question, or you're not quite sure how to explain something, AI tools can definitely come in handy.  As a family you might come across things that you're just not quite sure how to explain or need a step-by-step guide or process on how to do something, so you can have ChatGPT generate an explanation. You can put qualifications in your prompt to say, "Give me a simple explanation” or “Give me an explanation for my third grader who hasn't had experience with this before”.

Jamie Lewsadder - Associate Superintendent of Technology Services, La Canada Unified

“There's this large fear about cheating. I would argue that cheating existed before ChatGPT. Yes, this is a shortcut tool for kids. But when I interviewed them and asked them about what they liked about it,  they said things like, ‘it's faster than Google’, ‘I have a tutor now’, and ‘I can get answers when my teacher isn't available.’ So there are things that kids are seeing, not as a way to cheat, because these are students that want to do their best as learners.  So we have to separate it. It's not just a tool for cheating. It's a tool that can enable a lot of really positive growth.”

Dan Carsen - 7th Grade English Teacher

"Using AI to brainstorm early in the process—that's probably safer; the earlier in the process, the better. I worry, however, about kids who are not confident in their writing. They're more likely to be like, 'Oh, this is what the computer spat back, and it looks really good. I'm going to maybe change one or two words.' To me, that's not creative. If you're really struggling for ideas, if your teacher gives you a prompt on the motivation of a certain character in a book that you have actually read, but you have no idea what the teacher is asking you, sure, I think it's okay to look at a computer-generated response to that. The only way to handle these admittedly very gray areas right now is through constant communication. As long as that communication is clear, AI-generated text can be useful in an early stage in all these processes."

More resources for parents, students, & educators


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Full Event Replay - AI for Student Success with Melvin J. Brown, Ed.D. and Phil Edwards

Using AI in the Early Stages of Writing (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Knowing What’s Okay
What have your teachers told you about what they do or don’t allow when it comes to using AI for writing assignments?

Igniting Creativity
How can you take AI-generated responses to writing prompts and use them as a springboard for your writing instead of a substitute for using your own creativity?

Walking the Line
How would you know if you’re using AI when writing in a way that it undermines your own creativity?

Looking Elsewhere for Ideas
What are some alternative ways you can find ideas for writing assignments without using AI if your teacher discourages it?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Knowing What’s Okay
What have your teachers told you about what they do or don’t allow when it comes to using AI for writing assignments?

Igniting Creativity
How can you take AI-generated responses to writing prompts and use them as a springboard for your writing instead of a substitute for using your own creativity?

Walking the Line
How would you know if you’re using AI when writing in a way that it undermines your own creativity?

Looking Elsewhere for Ideas
What are some alternative ways you can find ideas for writing assignments without using AI if your teacher discourages it?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Using AI in the Early Stages of Writing (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

How to Turn off Photo Access to Meta AI (For Parents)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Prying Eyes
Why is it a good idea, in general, not to keep photos you’d never want anyone to see stored on your device?

Privacy vs. Progress?
How comfortable are you with Meta AI accessing your personal photos to help improve the technology?

I’m Not Meta’s Guinea Pig
Why would you want to prevent Meta AI (or other AI technologies) from accessing your private photos?

Knowing Your Options
Why or why not would you decide to turn off photo access to Meta AI?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Prying Eyes
Why is it a good idea, in general, not to keep photos you’d never want anyone to see stored on your device?

Privacy vs. Progress?
How comfortable are you with Meta AI accessing your personal photos to help improve the technology?

I’m Not Meta’s Guinea Pig
Why would you want to prevent Meta AI (or other AI technologies) from accessing your private photos?

Knowing Your Options
Why or why not would you decide to turn off photo access to Meta AI?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

How to Turn off Photo Access to Meta AI (For Parents)

Google Gemini: Your Free AI Companion (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Creative Questions
What is the most bizarre fact you’d like to know that you could ask Gemini?

Your Personal, 24/7 Tutor
Say you’re studying for a quiz. How could you use Gemini to help you learn and memorize information?

Learning on the Go
What topics would you like to learn more about during your spare time, like if you’re out jogging or riding in the car?

Fact-checking Gemini
How can you check Gemini’s answers against reliable sources when looking for important information?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Creative Questions
What is the most bizarre fact you’d like to know that you could ask Gemini?

Your Personal, 24/7 Tutor
Say you’re studying for a quiz. How could you use Gemini to help you learn and memorize information?

Learning on the Go
What topics would you like to learn more about during your spare time, like if you’re out jogging or riding in the car?

Fact-checking Gemini
How can you check Gemini’s answers against reliable sources when looking for important information?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Google Gemini: Your Free AI Companion (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

ChatGPT as a Tutor (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

What Does This Mean?
If you’re struggling to understand a difficult concept, how could you use ChatGPT to make the information more accessible?

Aiming for Mastery
If ChatGPT provides you with a helpful, alternate explanation for something you’re struggling to understand, how can you take it a step further to ensure you understand it at the level your teacher expects?

Ethical AI Use
What’s the difference between using an AI Chatbot to help you study and using it to cheat?

When in Doubt, Ask
What is your school’s policy on using AI when writing papers or doing other schoolwork?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

What Does This Mean?
If you’re struggling to understand a difficult concept, how could you use ChatGPT to make the information more accessible?

Aiming for Mastery
If ChatGPT provides you with a helpful, alternate explanation for something you’re struggling to understand, how can you take it a step further to ensure you understand it at the level your teacher expects?

Ethical AI Use
What’s the difference between using an AI Chatbot to help you study and using it to cheat?

When in Doubt, Ask
What is your school’s policy on using AI when writing papers or doing other schoolwork?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

ChatGPT as a Tutor (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

using screen time in a positive way

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

AI and Creativity
How could using AI chatbots when writing change the creative process?

Getting Unstuck
Can you think of a specific type of writing assignment where using ChatGPT would be particularly helpful?

That’s Close, but…
How can asking ChatGPT to help brainstorm be helpful even if you don’t end up using the suggestions it presents?

A Tool, Not a Crutch
How do you find the fine line between using AI tools to help with writing and using these tools to avoid doing work that’s your own?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

AI and Creativity
How could using AI chatbots when writing change the creative process?

Getting Unstuck
Can you think of a specific type of writing assignment where using ChatGPT would be particularly helpful?

That’s Close, but…
How can asking ChatGPT to help brainstorm be helpful even if you don’t end up using the suggestions it presents?

A Tool, Not a Crutch
How do you find the fine line between using AI tools to help with writing and using these tools to avoid doing work that’s your own?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

using screen time in a positive way

Dangers Parents Should Know About AI Companions (For Parents)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Fake Friends?
I’ve heard some kids are creating their own AI-generated friends. What do you think would motivate someone to create an AI-generated person and spend time communicating with it?

Programmed to Please
What might make an AI “friend” an easy go-to for conversation and a sense of communication?

Unhealthy Distractions
How could a chatbot “friend” become a distraction from real-life activities or even school?

Nothing like the Real Thing
Why do you think an AI-generated friend might be a poor substitute for cultivating and enjoying real friendships?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Fake Friends?
I’ve heard some kids are creating their own AI-generated friends. What do you think would motivate someone to create an AI-generated person and spend time communicating with it?

