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دليل TikTok لأولياء الأمور (2024): ما يحتاج الآباء والمعلمون والطلاب إلى معرفته

.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذا المورد وشارك برامجنا مع منطقة مدرستك لإرسال هذه الموارد إلى مجتمعك بأكمله
أخبر منطقة مدرستك عن برنامجنا
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
شارك هذا المورد مع أحد الوالدين على . (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد مركز المشاركة)
نسخ رابط المشاركة
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذه البطاقة التجريبية. انقر فوق الزر لمشاركة الوصول مع القادة في منطقة مدرستك (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد) مركز المشاركة)
شارك بطاقتك التجريبية مع قادة المنطقة التعليمية

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
January 28, 2025

ستساعد دورة TikTok هذه الآباء والطلاب والمعلمين على التعلم

  • لماذا يحب الأطفال TikTok
  • الكلمات والعبارات الرئيسية التي يستخدمها الطلاب عند الحديث عن TikTok
  • كيفية الاستمتاع، والضحك، وتعلم نصيحة أو خدعة جديدة على TikTok - ولكن ضع حدودًا وتدرب على الالتزام بها
  • كيف يمكن لميزة مخفية في TikTok أن تعرض جميع مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك للغرباء، حتى لو كنت تعتقد أن أصدقائك فقط يرونها

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمشاهدة درس الفيديو بالكامل

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
Quotation marks

هذه معلومات رائعة، شكرًا لإعطائي بعض الأفكار حول كيفية بدء حوار مع ابني المراهق!


شارون م.

عضو VIP ولي الأمر

Quotation marks

كان عرض جوش حول وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق. لقد تعلم طلابنا الكثير حول ما يجب على الأطفال فعله وما لا ينبغي عليهم فعله. حقيقة أنها عملية مدروسة جعلت كل شيء جديرًا بالاهتمام.


مدير الإرشاد الجامعي

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Quotation marks

تعد هذه الندوة عبر الويب مفيدة جدًا لفتح أعين الطلاب على التطبيقات الشائعة لدى طلابي.


إيرين سي.

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Full Replay - Navigating TikTok (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

January 28, 2025

After briefly shutting down on January 19, 2025, TikTok is back online and the deadline for the ban against the app has been extended. The app (and other apps by ByteDance such as Lemon8 and CapCut) is currently not available for download in the app store.

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

TikTok, a social media app dedicated to short-form videos, allows users to watch and create videos that are 15 to 60 seconds long. It is wildly popular among U.S. teens and young adults who enjoy watching and creating their own videos. The built-in video creation tools make it easy for users to add filters, songs, effects, and sound bites without any additional apps.

Students go to TikTok for comic relief, to escape from stress, learn “life hacks,” connect with influencers/celebrities, learn trending tips and tricks, practice video-editing skills, stay current with world happenings, and even try lip syncing to popular songs. Students may run into inappropriate content while using the app, so it is important to have an open dialogue with your student so they know what to do if they get into an uncomfortable situation.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Top Concerns about TikTok

  • TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance and there have been concerns about how secure personal information is on the app
  • TikTok may recommend “harmful” content to young users, although TikTok does make an effort to redirect searches for subjects such as self-harm or eating disorders to suicide and crisis phone number (Source: Good Morning America)
  • The app boasts an “endless stream” of content for users to watch, which can promote addictive behavior in students
  • Social media challenges encourage students to create their own videos and sometimes include students being influenced by peer pressure to perform dangerous act(s) that can get them into legal trouble

Why do students want to be on TikTok?

  • It's a great way for students to express themselves creatively
  • TikTok connects friends and inspires creative things to try at home
  • TikTok moderators work to remove inappropriate videos in the app

Screen Time Addiction Tips for TikTok

  • TikTok is made to be addictive, so it is important to be intentional about how students are spending time on the app
  • Review screen time reports to know how much time you generally spend on your TikTok account
  • Parents and students should dialogue about a student’s responsibilities and where TikTok fits in, then decide together how much time is ok to spend on the app
  • Take advantage of Android's Digital Wellbeing and Apple's Screen Time settings or implement another screen time app to take control of screen time

Additional Information About TikTok

  • Users must set up an account to view content in the app; however, they can view content on a desktop without an account. Their friends may text them links to videos they can watch through the web browser on their phone
  • Like many social platforms, users can like, comment, save, and share posts
  • Students will talk about their favorite videos or popular videos with their friends at school and may view them on their friends’ phones, even if they aren't allowed to use the device during school hours
  • Students can create a second account using a different phone number or email address than their original account
  • The app offers Direct Messages. This feature is automatically disabled for users under the age of 16

What is TikTok rated?

Apple App iOS app Store Rating: 12+

Google Play Store Rating: T (Teen)

App Developer website: TikTok (based in China, owned by ByteDance)

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Common TikTok phrases/terms parents should know

  • FYP (#fyp): For Your Page—creators use this hashtag to increase views and brand visibility with the hopes of making it into other users’ FYP
  • IB: Inspired By—Usually used with an @ to tag the original creator
  • DC: Dance Credit—The user is giving credit to the original creator of the dance
  • POV: Point of View—A creator may tell the viewers how to watch the video
  • OOMF: One Of My Followers
  • Heather: Is usually meant to describe someone as gorgeous or desirable
  • Green screen: A backdrop that allows TikTok effects, photos, or images to appear
  • Accountant: Slang code word for being a sex worker or OnlyFans creator
  • P(star emoji): Porn Star
  • Simp: Insult to someone who goes out of their way to do things for someone they like and hope to start dating but ends up in the "friend" zone

2023 Community of Standards update

  • TikTok does say they remove content that they believe violates their Community Guidelines, but inappropriate videos still get posted on other platforms and are often seen thousands of times before they are removed
  • Drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco are technically not allowed, but are very prevalent
  • Accounts for users under 16 cannot use direct messaging, host livestreams, and their content cannot appear in other users’ For You feed (but students often misrepresent their age when signing up)
  • Grooming behaviors are when an adult tries to build a relationship with a student to gain their trust. TikTok says they look for these types of interactions between adult accounts and minor accounts, BUT most predators work under minor aliases as part of their grooming tactic

Why should parents & educators care?

