Josh Ochs Digital Safety Tips for Middle School Students
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Josh Ochs Digital Safety Tips for Middle School Students
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In this student-friendly episode Josh Ochs talks to 600 students in a middle school teaching them how to shine online. He shares some anti bullying tips, Instagram safety, Google footprint tactics and more. Please have your students listen to this episode.
Ever worry that your 7th grade student is doing inappropriate things online that may affect their college application? Let them listen to this episode, as Josh talks to middle school students and teaches them how to shine online.
Listen to this episode on our podcast:
Key takeaways from the digital safety speech by Josh Ochs
- You are the manager of your own account. Every day, when you post online you can have fun but you can add or delete little parts of it and you can change your brand
- Be your vibrant self online
- Before you respond on Instagram or on email; ask yourself if this is Light, Bright and Polite™
Valuable advice for students who have younger siblings
If you have younger siblings, ask these 4 questions to keep them safe online:
- Is it okay to share your password with your best friend?
- Is it okay to talk to someone online your parents don’t know?
- If I see bullying online and I click like on that post, does that mean that I'm bullying also?
- If I see something bad online who should I tell?
During the presentation, kids learn how to use social media as their resume
- How colleges uses Google to search for you online
- Positive and fun ways to be on Instagram
- Four influential people on social media today
- How to get fired from work with just one tweet
3 step plan to take charge of how you look online
- If you posted it, you can take it down
- If your friends posted it, politely ask them to take it down
- If somebody else that you don't know posted it and it's hurting your story, then that's when you talk to your parents
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Con más de 240 episodios, Josh Ochs entrevista a psicólogos, terapeutas, consejeros, maestros y padres mientras te muestra cómo navegar por las redes sociales para algún día brillar en Internet.
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