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What Do Students Think of YouTube? (For Students, Parents & Educators)

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Student Discussion Topics

YouTube as a Learning Tool

  • Can you name a topic where an instructive YouTube video might be more helpful than a book, or where YouTube is a good way to add to what you learn from a book?

Managing Your Time

  • What are some ways to prevent spending too much time mindlessly watching YouTube?

College Searching

  • What are some things you could learn about a prospective college from YouTube videos?


YouTube offers so many opportunities to help students navigate the college exploration process and help jumpstart their future career planning. By taking advantage of the wealth of YouTube videos available, students can gain valuable insights into their strengths, weaknesses, passions, and potential career paths.

YouTube can be a powerful tool to research colleges, learn about different majors, find scholarships, and even create a standout video resume for college applications. With a little preparation and research, students can gain a competitive edge that sets them up for success in their college and career journeys.