  • It’s easy for students to come across mature content or triggering content that could promote negative self esteem, self-harm, or eating disorders; such content can also cause a cyberbullying problem that can move offline
  • Accounts for students aged 13-15 are automatically set to private, and duet and stitch are disabled for users under age 16
  • Users cannot change their age on TikTok without talking to customer support; however, they can enter their age incorrectly when they initially set up their account
  • Students can find ways to prevent content from getting flagged and to bypass TikTok’s content filters by using creative hashtags and purposely misspelling words

Examples of TikTok dangers from the news

TikTok has more than a billion users. That includes about 150 million Americans. Under China’s authoritarian state, the government has sweeping control over tech companies and their data. U.S. officials are worried that China will use TikTok to promote its interests and gather Americans’ personal information. - The New York Times
The (TikTok) algorithm recognizes vulnerability and, instead of seeing it as something it should be careful around, it sees it as a potential point of addiction – of helping to maximize time on the platform for that child by serving them up content that might trigger some of the pre-existing concerns. - The Guardian
Ava Majury downloaded TikTok when she was 13…Ava noticed that one fan was trying to get her attention in comments on TikTok. He messaged her in Snapchat and on Instagram, and turned up in online games she played with her brothers… The fan was an 18 year old man who arrived with a shotgun at Ava’s family home. - The New York Times

Settings and Privacy Recommendations for TikTok

How to set your TikTok account to private

  • Select “Profile” then press the three lines in the top right corner
  • Click on "Settings and privacy" in your settings
  • Select “Privacy” and  slide “Private account” over until it turns blue

How to set your liked videos to private

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings
  • Tap “ Liked videos”
  • Select “Only you”

How to turn off Stitch and Duet

Stitch and Duet are functions that allow user content to be reposted and shared by other users and can potentially be a source of cyberbullying. It is disabled for users under 16. Older users may still want to disable this setting.

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings
  • Find “Duet” and “Stitch”
  • Select “Only me” on each of them

How to Limit Who Can Send Messages and Comment on TikTok Videos

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings and then select “Comments”
  • Click the slider next to “Filter all comments” so that it turns blue
  • Click on “Comments” and select “Followers that you follow back.”  This will ensure students do not receive direct messages from strangers

Family Pairing

TikTok Family Pairing
  • Family Pairing through TikTok allows families to work together to set screen time limits and monitor what the teen can see
  • Family Pairing does require the adult to have an account on their own device, but even if you don’t use it every day, we always recommend parents being on the same apps as their kids 

From the parent’s TikTok account, Family Pairing can be used to help the student with:

  • Screen Time Management
  • Restricted Mode, which limits inappropriate content
  • Limits what content can be seen
  • When Restricted Mode is on the user cannot log out to then log into another account
  • Search

Go to Settings and privacy:

1: Scroll down and tap "Family Pairing”

2: Select the "Teen" option

3: Open TikTok on the parent’s phone and go to the Family Pairing screen in "Settings & Privacy"

4: Select "Parent"

5: Use your teen’s device to scan the QR code on the parent’s device or send an invite link to a phone number, email, or social media platform

Family Pairing Recommendations

  • Privacy and safety
  • Private account:Keep your account private until you are ready
  • Who can send direct messages to your teen: Our recommendation is “Friends” or “No one”
  • Who can view your teen’s liked videos: Our recommendation is “Only your teen”
  • Who can comment on your teen’s videos: Our recommendation is “Friends” or “No one”

Crash course in navigating TikTok for adults

Home screen

  • When in the “Home” section, videos will autoplay and repeat (until you scroll to the next video)
  • Tap the center of the screen to pause a video
  • Swipe up/down to change videos
  • Swipe left to view the profile for the video you are watching
  • Double tap the center of the screen or tap the heart to like a video

Friends Tab

  • “Friends” personalized feed dedicated to your friends’ videos
  • It contains TikTok videos from other users on TikTok who both follow you, and you follow back

Check and set up security alerts

1: Click on “Security” &  Select “Security alerts”

2: Select “Manage devices”

3: Select 2-step verification

Branding your TikTok profile

1: Start by branding your profile to put your best foot forward. Click on “profile” then “Edit Profile” to get started

‍2: Profile Photo: Use a clear smiling photo of yourself (the same photo across all of your accounts)

3: Name: Use the name you will use on your college admissions (or what you go by most often)

4: Username: Use something very similar to the name people will Google when they learn about you

5: Bio: Write 1-2 lines about yourself and possibly what school you attend (when you are ready for colleges to find you)

6: Connect your Instagram and YouTube: Optional adding links to your social profiles

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

After briefly shutting down on January 19, 2025, TikTok is back online and the deadline for the ban against the app has been extended. The app (and other apps by ByteDance such as Lemon8 and CapCut) is currently not available for download in the app store.

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

TikTok, a social media app dedicated to short-form videos, allows users to watch and create videos that are 15 to 60 seconds long. It is wildly popular among U.S. teens and young adults who enjoy watching and creating their own videos. The built-in video creation tools make it easy for users to add filters, songs, effects, and sound bites without any additional apps.

Students go to TikTok for comic relief, to escape from stress, learn “life hacks,” connect with influencers/celebrities, learn trending tips and tricks, practice video-editing skills, stay current with world happenings, and even try lip syncing to popular songs. Students may run into inappropriate content while using the app, so it is important to have an open dialogue with your student so they know what to do if they get into an uncomfortable situation.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

Top Concerns about TikTok

  • TikTok is owned by the Chinese company ByteDance and there have been concerns about how secure personal information is on the app
  • TikTok may recommend “harmful” content to young users, although TikTok does make an effort to redirect searches for subjects such as self-harm or eating disorders to suicide and crisis phone number (Source: Good Morning America)
  • The app boasts an “endless stream” of content for users to watch, which can promote addictive behavior in students
  • Social media challenges encourage students to create their own videos and sometimes include students being influenced by peer pressure to perform dangerous act(s) that can get them into legal trouble

Why do students want to be on TikTok?