Programmed to Please
What might make an AI “friend” an easy go-to for conversation and a sense of communication?

Unhealthy Distractions
How could a chatbot “friend” become a distraction from real-life activities or even school?

Nothing like the Real Thing
Why do you think an AI-generated friend might be a poor substitute for cultivating and enjoying real friendships?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Dangers Parents Should Know About AI Companions (For Parents)

5 Things Not to Share with AI Tools (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

What’s the Harm?
Why would you want to protect personal information from AI?

Aside from the 5 things mentioned in the video, what other private or identifying details might you want to avoid entering into an AI chatbot?

How Your Photos Are Used
Can you tell me specific reasons you wouldn’t want to share personal photos with Meta AI?

Spare the Details
How can you work around sharing personal information like your name, number, school name, etc. on an AI platform like ChatGPT?


AI is improving all the time with tools like ChatGPT that can help users be more productive, master difficult concepts, and explore new topics. However, students should be careful about disclosing personal information or photos when using AI, because it’s hard to control where that information ends up.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

What’s the Harm?
Why would you want to protect personal information from AI?

Aside from the 5 things mentioned in the video, what other private or identifying details might you want to avoid entering into an AI chatbot?

How Your Photos Are Used
Can you tell me specific reasons you wouldn’t want to share personal photos with Meta AI?

Spare the Details
How can you work around sharing personal information like your name, number, school name, etc. on an AI platform like ChatGPT?


AI is improving all the time with tools like ChatGPT that can help users be more productive, master difficult concepts, and explore new topics. However, students should be careful about disclosing personal information or photos when using AI, because it’s hard to control where that information ends up.

5 Things Not to Share with AI Tools (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Students Explain AI/ChatGPT (For Students, Parents & Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Best Practices
Name an example of a positive way to use ChatGPT in schoolwork.

Asking the Right Questions
When using AI, how can refining your prompts help you learn better than if you just accepted the first answer it gives?

Keeping Learning Top of Mind
How could AI inhibit learning rather than enhance it if used the wrong way?

How can you interact with a tool like ChatGPT to get better answers or a better understanding of a topic than it initially provides?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Best Practices
Name an example of a positive way to use ChatGPT in schoolwork.

Asking the Right Questions
When using AI, how can refining your prompts help you learn better than if you just accepted the first answer it gives?

Keeping Learning Top of Mind
How could AI inhibit learning rather than enhance it if used the wrong way?

How can you interact with a tool like ChatGPT to get better answers or a better understanding of a topic than it initially provides?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Students Explain AI/ChatGPT (For Students, Parents & Educators)

Turning ChatGPT into a Tutor and Learning Assistant (For Students, Parents & Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Identifying Uses
What are some subjects where you think AI tools such as ChatGPT could help you learn?

24/7 Homework Hotline
How would you compare using ChatGPT to getting help from a tutor?

Prompt Engineering
If ChatGPT isn’t giving you the answers you need, how can you tweak your prompts to get more relevant results?

What are the best ways to confirm the information ChatGPT gives you is correct?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Identifying Uses
What are some subjects where you think AI tools such as ChatGPT could help you learn?

24/7 Homework Hotline
How would you compare using ChatGPT to getting help from a tutor?

Prompt Engineering
If ChatGPT isn’t giving you the answers you need, how can you tweak your prompts to get more relevant results?

What are the best ways to confirm the information ChatGPT gives you is correct?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Turning ChatGPT into a Tutor and Learning Assistant (For Students, Parents & Educators)

How to Use AI to Increase Productivity (For Students, Parents & Educators)

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Scared of AI?
Why do you think some people are uncomfortable with the idea of AI, even though they’ve probably been using it in different ways for years?

Views on AI
In what ways, if any, did the information presented in the video change your understanding of AI and how it can be used for school?

Making the Most of Your Time
How can you use AI to study more productively?

Evolving Technology
What are some careers where AI is likely to be an important tool to increase productivity?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Scared of AI?
Why do you think some people are uncomfortable with the idea of AI, even though they’ve probably been using it in different ways for years?

Views on AI
In what ways, if any, did the information presented in the video change your understanding of AI and how it can be used for school?

Making the Most of Your Time
How can you use AI to study more productively?

Evolving Technology
What are some careers where AI is likely to be an important tool to increase productivity?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

How to Use AI to Increase Productivity (For Students, Parents & Educators)

Expert Video - Using ChatGPT and AI in the Real World (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Skills for the Future
How can you practice using AI so you’ll be ahead of the game when you grow up and start a career?

Planning for the Future
How could AI help you in your personal dream job?

Learning with AI
How can AI enhance your learning process, beyond just providing answers?

Tool vs. Crutch
One of the experts in the video said that AI should be a tool for students and workers, not a “crutch.” How can you tell the difference?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Skills for the Future
How can you practice using AI so you’ll be ahead of the game when you grow up and start a career?

Planning for the Future
How could AI help you in your personal dream job?

Learning with AI
How can AI enhance your learning process, beyond just providing answers?

Tool vs. Crutch
One of the experts in the video said that AI should be a tool for students and workers, not a “crutch.” How can you tell the difference?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Expert Video - Using ChatGPT and AI in the Real World (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Expert Video - ChatGPT to Support Student Learning (For Parents)

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

AI as a Partner
How can you use ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and other chatbots in your homework or other projects in a way that’s active rather than passive?

A Virtual Partner
If you think of ChatGPT or another chatbot as a partner in your work, how would you describe its job and then your job when it comes to completing a task?

Getting the Most Out of AI
How can you use ChatGPT as a tool to enhance your understanding rather than just a source of information?

Building Critical Thinking Skills
How can asking and fine-tuning questions or prompts with an AI tool help you build critical thinking skills?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

AI as a Partner
How can you use ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude, and other chatbots in your homework or other projects in a way that’s active rather than passive?

A Virtual Partner
If you think of ChatGPT or another chatbot as a partner in your work, how would you describe its job and then your job when it comes to completing a task?

Getting the Most Out of AI
How can you use ChatGPT as a tool to enhance your understanding rather than just a source of information?

Building Critical Thinking Skills
How can asking and fine-tuning questions or prompts with an AI tool help you build critical thinking skills?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Expert Video - ChatGPT to Support Student Learning (For Parents)

Expert Video - ChatGPT and Cheating (For Parents)

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

AI and Cheating
Do you agree that students can use AI or chatbot technology in their schoolwork without cheating, and why?

Thinking Critically
What does it mean to be a critical thinker when using an AI chatbot?

Misusing the Technology
How could a student undermine their own learning by misusing AI technology?

Consider the Source
One expert in the video discussed the risk of cultural or other biases reflected in a chatbot’s answers. How can you identify bias in a chatbot response?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

AI and Cheating
Do you agree that students can use AI or chatbot technology in their schoolwork without cheating, and why?

Thinking Critically
What does it mean to be a critical thinker when using an AI chatbot?

Misusing the Technology
How could a student undermine their own learning by misusing AI technology?

Consider the Source
One expert in the video discussed the risk of cultural or other biases reflected in a chatbot’s answers. How can you identify bias in a chatbot response?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Expert Video - ChatGPT and Cheating (For Parents)

Expert Video - Using AI and ChatGPT as a Tutor (For Parents)

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Understanding AI
How would you describe what chatbots like ChatGPT do best?

