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How to Balance Screen Time on TikTok (For Students & Parents)

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Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok and You

  • If you have access to TikTok, what do you mainly use it for? 

TikTok Time Warp

  • What are the risks of spending too much time on the app?

Finding a Purpose

  • How could you use it in a more focused way than just for entertainment? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok Tunnel Vision

  • What might be the problem with using TikTok only for escape / mindless entertainment? 

Where Does the Time Go?

  • If you’re on TikTok, how can you keep track of the time you spend on it? 

Finding Balance

  • How can you be mindful of balancing entertaining videos with useful/informative content where you’re focused on learning something new?

High School Students (dialogue starters):

TikTok’s Business Model

  • How does TikTok benefit if you or your friends spend excessive time on the app?

Avoiding the Algorithm

  • How can the “Discover” tab lead people down a rabbit hole of mindless TikTok consumption? 

Time Tracking

  • How can you be aware of how much time you spend on TikTok and other social media apps?

Additional Resources

Positive Impact of Social Media & Screen Time (What Students, Parents, & Educators Need to Know)

Making Screen Time Fun While Reducing the Negative Impact

Instagram App Guide (2024): What Parents, Educators, & Students Need to Know

Social Media Challenges: What Students, Parents & Educators Need to Know


TikTok is an extremely popular app among students. Parents can work with their students to find ways to use the app safely and in a way that fits with their family values. It is important to engage in a dialogue about appropriate ways to use TikTok, current social media challenges, and what to do in the event that students come across content that makes them feel uncomfortable.