  • It's a great way for students to express themselves creatively
  • TikTok connects friends and inspires creative things to try at home
  • TikTok moderators work to remove inappropriate videos in the app

Screen Time Addiction Tips for TikTok

  • TikTok is made to be addictive, so it is important to be intentional about how students are spending time on the app
  • Review screen time reports to know how much time you generally spend on your TikTok account
  • Parents and students should dialogue about a student’s responsibilities and where TikTok fits in, then decide together how much time is ok to spend on the app
  • Take advantage of Android's Digital Wellbeing and Apple's Screen Time settings or implement another screen time app to take control of screen time

Additional Information About TikTok

  • Users must set up an account to view content in the app; however, they can view content on a desktop without an account. Their friends may text them links to videos they can watch through the web browser on their phone
  • Like many social platforms, users can like, comment, save, and share posts
  • Students will talk about their favorite videos or popular videos with their friends at school and may view them on their friends’ phones, even if they aren't allowed to use the device during school hours
  • Students can create a second account using a different phone number or email address than their original account
  • The app offers Direct Messages. This feature is automatically disabled for users under the age of 16

What is TikTok rated?

Apple App iOS app Store Rating: 12+

Google Play Store Rating: T (Teen)

App Developer website: TikTok (based in China, owned by ByteDance)

Terms of Use

Privacy Policy

Common TikTok phrases/terms parents should know

  • FYP (#fyp): For Your Page—creators use this hashtag to increase views and brand visibility with the hopes of making it into other users’ FYP
  • IB: Inspired By—Usually used with an @ to tag the original creator
  • DC: Dance Credit—The user is giving credit to the original creator of the dance
  • POV: Point of View—A creator may tell the viewers how to watch the video
  • OOMF: One Of My Followers
  • Heather: Is usually meant to describe someone as gorgeous or desirable
  • Green screen: A backdrop that allows TikTok effects, photos, or images to appear
  • Accountant: Slang code word for being a sex worker or OnlyFans creator
  • P(star emoji): Porn Star
  • Simp: Insult to someone who goes out of their way to do things for someone they like and hope to start dating but ends up in the "friend" zone

2023 Community of Standards update

  • TikTok does say they remove content that they believe violates their Community Guidelines, but inappropriate videos still get posted on other platforms and are often seen thousands of times before they are removed
  • Drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco are technically not allowed, but are very prevalent
  • Accounts for users under 16 cannot use direct messaging, host livestreams, and their content cannot appear in other users’ For You feed (but students often misrepresent their age when signing up)
  • Grooming behaviors are when an adult tries to build a relationship with a student to gain their trust. TikTok says they look for these types of interactions between adult accounts and minor accounts, BUT most predators work under minor aliases as part of their grooming tactic

Why should parents & educators care?

  • It’s easy for students to come across mature content or triggering content that could promote negative self esteem, self-harm, or eating disorders; such content can also cause a cyberbullying problem that can move offline
  • Accounts for students aged 13-15 are automatically set to private, and duet and stitch are disabled for users under age 16
  • Users cannot change their age on TikTok without talking to customer support; however, they can enter their age incorrectly when they initially set up their account
  • Students can find ways to prevent content from getting flagged and to bypass TikTok’s content filters by using creative hashtags and purposely misspelling words

Examples of TikTok dangers from the news

TikTok has more than a billion users. That includes about 150 million Americans. Under China’s authoritarian state, the government has sweeping control over tech companies and their data. U.S. officials are worried that China will use TikTok to promote its interests and gather Americans’ personal information. - The New York Times
The (TikTok) algorithm recognizes vulnerability and, instead of seeing it as something it should be careful around, it sees it as a potential point of addiction – of helping to maximize time on the platform for that child by serving them up content that might trigger some of the pre-existing concerns. - The Guardian
Ava Majury downloaded TikTok when she was 13…Ava noticed that one fan was trying to get her attention in comments on TikTok. He messaged her in Snapchat and on Instagram, and turned up in online games she played with her brothers… The fan was an 18 year old man who arrived with a shotgun at Ava’s family home. - The New York Times

Settings and Privacy Recommendations for TikTok

How to set your TikTok account to private

  • Select “Profile” then press the three lines in the top right corner
  • Click on "Settings and privacy" in your settings
  • Select “Privacy” and  slide “Private account” over until it turns blue

How to set your liked videos to private

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings
  • Tap “ Liked videos”
  • Select “Only you”

How to turn off Stitch and Duet

Stitch and Duet are functions that allow user content to be reposted and shared by other users and can potentially be a source of cyberbullying. It is disabled for users under 16. Older users may still want to disable this setting.

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings
  • Find “Duet” and “Stitch”
  • Select “Only me” on each of them

How to Limit Who Can Send Messages and Comment on TikTok Videos

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings and then select “Comments”
  • Click the slider next to “Filter all comments” so that it turns blue
  • Click on “Comments” and select “Followers that you follow back.”  This will ensure students do not receive direct messages from strangers

Family Pairing

TikTok Family Pairing
  • Family Pairing through TikTok allows families to work together to set screen time limits and monitor what the teen can see
  • Family Pairing does require the adult to have an account on their own device, but even if you don’t use it every day, we always recommend parents being on the same apps as their kids 

From the parent’s TikTok account, Family Pairing can be used to help the student with:

  • Screen Time Management
  • Restricted Mode, which limits inappropriate content
  • Limits what content can be seen
  • When Restricted Mode is on the user cannot log out to then log into another account
  • Search

Go to Settings and privacy:

1: Scroll down and tap "Family Pairing”

2: Select the "Teen" option

3: Open TikTok on the parent’s phone and go to the Family Pairing screen in "Settings & Privacy"

4: Select "Parent"

5: Use your teen’s device to scan the QR code on the parent’s device or send an invite link to a phone number, email, or social media platform

Family Pairing Recommendations

  • Privacy and safety
  • Private account:Keep your account private until you are ready
  • Who can send direct messages to your teen: Our recommendation is “Friends” or “No one”
  • Who can view your teen’s liked videos: Our recommendation is “Only your teen”
  • Who can comment on your teen’s videos: Our recommendation is “Friends” or “No one”