Help without Cheating
Can you suggest some tips for making AI work best for students in their schoolwork without crossing the line into cheating?

ChatGPT as a Tutor
Compare the ways ChatGPT and similar programs can serve as tutors to how a human tutor would help you.

AI in the Workplace
How do you think this technology will continue to be a valuable tool for you in the future?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Understanding AI
How would you describe what chatbots like ChatGPT do best?

Help without Cheating
Can you suggest some tips for making AI work best for students in their schoolwork without crossing the line into cheating?

ChatGPT as a Tutor
Compare the ways ChatGPT and similar programs can serve as tutors to how a human tutor would help you.

AI in the Workplace
How do you think this technology will continue to be a valuable tool for you in the future?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Expert Video - Using AI and ChatGPT as a Tutor (For Parents)

How students are using ChatGPT/AI (For Students, Parents, and Educators)

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Tell Me Your Experience
Have you used ChatGPT or other AI technology to help you study, and if so, how?

Using the Technology
What are some ways you can make ChatGPT more effective as a study aid?

Ethical Use
What would be an example of a way someone might use ChatGPT for schoolwork that could be considered cheating?

What Would You Like to Know?
What are some creative topics you can use chatbots like ChatGPT to research outside of school?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Student Discussion Topics

Tell Me Your Experience
Have you used ChatGPT or other AI technology to help you study, and if so, how?

Using the Technology
What are some ways you can make ChatGPT more effective as a study aid?

Ethical Use
What would be an example of a way someone might use ChatGPT for schoolwork that could be considered cheating?

What Would You Like to Know?
What are some creative topics you can use chatbots like ChatGPT to research outside of school?


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

How students are using ChatGPT/AI (For Students, Parents, and Educators)

Full Event Replay - AI For Student Success with Rob Clayton

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Today’s world is changing fast and artificial intelligence (AI) is a massive part of that. New AI tools have many parents and educators concerned, but when used appropriately, these tools can help students increase their productivity and provide a more personalized education. National AI usage has drastically increased over the last 12 months and is only likely to continue to grow. It is important that parents and students learn to use these tools in ways that support education (Source: CNBC).

This guide will explore ways ChatGPT and other AI tools can be used to improve time management, make study time more efficient, and help students get the help they need with an on-demand AI tutor.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Why should students learn how to use AI tools?

  • AI tools are being incorporated into more applications, including tools that students will need to use for school and future careers
  • Many career fields will require strong AI skills as job descriptions change to match current technologies
  • AI shouldn’t be used to cheat but it can be a study assistant to enhance learning and productivity. In many cases AI doesn’t give the answer without teaching how it was found
  • Teachers are beginning to recognize the role that AI tools and tools that incorporate AI can have in supporting the learning process. Many are beginning to use these tools more often in the classroom and allowing their use to support additional learning outside of the classroom

The Three Major AI Tools


  • ChatGPT is owned by openai.com and is the original AI tool
  • It can access the web in most circumstances
  • It has the ability to create images


  • Gemini is owned by Google and is quickly gaining popularity
  • It has full access to the web
  • Gemini has limited image creation ability


  • Claude is owned by Anthropic and may currently be one of the best AI tools when it comes to reasoning skills
  • It does not have any image creation ability
  • It does not have any internet access

AI Tools That Enhance Learning & Improve Study Skills

  • Grammarly - Grammarly uses AI to spot mistakes and give suggestions to make a student’s writing even better, helping them learn finer writing mechanics
  • Notion AI - Notion AI is a powerful note-taking tool that uses the ChatGPT API to help summarize notes and brainstorm ideas
  • Speechify - Speechify uses AI to convert textbooks, notes, and websites into audio, making studying easier for auditory learners
  • Quizlet - Quizlet utilizes AI to tailor flashcards and study sets, helping students master topics at their own pace
  • Khan Academy- Khanmigo allows students to ask questions about lessons as they go and get help with concepts they are struggling with
  • Duolingo - Duolingo employs AI to customize language lessons, adapting to each student's pace and progress

Prompts to Use ChatGPT as a Tutor

  • “I don’t understand this math problem [include the problem]. How do I work through the problem to find the right answer?”
  • “Explain to me why [historical event] was important.”
  • “I found the answer to this problem [include problem], but I don’t understand how I got it. Please explain.”
  • “Explain this problem to me in 4 different ways so I can see different ways to solve it.”
  • "Summarize the life of ___ in 50 words or less."
  • "Explain ____ to me like I am 5 years old."
  • "Compare and contrast [event in history, places, people]."
  • "What themes are in [this book]?"
  • "What steps do I need to take to solve this math problem: [insert math problem]?"
  • "Discuss the cause of [this event in history]."
  • "How does [this science concept] work in real life?"

Ways to Use AI Tools to Help Prioritize Your Time & Be More Efficient

  • Use the following prompt when you are overwhelmed with school assignments:
    “I have the following assignments [include assignments, estimated length of time, and due dates]. Please help me create the most efficient plan to finish them over [time period]”
  • AI time-tracking tools can be used to help you determine where your time is being spent so you can make changes to be more efficient
  • Use AI tools to automate tasks such as scheduling, organization, and more
  • AI tools can help students proofread their work while teaching them ways to improve their writing  
  • Students can use AI to summarize notes taken during class so they can pull out the most critical information

What Do Experts Say About AI Tools?

Monica Burns - Ed Tech Consultant

If you are working side by side with your child at home and you don't know the answer to a question, or you're not quite sure how to explain something, AI tools can definitely come in handy.  As a family you might come across things that you're just not quite sure how to explain or need a step-by-step guide or process on how to do something, so you can have ChatGPT generate an explanation. You can put qualifications in your prompt to say, "Give me a simple explanation” or “Give me an explanation for my third grader who hasn't had experience with this before”.

Jamie Lewsadder - Associate Superintendent of Technology Services, La Canada Unified

“There's this large fear about cheating. I would argue that cheating existed before ChatGPT. Yes, this is a shortcut tool for kids. But when I interviewed them and asked them about what they liked about it,  they said things like, ‘it's faster than Google’, ‘I have a tutor now’, and ‘I can get answers when my teacher isn't available.’ So there are things that kids are seeing, not as a way to cheat, because these are students that want to do their best as learners.  So we have to separate it. It's not just a tool for cheating. It's a tool that can enable a lot of really positive growth.”

Dan Carsen - 7th Grade English Teacher

"Using AI to brainstorm early in the process—that's probably safer; the earlier in the process, the better. I worry, however, about kids who are not confident in their writing. They're more likely to be like, 'Oh, this is what the computer spat back, and it looks really good. I'm going to maybe change one or two words.' To me, that's not creative. If you're really struggling for ideas, if your teacher gives you a prompt on the motivation of a certain character in a book that you have actually read, but you have no idea what the teacher is asking you, sure, I think it's okay to look at a computer-generated response to that. The only way to handle these admittedly very gray areas right now is through constant communication. As long as that communication is clear, AI-generated text can be useful in an early stage in all these processes."

More resources for parents, students, & educators


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Today’s world is changing fast and artificial intelligence (AI) is a massive part of that. New AI tools have many parents and educators concerned, but when used appropriately, these tools can help students increase their productivity and provide a more personalized education. National AI usage has drastically increased over the last 12 months and is only likely to continue to grow. It is important that parents and students learn to use these tools in ways that support education (Source: CNBC).

