The Top 14 College Admissions Myths
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The Top 14 College Admissions Myths
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Here are some of the college admissions myths:
- The more extracurriculars the better Colleges want well-rounded students
- I didn’t start a club, I’m not captain of my sport’s team, therefore I cannot show leadership skills
- An “A” in a regular class is better than a “B” in an AP class OR you should take easy classes to maintain a higher GPA
- My College Essay doesn’t matter
- There’s one perfect school for me and that will determine my success in life
- Out-of-state and private colleges are more expensive than in-state public schools
- My financial aid package is set in stone
- Get a famous or well-known person to write your letter of recommendation
- The “sticker” price of college tuition is set in stone and what I will pay
- I’m just a number
- My SAT/ACT score will determine my admission decision
- If a college isn’t in the top 20 rankings, it’s not a “good” college
- The name of the college on your diploma determines your future success
- I can apply to a selective university with a non-popular major and have an easier time getting in
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