Crash course in navigating TikTok for adults

Home screen

  • When in the “Home” section, videos will autoplay and repeat (until you scroll to the next video)
  • Tap the center of the screen to pause a video
  • Swipe up/down to change videos
  • Swipe left to view the profile for the video you are watching
  • Double tap the center of the screen or tap the heart to like a video

Friends Tab

  • “Friends” personalized feed dedicated to your friends’ videos
  • It contains TikTok videos from other users on TikTok who both follow you, and you follow back

Check and set up security alerts

1: Click on “Security” &  Select “Security alerts”

2: Select “Manage devices”

3: Select 2-step verification

Branding your TikTok profile

1: Start by branding your profile to put your best foot forward. Click on “profile” then “Edit Profile” to get started

‍2: Profile Photo: Use a clear smiling photo of yourself (the same photo across all of your accounts)

3: Name: Use the name you will use on your college admissions (or what you go by most often)

4: Username: Use something very similar to the name people will Google when they learn about you

5: Bio: Write 1-2 lines about yourself and possibly what school you attend (when you are ready for colleges to find you)

6: Connect your Instagram and YouTube: Optional adding links to your social profiles

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Full Replay - Navigating TikTok (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Why TikTok is Your New Resume (For Students & Parents)

Student Discussion Topics

TikTok Brain Fog

  • How can TikTok undermine your ability to focus? 

Avoiding Strangers on TikTok

  • Why do you think it can be dangerously easy for predators to engage students in conversations or get them to share pictures of themselves?

A Student’s Story

  • This video features a college student who built an online resume by sharing her story and accomplishments on TikTok. What kinds of things would you share in your own TikTok story?


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Student Discussion Topics

TikTok Brain Fog

  • How can TikTok undermine your ability to focus? 

Avoiding Strangers on TikTok

  • Why do you think it can be dangerously easy for predators to engage students in conversations or get them to share pictures of themselves?

A Student’s Story

  • This video features a college student who built an online resume by sharing her story and accomplishments on TikTok. What kinds of things would you share in your own TikTok story?


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Why TikTok is Your New Resume (For Students & Parents)

How to Balance Screen Time on TikTok (For Students & Parents)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok and You

  • If you have access to TikTok, what do you mainly use it for? 

TikTok Time Warp

  • What are the risks of spending too much time on the app?

Finding a Purpose

  • How could you use it in a more focused way than just for entertainment? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok Tunnel Vision

  • What might be the problem with using TikTok only for escape / mindless entertainment? 

Where Does the Time Go?

  • If you’re on TikTok, how can you keep track of the time you spend on it? 

Finding Balance

  • How can you be mindful of balancing entertaining videos with useful/informative content where you’re focused on learning something new?

High School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok’s Business Model

  • How does TikTok benefit if you or your friends spend excessive time on the app?

Avoiding the Algorithm

  • How can the “Discover” tab lead people down a rabbit hole of mindless TikTok consumption? 

Time Tracking

  • How can you be aware of how much time you spend on TikTok and other social media apps?

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok and You

  • If you have access to TikTok, what do you mainly use it for? 

TikTok Time Warp

  • What are the risks of spending too much time on the app?

Finding a Purpose

  • How could you use it in a more focused way than just for entertainment? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok Tunnel Vision

  • What might be the problem with using TikTok only for escape / mindless entertainment? 

Where Does the Time Go?

  • If you’re on TikTok, how can you keep track of the time you spend on it? 

Finding Balance

  • How can you be mindful of balancing entertaining videos with useful/informative content where you’re focused on learning something new?

High School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok’s Business Model

  • How does TikTok benefit if you or your friends spend excessive time on the app?

Avoiding the Algorithm

  • How can the “Discover” tab lead people down a rabbit hole of mindless TikTok consumption? 

Time Tracking

  • How can you be aware of how much time you spend on TikTok and other social media apps?

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

How to Balance Screen Time on TikTok (For Students & Parents)

What the Experts Say About TikTok (For Parents & Educators)

November 26, 2024

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Key Takeaways: 

  • Asking your student to teach you about  TikTok can supercharge dialogue about the app—a great way to engage with your student about their interests and discuss what they’re watching or posting
  • TikTok can be used by predators to try and connect with and exploit students
  • TikTok “challenges” can draw in students who want to get in on the fun, but many of these are dangerous or harmful
  • TikTok is designed to be addictive, potentially causing  kids to lose sleep, neglect other priorities, or suffer from emotional-health issues

Dialogue Starters:

Parents of Elementary School Students (to ask students)

Tell Me About It

  • Have you ever seen TikTok, and what interests you about it? 

Parents of Middle School Students (to ask students)

Keeping an Open Dialogue

  • What kinds of things do you like to watch on TikTok?

Parents of High School Students (to ask students)

Healthy Boundaries

  • What are you doing to make sure you don’t spend so much time on social media it gets in the way of school, sports, or seeing your friends?

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Key Takeaways: 

  • Asking your student to teach you about  TikTok can supercharge dialogue about the app—a great way to engage with your student about their interests and discuss what they’re watching or posting
  • TikTok can be used by predators to try and connect with and exploit students
  • TikTok “challenges” can draw in students who want to get in on the fun, but many of these are dangerous or harmful
  • TikTok is designed to be addictive, potentially causing  kids to lose sleep, neglect other priorities, or suffer from emotional-health issues

Dialogue Starters:

Parents of Elementary School Students (to ask students)

Tell Me About It

  • Have you ever seen TikTok, and what interests you about it? 

Parents of Middle School Students (to ask students)

Keeping an Open Dialogue

  • What kinds of things do you like to watch on TikTok?

Parents of High School Students (to ask students)

Healthy Boundaries

  • What are you doing to make sure you don’t spend so much time on social media it gets in the way of school, sports, or seeing your friends?