This guide will explore ways ChatGPT and other AI tools can be used to improve time management, make study time more efficient, and help students get the help they need with an on-demand AI tutor.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Why should students learn how to use AI tools?

  • AI tools are being incorporated into more applications, including tools that students will need to use for school and future careers
  • Many career fields will require strong AI skills as job descriptions change to match current technologies
  • AI shouldn’t be used to cheat but it can be a study assistant to enhance learning and productivity. In many cases AI doesn’t give the answer without teaching how it was found
  • Teachers are beginning to recognize the role that AI tools and tools that incorporate AI can have in supporting the learning process. Many are beginning to use these tools more often in the classroom and allowing their use to support additional learning outside of the classroom

The Three Major AI Tools


  • ChatGPT is owned by openai.com and is the original AI tool
  • It can access the web in most circumstances
  • It has the ability to create images


  • Gemini is owned by Google and is quickly gaining popularity
  • It has full access to the web
  • Gemini has limited image creation ability


  • Claude is owned by Anthropic and may currently be one of the best AI tools when it comes to reasoning skills
  • It does not have any image creation ability
  • It does not have any internet access

AI Tools That Enhance Learning & Improve Study Skills

  • Grammarly - Grammarly uses AI to spot mistakes and give suggestions to make a student’s writing even better, helping them learn finer writing mechanics
  • Notion AI - Notion AI is a powerful note-taking tool that uses the ChatGPT API to help summarize notes and brainstorm ideas
  • Speechify - Speechify uses AI to convert textbooks, notes, and websites into audio, making studying easier for auditory learners
  • Quizlet - Quizlet utilizes AI to tailor flashcards and study sets, helping students master topics at their own pace
  • Khan Academy- Khanmigo allows students to ask questions about lessons as they go and get help with concepts they are struggling with
  • Duolingo - Duolingo employs AI to customize language lessons, adapting to each student's pace and progress

Prompts to Use ChatGPT as a Tutor

  • “I don’t understand this math problem [include the problem]. How do I work through the problem to find the right answer?”
  • “Explain to me why [historical event] was important.”
  • “I found the answer to this problem [include problem], but I don’t understand how I got it. Please explain.”
  • “Explain this problem to me in 4 different ways so I can see different ways to solve it.”
  • "Summarize the life of ___ in 50 words or less."
  • "Explain ____ to me like I am 5 years old."
  • "Compare and contrast [event in history, places, people]."
  • "What themes are in [this book]?"
  • "What steps do I need to take to solve this math problem: [insert math problem]?"
  • "Discuss the cause of [this event in history]."
  • "How does [this science concept] work in real life?"

Ways to Use AI Tools to Help Prioritize Your Time & Be More Efficient

  • Use the following prompt when you are overwhelmed with school assignments:
    “I have the following assignments [include assignments, estimated length of time, and due dates]. Please help me create the most efficient plan to finish them over [time period]”
  • AI time-tracking tools can be used to help you determine where your time is being spent so you can make changes to be more efficient
  • Use AI tools to automate tasks such as scheduling, organization, and more
  • AI tools can help students proofread their work while teaching them ways to improve their writing  
  • Students can use AI to summarize notes taken during class so they can pull out the most critical information

What Do Experts Say About AI Tools?

Monica Burns - Ed Tech Consultant

If you are working side by side with your child at home and you don't know the answer to a question, or you're not quite sure how to explain something, AI tools can definitely come in handy.  As a family you might come across things that you're just not quite sure how to explain or need a step-by-step guide or process on how to do something, so you can have ChatGPT generate an explanation. You can put qualifications in your prompt to say, "Give me a simple explanation” or “Give me an explanation for my third grader who hasn't had experience with this before”.

Jamie Lewsadder - Associate Superintendent of Technology Services, La Canada Unified

“There's this large fear about cheating. I would argue that cheating existed before ChatGPT. Yes, this is a shortcut tool for kids. But when I interviewed them and asked them about what they liked about it,  they said things like, ‘it's faster than Google’, ‘I have a tutor now’, and ‘I can get answers when my teacher isn't available.’ So there are things that kids are seeing, not as a way to cheat, because these are students that want to do their best as learners.  So we have to separate it. It's not just a tool for cheating. It's a tool that can enable a lot of really positive growth.”

Dan Carsen - 7th Grade English Teacher

"Using AI to brainstorm early in the process—that's probably safer; the earlier in the process, the better. I worry, however, about kids who are not confident in their writing. They're more likely to be like, 'Oh, this is what the computer spat back, and it looks really good. I'm going to maybe change one or two words.' To me, that's not creative. If you're really struggling for ideas, if your teacher gives you a prompt on the motivation of a certain character in a book that you have actually read, but you have no idea what the teacher is asking you, sure, I think it's okay to look at a computer-generated response to that. The only way to handle these admittedly very gray areas right now is through constant communication. As long as that communication is clear, AI-generated text can be useful in an early stage in all these processes."

More resources for parents, students, & educators


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Full Event Replay - AI For Student Success with Rob Clayton

Full Event Replay - AI for Student Success with Dr. David Miyashiro

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Today’s world is changing fast and artificial intelligence (AI) is a massive part of that. New AI tools have many parents and educators concerned, but when used appropriately, these tools can help students increase their productivity and provide a more personalized education. National AI usage has drastically increased over the last 12 months and is only likely to continue to grow. It is important that parents and students learn to use these tools in ways that support education (Source: CNBC).

This guide will explore ways ChatGPT and other AI tools can be used to improve time management, make study time more efficient, and help students get the help they need with an on-demand AI tutor.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Why should students learn how to use AI tools?

  • AI tools are being incorporated into more applications, including tools that students will need to use for school and future careers
  • Many career fields will require strong AI skills as job descriptions change to match current technologies
  • AI shouldn’t be used to cheat but it can be a study assistant to enhance learning and productivity. In many cases AI doesn’t give the answer without teaching how it was found
  • Teachers are beginning to recognize the role that AI tools and tools that incorporate AI can have in supporting the learning process. Many are beginning to use these tools more often in the classroom and allowing their use to support additional learning outside of the classroom

The Three Major AI Tools


  • ChatGPT is owned by openai.com and is the original AI tool
  • It can access the web in most circumstances
  • It has the ability to create images


  • Gemini is owned by Google and is quickly gaining popularity
  • It has full access to the web
  • Gemini has limited image creation ability


  • Claude is owned by Anthropic and may currently be one of the best AI tools when it comes to reasoning skills
  • It does not have any image creation ability
  • It does not have any internet access

AI Tools That Enhance Learning & Improve Study Skills

  • Grammarly - Grammarly uses AI to spot mistakes and give suggestions to make a student’s writing even better, helping them learn finer writing mechanics
  • Notion AI - Notion AI is a powerful note-taking tool that uses the ChatGPT API to help summarize notes and brainstorm ideas
  • Speechify - Speechify uses AI to convert textbooks, notes, and websites into audio, making studying easier for auditory learners
  • Quizlet - Quizlet utilizes AI to tailor flashcards and study sets, helping students master topics at their own pace
  • Khan Academy- Khanmigo allows students to ask questions about lessons as they go and get help with concepts they are struggling with
  • Duolingo - Duolingo employs AI to customize language lessons, adapting to each student's pace and progress

Prompts to Use ChatGPT as a Tutor

  • “I don’t understand this math problem [include the problem]. How do I work through the problem to find the right answer?”
  • “Explain to me why [historical event] was important.”
  • “I found the answer to this problem [include problem], but I don’t understand how I got it. Please explain.”
  • “Explain this problem to me in 4 different ways so I can see different ways to solve it.”
  • "Summarize the life of ___ in 50 words or less."
  • "Explain ____ to me like I am 5 years old."
  • "Compare and contrast [event in history, places, people]."
  • "What themes are in [this book]?"
  • "What steps do I need to take to solve this math problem: [insert math problem]?"
  • "Discuss the cause of [this event in history]."
  • "How does [this science concept] work in real life?"

