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How to Support a Friend Who is Being Cyberbullied (For Students & Parents)
Questions to prompt discussion with students:
Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here
Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):
Stepping into a Victim’s Shoes
- Imagine you're scrolling through your phone and see your friend is being bullied online. How do you think your friend would be feeling?
Friend vs. Fixer
- Why is it important to talk with a friend who’s experiencing unkind treatment online before immediately reporting what you’ve seen to a third party?
Showing Support
- What are some things you can do or say to let your friend know you’re there for them?
Sharing Suggestions
- What advice would you give your friend about how to handle cyberbullying?
Middle School Students (dialogue starters):
Taking Action
- If you saw a friend being cyberbullied, how could you help them create a plan to address it (being mindful of the risk of further encouraging the bully to continue)?
Finding the Right Words
- Brainstorm some helpful things you could say to show support to a friend who’s being bullied and encourage them to seek help if needed.
Serious Signs
- The video talks about the pitfalls of being too fast to intervene if you see someone being bullied, but what are some red flags that would make you want to report your concern immediately to a trusted adult?
Finding Strength
- What are some ways you can help a friend avoid internalizing hurtful things a cyberbully is saying to or about them?
High School Students (dialogue starters):
Friend vs. Advocate: Knowing Your Role
- Sometimes, helping a friend means stepping back. When is it appropriate to take action yourself versus advocating for your friend to seek help from trusted adults or online platforms?
Being an Advocate for Kindness
- How can you take a stand against cyberbullying in a responsible and impactful way?
Avoiding Escalation
- How can outright retaliation against a bully backfire?
Knowing the Warning Signs
- What are some warning signs you might notice in the victim of ongoing bullying that lead you to report the mistreatment to a trusted adult immediately?