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

What the Experts Say About TikTok (For Parents & Educators)

Titania Jordan from Bark Discusses TikTok (For Parents & Educators)

November 26, 2024

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Key Takeaways:

  • TikTok and other video-based apps feature algorithms designed to keep kids on the app for as long as possible, which is key to their profitability
  • TikTok contains content that can be very dangerous and can lead to body-image issues, violence, bullying, and self-harm 
  • Time limits can help reduce the potential harm of TikTok
  • There are products available to help parents supervise how kids use TikTok
  • Plugging into TikTok as a family can help keep students safe and guide them toward positive content

Dialogue Starters: 

Parents of Elementary School Students (to ask students)

Describe a Fun Video

  • What kinds of videos do you think you would enjoy on TikTok? 

Parents of Middle School Students (to ask students)

Identifying Harmful Content

  • How would you be able to tell the difference between TikTok videos that are interesting and fun to watch and videos that show people talking about or doing harmful things? 

Parents of High School Students (to ask students)

What to Watch Out For

  • What kinds of content on TikTok do you think might be unhealthy  because of the content or actions they promote? 

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Key Takeaways:

  • TikTok and other video-based apps feature algorithms designed to keep kids on the app for as long as possible, which is key to their profitability
  • TikTok contains content that can be very dangerous and can lead to body-image issues, violence, bullying, and self-harm 
  • Time limits can help reduce the potential harm of TikTok
  • There are products available to help parents supervise how kids use TikTok
  • Plugging into TikTok as a family can help keep students safe and guide them toward positive content

Dialogue Starters: 

Parents of Elementary School Students (to ask students)

Describe a Fun Video

  • What kinds of videos do you think you would enjoy on TikTok? 

Parents of Middle School Students (to ask students)

Identifying Harmful Content

  • How would you be able to tell the difference between TikTok videos that are interesting and fun to watch and videos that show people talking about or doing harmful things? 

Parents of High School Students (to ask students)

What to Watch Out For

  • What kinds of content on TikTok do you think might be unhealthy  because of the content or actions they promote? 

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Titania Jordan from Bark Discusses TikTok (For Parents & Educators)

Navigating TikTok Safety and Security (For Parents & Educators)

November 26, 2024

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Key Takeaways:

  • Students should always have their TikTok account set to private and set limits on who can contact them through the app
  • Experts say it’s easy for students to come across mature or triggering content that could promote self-harm, eating disorders, or risky behaviors
  • Students never know for sure who might access content they create, so caution should be used when posting videos
  • Family Pairing through TikTok allows families to work together to set limits and monitor what the teen can see
  • Apple and Android have parental controls that can set time limits for TikTok and other apps

Dialogue Starters:

Parents of Elementary School Students (to ask students)

Reporting Inappropriate Content

  • When you’re old enough to have a TikTok account, how would you handle a situation where you accidentally found inappropriate content or comments? 

Parents of Middle School Students (to ask students)

Knowing What’s Out There

  • What are some examples of dangerous behaviors or suggestions you or your friends have encountered on TikTok?

Parents of High School Students (to ask students)

Being Careful What You Share

  • If you decide to create your own TikTok videos, what would you want to consider before posting them? 

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Key Takeaways:

  • Students should always have their TikTok account set to private and set limits on who can contact them through the app
  • Experts say it’s easy for students to come across mature or triggering content that could promote self-harm, eating disorders, or risky behaviors
  • Students never know for sure who might access content they create, so caution should be used when posting videos
  • Family Pairing through TikTok allows families to work together to set limits and monitor what the teen can see
  • Apple and Android have parental controls that can set time limits for TikTok and other apps

Dialogue Starters:

Parents of Elementary School Students (to ask students)

Reporting Inappropriate Content

  • When you’re old enough to have a TikTok account, how would you handle a situation where you accidentally found inappropriate content or comments? 

Parents of Middle School Students (to ask students)

Knowing What’s Out There

  • What are some examples of dangerous behaviors or suggestions you or your friends have encountered on TikTok?

Parents of High School Students (to ask students)

Being Careful What You Share

  • If you decide to create your own TikTok videos, what would you want to consider before posting them? 

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

Navigating TikTok Safety and Security (For Parents & Educators)

دليل TikTok لأولياء الأمور (2024): ما يحتاج الآباء والمعلمون والطلاب إلى معرفته

.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذا المورد وشارك برامجنا مع منطقة مدرستك لإرسال هذه الموارد إلى مجتمعك بأكمله
أخبر منطقة مدرستك عن برنامجنا
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
شارك هذا المورد مع أحد الوالدين على . (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد مركز المشاركة)
نسخ رابط المشاركة
.، لقد قمت بتسجيل الدخول!
استمتع بهذه البطاقة التجريبية. انقر فوق الزر لمشاركة الوصول مع القادة في منطقة مدرستك (أو قم بزيارة موقعنا الجديد) مركز المشاركة)
شارك بطاقتك التجريبية مع قادة المنطقة التعليمية
.، الآن هي فرصتك لكسب 10 نقاط مقابل بطاقة هدايا ستاربكس بقيمة 5 دولارات من خلال إخبارنا بما تعلمته في هذا المورد!
للحصول على بطاقة الهدايا الخاصة بك، يرجى أن تكون محددًا وأن تكتب جملة كاملة تساعدنا على معرفة ما أعجبك في الموضوع. تستخدم مؤسستنا غير الربحية هذه المعلومات لتحسين برنامجنا.

40 characters remaining to reach minimum

تم استلام طلبك! لديك الآن نقاط إضافية مضافة إلى حسابك.

إذا كنت في حدث مباشر، فيرجى التعليق «لقد ملأت النموذج!» في مربع دردشة الحدث المباشر!

وإلا فأنت حر في التجول في الموقع.
-جوش وفريق سمارت سوشيال
عفوًا! حدث خطأ ما أثناء إرسال النموذج.

يتيح TikTok، وهو تطبيق وسائط اجتماعية مخصص لمقاطع الفيديو القصيرة، للمستخدمين مشاهدة وإنشاء مقاطع فيديو تتراوح مدتها من 15 إلى 60 ثانية. تحظى بشعبية كبيرة بين المراهقين والشباب الأمريكيين الذين يستمتعون بمشاهدة مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بهم وإنشائها. تسهل أدوات إنشاء الفيديو المضمنة على المستخدمين إضافة الفلاتر والأغاني والمؤثرات ومقاطع الصوت دون أي تطبيقات إضافية.