Ways to Use AI Tools to Help Prioritize Your Time & Be More Efficient

  • Use the following prompt when you are overwhelmed with school assignments:
    “I have the following assignments [include assignments, estimated length of time, and due dates]. Please help me create the most efficient plan to finish them over [time period]”
  • AI time-tracking tools can be used to help you determine where your time is being spent so you can make changes to be more efficient
  • Use AI tools to automate tasks such as scheduling, organization, and more
  • AI tools can help students proofread their work while teaching them ways to improve their writing  
  • Students can use AI to summarize notes taken during class so they can pull out the most critical information

What Do Experts Say About AI Tools?

Monica Burns - Ed Tech Consultant

If you are working side by side with your child at home and you don't know the answer to a question, or you're not quite sure how to explain something, AI tools can definitely come in handy.  As a family you might come across things that you're just not quite sure how to explain or need a step-by-step guide or process on how to do something, so you can have ChatGPT generate an explanation. You can put qualifications in your prompt to say, "Give me a simple explanation” or “Give me an explanation for my third grader who hasn't had experience with this before”.

Jamie Lewsadder - Associate Superintendent of Technology Services, La Canada Unified

“There's this large fear about cheating. I would argue that cheating existed before ChatGPT. Yes, this is a shortcut tool for kids. But when I interviewed them and asked them about what they liked about it,  they said things like, ‘it's faster than Google’, ‘I have a tutor now’, and ‘I can get answers when my teacher isn't available.’ So there are things that kids are seeing, not as a way to cheat, because these are students that want to do their best as learners.  So we have to separate it. It's not just a tool for cheating. It's a tool that can enable a lot of really positive growth.”

Dan Carsen - 7th Grade English Teacher

"Using AI to brainstorm early in the process—that's probably safer; the earlier in the process, the better. I worry, however, about kids who are not confident in their writing. They're more likely to be like, 'Oh, this is what the computer spat back, and it looks really good. I'm going to maybe change one or two words.' To me, that's not creative. If you're really struggling for ideas, if your teacher gives you a prompt on the motivation of a certain character in a book that you have actually read, but you have no idea what the teacher is asking you, sure, I think it's okay to look at a computer-generated response to that. The only way to handle these admittedly very gray areas right now is through constant communication. As long as that communication is clear, AI-generated text can be useful in an early stage in all these processes."

More resources for parents, students, & educators


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here

Today’s world is changing fast and artificial intelligence (AI) is a massive part of that. New AI tools have many parents and educators concerned, but when used appropriately, these tools can help students increase their productivity and provide a more personalized education. National AI usage has drastically increased over the last 12 months and is only likely to continue to grow. It is important that parents and students learn to use these tools in ways that support education (Source: CNBC).

This guide will explore ways ChatGPT and other AI tools can be used to improve time management, make study time more efficient, and help students get the help they need with an on-demand AI tutor.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Why should students learn how to use AI tools?

  • AI tools are being incorporated into more applications, including tools that students will need to use for school and future careers
  • Many career fields will require strong AI skills as job descriptions change to match current technologies
  • AI shouldn’t be used to cheat but it can be a study assistant to enhance learning and productivity. In many cases AI doesn’t give the answer without teaching how it was found
  • Teachers are beginning to recognize the role that AI tools and tools that incorporate AI can have in supporting the learning process. Many are beginning to use these tools more often in the classroom and allowing their use to support additional learning outside of the classroom

The Three Major AI Tools


  • ChatGPT is owned by openai.com and is the original AI tool
  • It can access the web in most circumstances
  • It has the ability to create images


  • Gemini is owned by Google and is quickly gaining popularity
  • It has full access to the web
  • Gemini has limited image creation ability


  • Claude is owned by Anthropic and may currently be one of the best AI tools when it comes to reasoning skills
  • It does not have any image creation ability
  • It does not have any internet access

AI Tools That Enhance Learning & Improve Study Skills

  • Grammarly - Grammarly uses AI to spot mistakes and give suggestions to make a student’s writing even better, helping them learn finer writing mechanics
  • Notion AI - Notion AI is a powerful note-taking tool that uses the ChatGPT API to help summarize notes and brainstorm ideas
  • Speechify - Speechify uses AI to convert textbooks, notes, and websites into audio, making studying easier for auditory learners
  • Quizlet - Quizlet utilizes AI to tailor flashcards and study sets, helping students master topics at their own pace
  • Khan Academy- Khanmigo allows students to ask questions about lessons as they go and get help with concepts they are struggling with
  • Duolingo - Duolingo employs AI to customize language lessons, adapting to each student's pace and progress

Prompts to Use ChatGPT as a Tutor

  • “I don’t understand this math problem [include the problem]. How do I work through the problem to find the right answer?”
  • “Explain to me why [historical event] was important.”
  • “I found the answer to this problem [include problem], but I don’t understand how I got it. Please explain.”
  • “Explain this problem to me in 4 different ways so I can see different ways to solve it.”
  • "Summarize the life of ___ in 50 words or less."
  • "Explain ____ to me like I am 5 years old."
  • "Compare and contrast [event in history, places, people]."
  • "What themes are in [this book]?"
  • "What steps do I need to take to solve this math problem: [insert math problem]?"
  • "Discuss the cause of [this event in history]."
  • "How does [this science concept] work in real life?"

Ways to Use AI Tools to Help Prioritize Your Time & Be More Efficient

  • Use the following prompt when you are overwhelmed with school assignments:
    “I have the following assignments [include assignments, estimated length of time, and due dates]. Please help me create the most efficient plan to finish them over [time period]”
  • AI time-tracking tools can be used to help you determine where your time is being spent so you can make changes to be more efficient
  • Use AI tools to automate tasks such as scheduling, organization, and more
  • AI tools can help students proofread their work while teaching them ways to improve their writing  
  • Students can use AI to summarize notes taken during class so they can pull out the most critical information

What Do Experts Say About AI Tools?

Monica Burns - Ed Tech Consultant

If you are working side by side with your child at home and you don't know the answer to a question, or you're not quite sure how to explain something, AI tools can definitely come in handy.  As a family you might come across things that you're just not quite sure how to explain or need a step-by-step guide or process on how to do something, so you can have ChatGPT generate an explanation. You can put qualifications in your prompt to say, "Give me a simple explanation” or “Give me an explanation for my third grader who hasn't had experience with this before”.

