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Using Social Media in a Safe and Positive Way (For Students, Parents & Educators)
Questions to prompt discussion with students:
Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here
Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):
When to Say Something
- If someone is chatting with you online and says something that seems inappropriate, what can you do?
Screen Time Limits
- How can you enjoy games and apps and still make sure you have enough time for your homework?
Positive Influences
- If you have a unique interest or a skill you want to learn, where could you look online to find out more about it?
Middle School Students (dialogue starters):
Time Awareness
- Apps are designed to keep you engaged so you’ll use them more and more. What are some ways you can make sure you don’t get sucked in and fall behind on other things?
Common Interests
- What is something you really care about where you might enjoy joining an online group of others who share that interest?
Seeking Help
- What would you do if someone made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe online?
High School Students (dialogue starters):
Social Media Downsides
- Why do some people say staring at social media for too long has a negative impact on their emotional health?
Online Inspo
- Where would be a place online to learn more about activities or people that inspire you (following a mentor on Instagram, watching how-to clips, etc.)?
Time Management
- What works best for you to remember to put down your phone to make sure other tasks get done?
More resources for parents, students, & educators
- Drugs on Social Media: What Parents & Educators Need to Look Out For
- What is the Chroming Challenge: Understanding the Perils of Inhaling Toxic Chemicals
- TikTok Tranquilizer Challenge: What Parents & Educators Need to Know
Students are digital natives and between screen time at home and screen time at school, they often spend quite a bit of time online. Protecting kids online is more important today than ever before with the risk of online predators, online drug sales, and other dangerous situations that kids have the potential to be exposed to. The most important defense against these online risks is having an ongoing dialogue with students so they understand what red flags they should be looking out for and know what to do if they find themselves in an unsafe situation.