يذهب الطلاب إلى TikTok للتخفيف من الرسوم الهزلية، والهروب من التوتر، وتعلم «حيل الحياة»، والتواصل مع المؤثرين/المشاهير، وتعلم النصائح والحيل الشائعة، وممارسة مهارات تحرير الفيديو، والبقاء على اطلاع دائم بالأحداث العالمية. قد يواجه الطلاب محتوى غير لائق أثناء استخدام التطبيق، لذلك من المهم إجراء حوار مفتوح مع الطالب حتى يعرف ما يجب فعله إذا واجه موقفًا غير مريح.

المعلمون وأولياء الأمور: قم بتوجيه تفكير الطلاب ومناقشتهم باستخدام ورقة عمل الطالب هذه. (قم بتسجيل الدخول إلى حساب Google الخاص بك وحدد ملف -> إنشاء نسخة)

أهم المخاوف بشأن TikTok

  • TikTok مملوكة لشركة ByteDance الصينية وكانت هناك مخاوف بشأن مدى أمان المعلومات الشخصية على التطبيق
  • قد توصي TikTok بمحتوى «ضار» للمستخدمين الشباب، على الرغم من أن TikTok تبذل جهدًا لإعادة توجيه عمليات البحث عن مواضيع مثل إيذاء النفس أو اضطرابات الأكل إلى خطوط الهاتف الخاصة بالانتحار والأزمات (المصدر: صباح الخير يا أمريكا)
  • يفتخر التطبيق بـ «تدفق لا نهاية له» من المحتوى ليشاهده المستخدمون، مما قد يعزز السلوك الإدماني لدى الطلاب
  • تحديات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي شجع الطلاب على إنشاء مقاطع فيديو خاصة بهم وأحيانًا تتضمن فعلًا (أفعال) خطيرة يمكن أن تضع الطلاب في مشاكل قانونية

ما الذي يرغب الطلاب في أن يعرفه الآباء عن TikTok؟ (فيديو)

لماذا يريد الطلاب أن يكونوا على TikTok؟

  • إنها طريقة رائعة للطلاب للتعبير عن أنفسهم بشكل إبداعي
  • TikTok يربط الأصدقاء ويلهم الأشياء الإبداعية لتجربتها في المنزل
  • يعمل مشرفو TikTok على إزالة مقاطع الفيديو غير اللائقة في التطبيق

لماذا TikTok هي سيرتك الذاتية الجديدة ومكان للطلاب لتعلم مهارات جديدة (فيديو)

(انقر على الأسطر الثلاثة أو النقطة الزرقاء في شريط تقدم الفيديو للانتقال إلى فصل)

كيفية موازنة وقت الشاشة على TikTok بحيث يصبح إيجابيًا بدلاً من سلبيًا (فيديو))

(يمكن عرض هذا الفيديو المناسب للطلاب في الفصل الدراسي أو في المنزل)

نصائح لإدمان وقت الشاشة لـ TikTok

  • تم تصميم TikTok ليكون مدمنًا، لذلك من المهم أن تتعمد تحديد كيفية قضاء الطلاب للوقت على التطبيق
  • راجع تقارير وقت الشاشة لمعرفة مقدار الوقت الذي تقضيه عمومًا في حساب TikTok الخاص بك
  • يجب على أولياء الأمور والطلاب الحوار حول مسؤوليات الطالب والمكان المناسب لتطبيق TikTok، ثم اتخاذ القرار سويا مقدار الوقت المناسب لقضائه على التطبيق
  • استفد من الرفاهية الرقمية لنظام Android و وقت شاشة Apple الإعدادات أو تنفيذ آخر تطبيق وقت الشاشة للتحكم في وقت الشاشة

ماذا يقول الخبراء عن TikTok (فيديو)

تيتانيا جوردان من بارك تناقش TikTok (فيديو)

تصفح سلامة وأمن TikTok للآباء والمعلمين (فيديو)

معلومات إضافية حول TikTok

  • يجب على المستخدمين إعداد حساب لعرض المحتوى في التطبيق؛ ومع ذلك، يمكنهم عرض المحتوى على سطح المكتب بدون حساب. يمكن لأصدقائهم إرسال روابط إلى مقاطع فيديو يمكنهم مشاهدتها من خلال متصفح الويب على هواتفهم.
  • مثل العديد من منصات الوسائط الاجتماعية، يمكن للمستخدمين الإعجاب والتعليق عليها وحفظها ومشاركتها
  • سيتحدث الطلاب عن مقاطع الفيديو المفضلة لديهم أو مقاطع الفيديو الشائعة مع أصدقائهم في المدرسة ويمكنهم مشاهدتها على هواتف أصدقائهم، حتى إذا لم يُسمح لهم باستخدام الجهاز خلال ساعات الدراسة
  • يقدم التطبيق الرسائل الخاصّة. يتم تعطيل هذه الميزة تلقائيًا للمستخدمين الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 16 عامًا

ما هو تصنيف TikTok؟

تصنيف متجر تطبيقات Apple لنظام iOS: 12+

تصنيف جوجل بلاي: تي (مراهقة)

موقع مطور التطبيق: تيك توك (مقرها في الصين، مملوكة لـ بايت دانس)

شروط الاستخدام

سياسة الخصوصية

عبارات/مصطلحات TikTok الشائعة التي يجب على الآباء معرفتها

  • السنة المالية (#fyp): لصفحتك - يستخدم منشئو المحتوى علامة التصنيف هذه لزيادة المشاهدات وظهور العلامة التجارية على أمل تحويلها إلى FYP للمستخدمين الآخرين
  • في: مستوحى من العلامة - يُستخدم عادةً مع @ لوضع علامة على المنشئ الأصلي
  • العاصمة: Dance Credit - يمنح المستخدم الفضل إلى المبدع الأصلي للرقص
  • وجهة: وجهة النظر - قد يخبر منشئ المحتوى المشاهدين بكيفية مشاهدة الفيديو
  • الغرفة: أحد متابعيني
  • هيذر: يُقصد به عادةً وصف شخص ما بأنه رائع أو مرغوب فيه
  • شاشة خضراء: خلفية تسمح بظهور تأثيرات TikTok أو الصور أو الصور
  • المحاسب: كلمة رمزية عامية لكونك عاملة في مجال الجنس أو منشئ OnlyFans
  • (رمز تعبيري على شكل نجمة): نجمة إباحية
  • بسيط: إهانة شخص يبذل قصارى جهده للقيام بأشياء لشخص يحبه ويأمل في البدء في المواعدة ولكن ينتهي به الأمر في منطقة «الأصدقاء»