Jamie Lewsadder - Associate Superintendent of Technology Services, La Canada Unified

“There's this large fear about cheating. I would argue that cheating existed before ChatGPT. Yes, this is a shortcut tool for kids. But when I interviewed them and asked them about what they liked about it,  they said things like, ‘it's faster than Google’, ‘I have a tutor now’, and ‘I can get answers when my teacher isn't available.’ So there are things that kids are seeing, not as a way to cheat, because these are students that want to do their best as learners.  So we have to separate it. It's not just a tool for cheating. It's a tool that can enable a lot of really positive growth.”

Dan Carsen - 7th Grade English Teacher

"Using AI to brainstorm early in the process—that's probably safer; the earlier in the process, the better. I worry, however, about kids who are not confident in their writing. They're more likely to be like, 'Oh, this is what the computer spat back, and it looks really good. I'm going to maybe change one or two words.' To me, that's not creative. If you're really struggling for ideas, if your teacher gives you a prompt on the motivation of a certain character in a book that you have actually read, but you have no idea what the teacher is asking you, sure, I think it's okay to look at a computer-generated response to that. The only way to handle these admittedly very gray areas right now is through constant communication. As long as that communication is clear, AI-generated text can be useful in an early stage in all these processes."

More resources for parents, students, & educators


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Full Event Replay - AI for Student Success with Dr. David Miyashiro

Full Event Replay (Spanish Version) - AI for Student Success

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Full Event Replay (Spanish Version) - AI for Student Success

Full Event Replay (Mandarin Chinese Version) - AI for Student Success

November 26, 2024

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Teachers and Educators: View the AI for Student Success Short Video Slide Deck Here


It’s understandable that many parents and educators may be hesitant to embrace new AI tools, but artificial intelligence technologies are here to stay. Students need to learn how to use AI tools in an academically honest way to gain important skills they may need in their future career field. When used correctly, AI tools can help students be more productive and allow them to have a personalized tutoring experience on demand.

Full Event Replay (Mandarin Chinese Version) - AI for Student Success

الذكاء الاصطناعي لنجاح الطلاب: الإنتاجية وتعلم مهارات المستقبل

.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذا المورد وشارك برامجنا مع منطقة مدرستك لإرسال هذه الموارد إلى مجتمعك بأكمله
أخبر منطقة مدرستك عن برنامجنا
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
شارك هذا المورد مع أحد الوالدين على . (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد مركز المشاركة)
نسخ رابط المشاركة
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذه البطاقة التجريبية. انقر فوق الزر لمشاركة الوصول مع القادة في منطقة مدرستك (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد) مركز المشاركة)
شارك بطاقتك التجريبية مع قادة المنطقة التعليمية
.، الآن هي فرصتك لكسب 10 نقاط مقابل بطاقة هدايا ستاربكس بقيمة 5 دولارات من خلال إخبارنا بما تعلمته في هذا المورد!
للحصول على بطاقة الهدايا الخاصة بك، يرجى أن تكون محددًا وأن تكتب جملة كاملة تساعدنا على معرفة ما أعجبك في الموضوع. تستخدم مؤسستنا غير الربحية هذه المعلومات لتحسين برنامجنا.

40 characters remaining to reach minimum

تم استلام طلبك! لديك الآن نقاط إضافية مضافة إلى حسابك.

إذا كنت في حدث مباشر، فيرجى التعليق «لقد ملأت النموذج!» في مربع دردشة الحدث المباشر!

وإلا فأنت حر في التجول في الموقع.
-جوش وفريق سمارت سوشيال
عفوًا! حدث خطأ ما أثناء إرسال النموذج.

يتغير عالم اليوم بسرعة، والذكاء الاصطناعي (AI) هو جزء كبير من ذلك. تثير أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي الجديدة قلق العديد من الآباء والمعلمين، ولكن عند استخدامها بشكل مناسب، يمكن لأدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي مساعدة الطلاب على زيادة إنتاجيتهم وتعزيز تعليمهم من خلال توفير تعليم أكثر تخصيصًا.

سوف يستكشف هذا الدليل الطرق التي يمكن من خلالها استخدام ChatGPT وأدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي الأخرى لتحسين إدارة الوقت، وجعل وقت الدراسة أكثر كفاءة، ومساعدة الطلاب في الحصول على المساعدة التي يحتاجون إليها عند الطلب مع مدرس الذكاء الاصطناعي.

المعلمون وأولياء الأمور: قم بتوجيه تفكير الطلاب ومناقشتهم باستخدام ورقة عمل الطالب هذه. (قم بتسجيل الدخول إلى حساب Google الخاص بك وحدد ملف -> إنشاء نسخة)

يشرح الطلاب الذكاء الاصطناعي/ChatGPT (فيديو)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: فهم الذكاء الاصطناعي

  • ما الذي يمكن لـ ChatGPT القيام به ولا يفعله محرك بحث عادي مثل Google؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: تجنب المخاطر

  • كيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي أن يمنع تعلمك بدلاً من تحسينه إذا تم استخدامه بطريقة خاطئة؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: الأخذ والعطاء

  • كيف يمكنك التفاعل مع أداة مثل ChatGPT للحصول على إجابات أفضل وفهم أفضل للموضوع؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

كيف يستخدم الطلاب ChatGPT/AI (فيديو)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: الذكاء الاصطناعي في المدرسة

  • كيف يمكنك استخدام تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي بشكل مسؤول مثل ChatGPT و Bard وغيرها للعمل المدرسي؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: تجنب المخاطر

  • وصف أحد الطلاب في الفيديو الطرق غير المسؤولة التي يمكن للطالب من خلالها استخدام ChatGPT للواجبات المنزلية. ما الذي تعتبره طريقة غير شريفة لاستخدام هذه التكنولوجيا؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: الاستخدام الأخلاقي للذكاء الاصطناعي

  • ما هي طريقة استخدام ChatGPT للأعمال المدرسية التي يمكن اعتبارها غشًا؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

تحويل ChatGPT إلى مدرس ومساعد تعليمي (للطلاب والمعلمين وأولياء الأمور)

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: «الهندسة السريعة»

  • إذا لم تقدم لك AI أو ChatGPT المعلومات الصحيحة التي تريدها، فكيف يمكنك مساعدة البرنامج في إعطائك معلومات تجيب بشكل أفضل على سؤالك؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: المطالبة بالطاقة

  • ما هي بعض الأشياء التي يمكنك تضمينها في مطالبة لمساعدة ChatGPT على تقديم نتائج أكثر صلة بما تحتاجه؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: إدارة الوقت

  • إذا أعطتك ChatGPT إجابة لا تساعدك فيما تحتاج إليه، فما هي بعض الطرق لتحسين المطالبة؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

كيفية استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي لزيادة الإنتاجية (للآباء والمعلمين)

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: الذكاء الاصطناعي موجود في كل مكان

  • ما هي أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي المذكورة في الفيديو التي تعتقد أنها ستكون مفيدة للغاية لك؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: التكنولوجيا المتطورة

  • ما هي بعض المهن التي سيظل الذكاء الاصطناعي فيها أداة مهمة لتعزيز الإنتاجية؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: أداة لمستقبلك

  • ما هي بعض الطرق التي قد تساعدك بها أداة الذكاء الاصطناعي عندما تستعد للتقدم للكلية؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

