Online Safety Recap From The 2014 Safe Smart Social Summit
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Online Safety Recap From The 2014 Safe Smart Social Summit
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The 2014 Social Summit included 20+ experts sharing practical knowledge to help attendees keep their students safe on social media. Attendees included: principals, PTA members and presidents, teachers, school counselors, IT Professionals, scout leaders, and parents.
Panel topics included:
1) Brief overview of the 10 hottest apps
Attendees discovered the 10 hottest apps and how each app works and what you need to know for your Teens & Tweens. Apps included: Snapchat, Instagram,, Vine, Twitter, Whisper and more.
2) Identity-theft, fraud, cyber security & how to set strong online passwords
Attendees discovered the counter-intuitive tips they can use to keep your kids safe from predators and identity theft. Learn the basics for secure passwords on every device. Learn the benefits of 2-step authentication.
3) How to keep students from spending too much 'screen time' on mobile, social & TV
Experts say to limit kids to 1-2 hours of screen time each day. Our panel offered tips and suggestions to make sure your students aren’t overusing their devices.
4) Tips to combat cyber bullying & peer pressure
Educators and professionals offered suggestions of how to identify the early signs and stop it early. Also, we shared positive and negative case studies from schools you can learn from.
5) Managing & monitoring your students' online reputation & promote online privacy
Participants learned what tools you need to use to identify any online reputation issues that your kids might have. Do you comment and like each of their posts? We’ll talked about you why that might not be such a good idea.
6) Ten positive ways to post on social media to impress colleges & employers
Your Tweens & Teens want to be on social media, so this session examined over a dozen great examples of positive posts.
Thank you @svinge @ARezaZ & @satnam for sharing Identity- Theft, Fraud & Cyber Security tips
— Safe Smart Social (@safesmartsocial) April 28, 2014
Thank you @JessicaLHupf @Schoolbullylaw @ChiUniverse @CoachDimitria & @MeganLisaJones for sharing online safety tips
— Safe Smart Social (@safesmartsocial) April 28, 2014
Thank you @Jennifermcp @TshakaArmstrong & @beyondbullies for sharing Tips To Combat Cyber Bullying & Peer Pressure
— Safe Smart Social (@safesmartsocial) April 28, 2014
Thank you @Hayleydk @DaniJacoby @KatieFHurley @TracyGallagher for sharing online reputation & privacy tips.
— Safe Smart Social (@safesmartsocial) April 28, 2014
Panelists included:
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How do I get a social media safety presentation at my school?
Reach out to our social media safety speaker Josh Ochs to request him to visit your school.
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Con más de 240 episodios, Josh Ochs entrevista a psicólogos, terapeutas, consejeros, maestros y padres mientras te muestra cómo navegar por las redes sociales para algún día brillar en Internet.
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