تحديث مجتمع المعايير 2023

  • يقول TikTok أنهم يزيلون المحتوى الذي يعتقدون أنه ينتهك إرشادات المجتمع الخاصة بهم، ولكن لا تزال مقاطع الفيديو غير اللائقة تُنشر على منصات أخرى وغالبًا ما تتم مشاهدتها آلاف المرات قبل إزالتها
  • لا يُسمح من الناحية الفنية بالعقاقير والمواد الخاضعة للرقابة والكحول والتبغ، ولكنها منتشرة جدًا
  • لا يمكن لحسابات المستخدمين الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 16 عامًا استخدام المراسلة المباشرة واستضافة البث المباشر ولا يمكن أن يظهر محتواها في خلاصة For You الخاصة بالمستخدمين الآخرين (ولكن غالبًا ما يقوم الطلاب بتشويه صورة أعمارهم عند التسجيل)
  • تحدث سلوكيات الاستمالة عندما يحاول شخص بالغ بناء علاقة مع طالب لكسب ثقته. تقول TikTok إنها تبحث عن هذه الأنواع من التفاعلات بين حسابات البالغين والحسابات الثانوية، لكن معظم المحتالين يعملون تحت أسماء مستعارة ثانوية كجزء من تكتيك الاستمالة الخاص بهم

لماذا يجب على الآباء والمعلمين الاهتمام؟

  • من السهل على الطلاب العثور على محتوى للبالغين أو محتوى مثير يمكن أن يعزز إيذاء النفس أو اضطرابات الأكل؛ يمكن أن يتسبب هذا المحتوى أيضًا في مشكلة التسلط عبر الإنترنت التي يمكن أن تنتقل إلى وضع عدم الاتصال
  • يتم تعيين حسابات الطلاب الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 13 و 15 عامًا تلقائيًا إلى حسابات خاصة، ويتم تعطيل الثنائي والغرزة للمستخدمين الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 16 عامًا
  • لا يمكن للمستخدمين تغيير أعمارهم على TikTok دون التحدث إلى دعم العملاء؛ ومع ذلك، يمكنهم إدخال أعمارهم بشكل غير صحيح عند إعداد حسابهم في البداية
  • يمكن للطلاب إيجاد طرق لمنع وضع علامة على المحتوى وتجاوز فلاتر محتوى TikTok باستخدام علامات التصنيف الإبداعية والكلمات التي تحتوي على أخطاء إملائية متعمدة.

أمثلة على مخاطر TikTok من الأخبار

«لدى TikTok أكثر من مليار مستخدم. ويشمل ذلك حوالي 150 مليون أمريكي. في ظل الدولة الاستبدادية في الصين، تتمتع الحكومة بسيطرة كاسحة على شركات التكنولوجيا وبياناتها. يشعر المسؤولون الأمريكيون بالقلق من أن الصين ستستخدم TikTok لتعزيز مصالحها وجمع المعلومات الشخصية للأمريكيين». (المصدر: ذا نيو يورك تايمز)

«تتعرف خوارزمية (TikTok) على نقاط الضعف، وبدلاً من اعتبارها شيئًا يجب توخي الحذر بشأنه، فإنها ترى أنها نقطة إدمان محتملة - للمساعدة في زيادة الوقت على المنصة لهذا الطفل من خلال تقديم محتوى قد يثير بعض المخاوف الموجودة مسبقًا.» (المصدر: ذا غارديان)

The New York Times A Child's TikTok Stardom opens doors.  Then a gunman arrives
«قامت Ava Majury بتنزيل TikTok عندما كانت في الثالثة عشرة من عمرها... لاحظت Ava أن أحد المعجبين كان يحاول جذب انتباهها في التعليقات على TikTok. أرسل لها رسائل في Snapchat وعلى Instagram، وظهر في الألعاب عبر الإنترنت التي لعبتها مع إخوتها... كان المعجب رجلاً يبلغ من العمر 18 عامًا وصل ببندقية إلى منزل عائلة Ava. «- The New York Times

Videos promoting drinking and alcohol are prevalent despite community guidelines:

Settings and Privacy Recommendations for TikTok

How to set your TikTok account to private

  • Select “Profile” then press the three lines in the top right corner
  • Click on "Settings and privacy" in your settings
  • Select “Privacy” and  slide “Private account” over until it turns blue

How to set your liked videos to private

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings
  • Tap “Who can view your liked videos”
  • Select “Only me”

How to turn off Stitch and Duet

Stitch and Duet are functions that allow user content to be reposted and shared by other users and can potentially be a source of cyberbullying. It is disabled for users under 16. Older users may still want to disable this setting

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings
  • Find “Duet” and “Stitch” under “Interactions”
  • Select “Only you” on each of them

How to limit who can send messages and comment on TikTok videos

  • Click on "Privacy" in your settings and then select “Comments”
  • Click the slider next to “Filtered all comments” so that it turns blue
  • Click on “Comments” and select “Followers you follow back”  This will ensure  students do not receive direct messages from strangers

Top safety settings in TikTok video

(This parent and educator video is best to be shown to adults)

Family Pairing

TikTok Family Pairing
  • Family Pairing through TikTok allows families to work together to set screen time limits and monitor what the teen can see
  • Family Pairing does require the adult to have an account on their own device, but even if you don’t use it every day, we always recommend parents being on the same apps as their kids 

From the parent’s TikTok account, Family Pairing can be used to help the student with:

  • Screen Time Management
  • Restricted Mode, which limits inappropriate content
  • Limits what content can be seen
  • When Restricted Mode is on the user cannot log out to then log into another account
  • Search

Go to Settings and privacy:

1: Scroll down and tap "Family Pairing”