فيديو خبير - استخدام ChatGPT والذكاء الاصطناعي في العالم الحقيقي

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: الذكاء الاصطناعي في القوى العاملة

  • تحدث المحترفون في الفيديو عن كيفية استخدامهم لتقنية الذكاء الاصطناعي. ما هي الوظائف الأخرى التي يمكن أن يساعدك فيها تطبيق AI مثل ChatGPT؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: أداة مقابل عكاز

  • قال أحد الخبراء في الفيديو بشكل مثالي، إن الذكاء الاصطناعي هو أداة وليس «عكازًا». كيف يمكنك معرفة الفرق؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: العثور على التوازن

  • هل هناك أي اعتبارات أخلاقية يجب على الناس مراعاتها عند استخدام تقنية chatbot في المدرسة أو العمل؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

فيديو الخبراء - الذكاء الاصطناعي لدعم التعليم

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: هل استخدام برنامج Chatbot يعد غشًا؟

  • هل تعتقد أنه من المقبول استخدام روبوت دردشة مثل ChatGPT في عملك، أم أنه غش؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: تعليم المعلم

  • إذا طلبت من روبوت محادثة مثل ChatGPT شرح شيء مثل كيفية حل مشكلة الرياضيات، ولكنك لا تزال لا تفهم، فما الذي يمكنك فعله أيضًا؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: الحصول على أقصى استفادة من الذكاء الاصطناعي

  • كيف يمكنك استخدام ChatGPT كأداة لتعزيز فهمك بدلاً من مجرد مصدر للمعلومات؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

فيديو الخبراء - ChatGPT والغش

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: إذا لم تكن متأكدًا...

  • ما هي أفضل طريقة لمعرفة ما إذا كنت تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي بطريقة لا تغش؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: الذكاء الاصطناعي والغش

  • هل توافق على أن الطلاب يمكنهم استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي أو تقنية chatbot في واجباتهم المدرسية دون الغش، ولماذا؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: التفكير النقدي

  • ماذا يعني أن تكون مفكرًا نقديًا عند استخدام برنامج الدردشة الآلي؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

فيديو خبير - استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي و ChatGPT كمدرس

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل)

أسئلة لتحفيز المناقشة مع الطلاب:

موضوع المدرسة الابتدائية: الذكاء الاصطناعي كأداة

  • قارن أحد الخبراء في الفيديو استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي للمساعدة في الواجبات المدرسية باستخدام مفك كهربائي بدلاً من مفك يدوي. ما هي الأدوات الأخرى التي نستخدمها والتي تجعل المهام أسهل وأسرع، على الرغم من أنه لا يزال يتعين عليك تعلم كيفية استخدامها؟

موضوع المدرسة المتوسطة: شراكة افتراضية

  • كيف تم تصميم برنامج الدردشة الآلي مثل ChatGPT أو Bard لاستخدامه كشريك في العمل، وما الدور الذي يلعبه المستخدم في هذه الشراكة؟

موضوع المدرسة الثانوية: العنصر البشري

  • ما هي بعض الأمثلة على الأشياء التي يمكن للمعلم مساعدتك بها والتي لا يستطيع الذكاء الاصطناعي مساعدتك فيها؟

أولياء الأمور والمعلمين: شاهد دليل تسهيل VIP الكامل هنا

لماذا يجب أن يتعلم الطلاب كيفية استخدام أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي؟

  • يتم دمج أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي في المزيد من التطبيقات، بما في ذلك الأدوات التي سيحتاج الطلاب إلى استخدامها للمدرسة والمهن المستقبلية
  • ستتطلب العديد من المجالات المهنية مهارات الذكاء الاصطناعي القوية مع تغير الأوصاف الوظيفية لتتناسب مع التقنيات الحالية
  • لا ينبغي استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي للغش ولكن يمكن أن يكون مساعدًا للدراسة لتعزيز التعلم والإنتاجية. في كثير من الحالات، لا يعطي الذكاء الاصطناعي الإجابة دون تعليم كيفية العثور عليها

أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي التي تعزز التعلم وتحسن مهارات الدراسة

  • نحوي: تستخدم Grammarly الذكاء الاصطناعي لاكتشاف الأخطاء وتقديم اقتراحات لتحسين كتابة الطالب، ومساعدته على تعلم آليات كتابة أكثر دقة
  • مفهوم الذكاء الاصطناعي: Notion AI هي أداة قوية لتدوين الملاحظات تستخدم واجهة برمجة تطبيقات ChatGPT للمساعدة في تلخيص الملاحظات وتبادل الأفكار
  • التكلم: يستخدم Speechify الذكاء الاصطناعي لتحويل الكتب المدرسية والملاحظات ومواقع الويب إلى صوت، مما يجعل الدراسة أسهل للمتعلمين السمعيين
  • كويزليت: يستخدم Quizlet الذكاء الاصطناعي لتصميم البطاقات التعليمية ومجموعات الدراسة، مما يساعد الطلاب على إتقان الموضوعات وفقًا لسرعتهم الخاصة
  • أكاديمية خان: يسمح Khanmigo للطلاب بطرح أسئلة حول الدروس أثناء تقدمهم والحصول على المساعدة بشأن المفاهيم التي يعانون منها.

موجهات لاستخدام ChatGPT كمدرس

  • «لا أفهم مشكلة الرياضيات هذه [بما في ذلك المشكلة]. كيف يمكنني حل المشكلة للعثور على الإجابة الصحيحة؟»
  • «اشرح لي سبب أهمية [الحدث التاريخي].»
  • «لقد وجدت الإجابة على هذه المشكلة [بما في ذلك المشكلة]، لكنني لا أفهم كيف حصلت عليها. يرجى التوضيح.»
  • «اشرح لي هذه المشكلة بأربع طرق مختلفة حتى أتمكن من رؤية طرق مختلفة لحلها.»
  • «لخص حياة ___ في 50 كلمة أو أقل.»
  • «اشرح لي ____ وكأنني أبلغ من العمر 5 سنوات.»
  • «قارن وقارن [حدث في التاريخ والأماكن والأشخاص].»
  • «ما هي الموضوعات في [هذا الكتاب]؟»
  • «ما الخطوات التي أحتاج إلى اتخاذها لحل مشكلة الرياضيات هذه: [أدخل مشكلة الرياضيات]؟»
  • «ناقش سبب [هذا الحدث في التاريخ].»
  • «كيف يعمل [مفهوم العلم هذا] في الحياة الواقعية؟»

طرق استخدام أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي للمساعدة في تحديد أولويات وقتك وزيادة الكفاءة

  • استخدم المطالبة التالية عندما تكون غارقًا في الواجبات المدرسية:
    «لدي المهام التالية [تشمل المهام والمدة الزمنية المقدرة وتواريخ الاستحقاق]. الرجاء مساعدتي في إنشاء الخطة الأكثر كفاءة لإنهائها خلال [فترة زمنية]»
  • يمكن استخدام أدوات تتبع الوقت بالذكاء الاصطناعي لمساعدتك في تحديد المكان الذي تقضي فيه وقتك حتى تتمكن من إجراء تغييرات لتكون أكثر كفاءة
  • استخدم أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي لأتمتة المهام مثل الجدولة والتنظيم والمزيد
  • يمكن لأدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي مساعدة الطلاب على تدقيق عملهم أثناء تعليمهم طرقًا لتحسين كتابتهم
  • يمكن للطلاب استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي لتلخيص الملاحظات التي تم تدوينها أثناء الفصل حتى يتمكنوا من سحب المعلومات الأكثر أهمية

