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Screen Time Struggles (For Students, Parents & Educators)
Questions to prompt discussion with students:
Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here
Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):
Importance of Community and Responsibility
- Why do you think having a cell phone can help someone feel safer and more connected to family and friends?
Knowing When to Stop
- Have you ever found it hard to stop playing a game or watching videos on a device?
Finding Screen Time Balance
- How can you use your device to stay connected with loved ones while also focusing on your schoolwork and other responsibilities?
Family Rules
- How can parents and guardians help you manage your screen time so that it doesn't interfere with your other responsibilities or activities?
Middle School Students (dialogue starters):
Staying in Touch
- Does your cell phone or device help you feel more connected with family and friends?
A Tool to Help Others
- Can you describe a situation where you used your device to help someone or solve a problem?
The FOMO Effect
- How does the fear of missing out (FOMO) affect your screen time habits or decision making?
Finding Balance
- How can you strike a balance between online and offline activities to maintain your well-being?
High School Students (dialogue starters):
Family Rules vs. Independence
- How can parents and teenagers work together to establish healthy rules and expectations for cell phone usage?
Struggles with Cell Phones
- What apps on your phone are the hardest to walk away from?
Age and Responsibility
- Do you feel like you’re able to use your phone or other devices more responsibly as a high schooler than when you were younger?
Respecting Differences
- How can you support friends who may have different rules or experiences with cell phones?
More resources for parents, students, & educators
- Balancing Video Game Screen time for Teens
- 50+ Tips to Limit Screen Time Without Conflict
- Using YouTube to Explore Colleges and Careers
- Positive Ways to Use ChatGPT for Students
Navigating screen time issues today is a huge challenge but finding balance is possible. There are definitely many negative consequences for excessive screen time, but in moderation, screen time offers many opportunities for teens to learn and develop their talents. By starting early, teens can set themselves up for a lifetime of balanced screen time use and reduce the potential negative impact.