2: Select the "Teen" option

3: Open TikTok on the parent’s phone and go to the Family Pairing screen in "Settings & Privacy"

4: Select "Parent"

5: Use your teen’s device to scan the QR code on the parent’s device or send an invite to link accounts

Family Pairing Recommendations

  • Privacy and safety
  • Private account:Keep your account private until you are ready
  • Who can send direct messages to your teen: Our recommendation is “Friends” or “No one”
  • Who can view your teen’s liked videos: Our recommendation is “Only your teen”
  • Who can comment on your teen’s videos: Our recommendation is “Friends” or “No one””

Crash course in Navigating TikTok for Adults

Home screen

  • When in the “Home” section, videos will autoplay and repeat (until you scroll to the next video)
  • Tap the center of the screen to pause a video
  • Swipe up/down to change videos
  • Swipe left to view the profile for the video you are watching
  • Double tap the center of the screen or tap the heart to like a video

Friends Tab

  • “Friends”  personalized feed dedicated to your friends’ videos
  • It contains TikTok videos from other users on TikTok who both follow you, and you follow back

Check and set up security alerts H3

1: Click on “Security”

2: Select “Security alerts”

3: Select “Manage devices”

4: Select 2-step verification

Branding your TikTok profile

1: Start by branding your profile to put your best foot forward. Click on “profile” then “Edit Profile” to get started

‍2: Profile Photo: Use a clear smiling photo of yourself (the same photo across all of your accounts)

3: Name: Use the name you will use on your college admissions (or what you go by most often)

4: Username: Use something very similar to the name people will Google when they learn about you

5: Bio: Write 1-2 lines about yourself and possibly what school you attend (when you are ready for colleges to find you)

6: Connect your Instagram and YouTube: Optional adding links to your social media profiles

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.

More TikTok resources from SmartSocial

An example of what kids see on TikTok

المناطق التعليمية: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.

ستساعد دورة TikTok هذه الآباء والطلاب والمعلمين على التعلم

  • لماذا يحب الأطفال TikTok
  • الكلمات والعبارات الرئيسية التي يستخدمها الطلاب عند الحديث عن TikTok
  • كيفية الاستمتاع، والضحك، وتعلم نصيحة أو خدعة جديدة على TikTok - ولكن ضع حدودًا وتدرب على الالتزام بها
  • كيف يمكن لميزة مخفية في TikTok أن تعرض جميع مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك للغرباء، حتى لو كنت تعتقد أن أصدقائك فقط يرونها

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمشاهدة درس الفيديو بالكامل

كن عضوًا أو قم بتسجيل الدخول لمعرفة المزيد حول هذا الموضوع

المشرفون والمديرون والمديرون: اطلب شراكة على هذه الصفحة لإطلاق مواردنا لمجتمعك بأكمله.
Quotation marks

هذه معلومات رائعة، شكرًا لإعطائي بعض الأفكار حول كيفية بدء حوار مع ابني المراهق!


شارون م.

عضو VIP ولي الأمر

Quotation marks

كان عرض جوش حول وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي رائعًا بشكل لا يصدق. لقد تعلم طلابنا الكثير حول ما يجب على الأطفال فعله وما لا ينبغي عليهم فعله. حقيقة أنها عملية مدروسة جعلت كل شيء جديرًا بالاهتمام.


مدير الإرشاد الجامعي

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

Quotation marks

تعد هذه الندوة عبر الويب مفيدة جدًا لفتح أعين الطلاب على التطبيقات الشائعة لدى طلابي.


إيرين سي.

حضر ندوة المعلم عبر الويب

انضم إلى أحداث الأسئلة والأجوبة المباشرة التالية للوالدين (واكسب بطاقة هدايا ستاربكس بقيمة 5 دولارات) *

حققت أحداثنا الأخيرة نجاحًا كبيرًا!
سيتم الإعلان عن الأحداث القادمة قريبًا
قم بزيارة موقعنا صفحة أعضاء VIP لمشاهدة إعادة عرض لأحداثنا الأخيرة
انضم إلينا النشرة الإخبارية الأسبوعية لـ SmartSocial.com للبقاء على اطلاع
* فقط للعائلات في المناطق التعليمية الشريكة أو أعضاء VIP الفرديين المدفوعين: للحصول على بطاقة هدايا، ما عليك سوى حضور الحدث المباشر والانضمام إلى الأنشطة وستكون عائلتك مؤهلة لكسب بطاقة هدايا واحدة سنويًا (حتى نفاد الإمدادات).

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جامعة السلطان محمد بن زايد آل مكتوم: سورة السوقيات، المملكة العربية السعودية، المملكة العربية السعودية، المملكة العربية السعودية (ECHM)

برنامج الحد الأعلى | ستاربكس | #بيغا_5 #6 #6 #السعودية #قطر #قطر | #الكويت #2

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#الضبطاني_الوطني #الجمعة_العربية: #الهيتاوية والوزارة #الفدرة_الجديدة

كتاب «فلسطين»، «ليبيا»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين»، «فلسطين».

*Only for families in partner school districts or individual paid VIP members: to receive a gift card, simply attend the live event, join in the activities, and your family will be eligible to earn one gift card per quarter (while supplies last).

كن والدًا مطلعًا جدًا (VIP) للحصول على اقتراحاتنا على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي في بريدك الإلكتروني كل ثلاثاء وخميس.

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المدارس والمناطق: كن شريكًا معنا لحماية مجتمعك عبر الإنترنت

تُعلم عروضنا التقديمية عن بُعد (وموقعنا الإلكتروني) أكثر من مليون طالب كل عام كيفية التألق عبر الإنترنت. نحن نعلم الطلاب كيف يمكن استخدام حساباتهم لإنشاء مجموعة من الإنجازات الإيجابية التي تثير إعجاب الكليات وأرباب العمل.

كن شريكًا مع سمارتسوشيال. كوم
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من خلال أكثر من 240 حلقة، يُجري جوش أوش مقابلات مع علماء النفس والمعالجين والمستشارين والمعلمين وأولياء الأمور بينما يوضح لك كيفية التنقل عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي للتألق على الإنترنت يومًا ما.

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