ماذا يقول الخبراء عن أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي؟

مونيكا بيرنز - مستشارة إد تيك

»إذا كنت تعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع طفلك في المنزل ولا تعرف الإجابة على سؤال ما، أو لم تكن متأكدًا تمامًا من كيفية شرح شيء ما، يمكن أن تكون أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي مفيدة بالتأكيد. كعائلة، قد تصادف أشياء لست متأكدًا تمامًا من كيفية شرحها أو تحتاج إلى دليل أو عملية خطوة بخطوة حول كيفية القيام بشيء ما حتى تتمكن من جعل ChatGPT تنشئ شرحًا. يمكنك وضع المؤهلات في المطالبة الخاصة بك لتقول «أعطني شرحًا بسيطًا» أو «أعطني شرحًا لطالب الصف الثالث الذي لم يكن لديه خبرة في هذا من قبل».

«من منظور التدريس، هناك الكثير من أدوات التدريس التي تستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي بالفعل. إنها مدمجة نوعًا ما في الأدوات نفسها. يمكن للعائلات بالتأكيد استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي لدعم أطفالهم في المنزل. يمكن للمعلمين حتى إعادة التفكير في كيفية التمييز بين التعليمات أو شرح شيء ما بشكل مختلف قليلاً».

جيمي ليوسادر - المشرف المساعد على خدمات التكنولوجيا، La Canada Unified

«هناك هذا الخوف الكبير من الغش. أود أن أزعم أن الغش كان موجودًا قبل ChatGPT. نعم، هذه أداة اختصار للأطفال. ولكن عندما أجريت معهم مقابلات وسألتهم عما أعجبهم فيه، قالوا أشياء مثل، «إنه أسرع من Google»، «لدي مدرس الآن»، و «يمكنني الحصول على إجابات عندما لا يكون معلمي متاحًا». لذلك هناك أشياء يراها الأطفال، وليس كطريقة للغش، لأن هؤلاء هم الطلاب الذين يريدون بذل قصارى جهدهم كمتعلمين. لذلك علينا فصلها. إنها ليست مجرد أداة للغش. إنها أداة يمكن أن تتيح الكثير من النمو الإيجابي حقًا».

المزيد من الموارد لأولياء الأمور والطلاب والمعلمين


من المفهوم أن العديد من الآباء والمعلمين قد يترددون في تبني أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي الجديدة، ولكن تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي موجودة لتبقى. يحتاج الطلاب إلى تعلم كيفية استخدام أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي بطريقة أكاديمية صادقة لاكتساب المهارات المهمة التي قد يحتاجون إليها في مجال حياتهم المهنية المستقبلية. عند استخدامها بشكل صحيح، يمكن لأدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي مساعدة الطلاب على زيادة إنتاجيتهم والسماح لهم بالحصول على تجربة تعليمية مخصصة عند الطلب.

إعادة تشغيل الحدث المباشر باللغة الإنجليزية

إعادة تشغيل الحدث المباشر باللغة الإسبانية

تكرار الحدث المباشر

إعادة تشغيل الحدث المباشر بلغة الماندرين الصينية


المناطق التعليمية: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.

افتح هذا الدرس لمعرفة ما يمكنك القيام به للحفاظ على سلامة الأطفال على الذكاء الاصطناعي

في هذا الدليل، سيتعلم الآباء والمعلمون:

  • كيف يمكن للذكاء الاصطناعي مساعدة الطلاب على زيادة الإنتاجية
  • لماذا يجب أن يهتم الآباء بالذكاء الاصطناعي
  • نصائح للحفاظ على سلامة الطلاب وصدقهم أثناء استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي

قم بتسجيل الدخول أو الانضمام إلى عضوية VIP اليوم لعرض جميع موارد SmartSocial.com حول الذكاء الاصطناعي!

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
Quotation marks

هذه معلومات رائعة، شكرًا لإعطائي بعض الأفكار حول كيفية بدء حوار مع ابني المراهق!


شارون م.

عضو VIP ولي الأمر

Quotation marks

كان عرض جوش حول وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق. لقد تعلم طلابنا الكثير حول ما يجب على الأطفال فعله وما لا ينبغي عليهم فعله. حقيقة أنها عملية مدروسة جعلت كل شيء جديرًا بالاهتمام.


مدير الإرشاد الجامعي

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Quotation marks

تعد هذه الندوة عبر الويب مفيدة جدًا لفتح أعين الطلاب على التطبيقات الشائعة لدى طلابي.


إيرين سي.

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

انضم إلى أحداث الأسئلة والأجوبة المباشرة التالية للوالدين (واكسب بطاقة هدايا ستاربكس بقيمة 5 دولارات) *

حققت أحداثنا الأخيرة نجاحًا كبيرًا!
سيتم الإعلان عن الأحداث القادمة قريبًا
قم بزيارة موقعنا صفحة أعضاء VIP لمشاهدة إعادة عرض لأحداثنا الأخيرة
انضم إلينا النشرة الإخبارية الأسبوعية لـ SmartSocial.com للبقاء على اطلاع
* فقط للعائلات في المناطق التعليمية الشريكة أو أعضاء VIP الفرديين المدفوعين: للحصول على بطاقة هدايا، ما عليك سوى حضور الحدث المباشر والانضمام إلى الأنشطة وستكون عائلتك مؤهلة لكسب بطاقة هدايا واحدة سنويًا (حتى نفاد الإمدادات).

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جامعة السلطان محمد بن زايد آل مكتوم: سورة السوقيات، المملكة العربية السعودية، المملكة العربية السعودية، المملكة العربية السعودية (ECHM)

برنامج الحد الأعلى | ستاربكس | #بيغا_5 #6 #6 #السعودية #قطر #قطر | #الكويت #2

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#الضبطاني_الوطني #الجمعة_العربية: #الهيتاوية والوزارة #الفدرة_الجديدة

كتاب «فلسطين»، «ليبيا»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين».

*Only for families in partner school districts or individual paid VIP members: to receive a gift card, simply attend the live event, join in the activities, and your family will be eligible to earn one gift card per quarter (while supplies last).

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المدارس والمناطق: كن شريكًا معنا لحماية مجتمعك عبر الإنترنت

تُعلم عروضنا التقديمية عن بُعد (وموقعنا الإلكتروني) أكثر من مليون طالب كل عام كيفية التألق عبر الإنترنت. نحن نعلم الطلاب كيف يمكن استخدام حساباتهم لإنشاء مجموعة من الإنجازات الإيجابية التي تثير إعجاب الكليات وأرباب العمل.

كن شريكًا مع سمارتسوشيال. كوم
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من خلال أكثر من 240 حلقة، يُجري جوش أوش مقابلات مع علماء النفس والمعالجين والمستشارين والمعلمين وأولياء الأمور بينما يوضح لك كيفية التنقل عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للتألق على الإنترنت يومًا ما.

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