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Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home

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October 9, 2024

In this guide, parents & educators will learn:

  • What is and is not cyberbullying
  • Expert advice on how to deal with cyberbullying
  • What to do if a student sees (or experiences cyberbullying)
  • Advice for parents around online bullying

Learn why parents and educators should care about online bullying

Login or join theSmartSocial.com membership to read more about the dangers and safety tips for parents & educators.

Become a member or log in to learn more on this topic

Superintendents, Directors and Principals: Request a partnership on this page to unlock our resources for your whole community.
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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!


Sharon M.

Parent VIP Member

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Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.


Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

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This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.


Irene C.

Educator Webinar Attendee

Full Event Replay Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home with Dr. Shelly Viramontez

October 11, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Cyberbullying is a serious problem for tweens and teens nationwide. Up to 83% of teens will experience cyberbullying, either as a bully, victim, or witness (Source: Bark). It is more important than ever for parents and educators to come together to prevent bullying (online and in-person) to help protect students.

Students have more options than ever before to stay connected with each other and communicate with strangers. Previously, students who were bullied at school could find relief at home or other safe spaces away from their bully. Today, students have smartphones and social media, allowing them to stay connected 24 hours a day—which means a cyberbully can continue the harassment no matter where the student goes.

These cyberbullying prevention techniques and tips from experts can help students protect themselves from cyberbullying and help adults understand how they can provide support.

Educators and parents:Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

What Is Cyberbullying?

  • Cyberbullying involves the use of digital technologies such as the internet, social media, and smartphones to harass, threaten, or purposely embarrass another person
  • There is often a power imbalance, which can be physically, socially, or intellectually
  • There is an intent to harm with cyberbullying, meaning it is not an accidental offense
  • True bullying is ongoing and not a one-time incident

What Is Not Considered Bullying?

  • Accidental harm: When someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway or during sports, it's not always bullying. Bullying involves intentional harm
  • Single disagreement: A one-time argument or disagreement (online or in person) with a classmate, even if it's heated, doesn't qualify as bullying. Bullying is repetitive and targeted
  • Not being chosen for a team or seeing a photo of an event you weren’t included in: Feeling left out because you weren't picked for a team or a group activity isn't always bullying. Bullying is about repeated and deliberate exclusion
  • Joking among friends: Careless jokes among friends (online or offline) that end up being hurtful but weren’t meant that way usually don't constitute bullying. Bullying is about causing harm, distress, or fear
  • Not sharing interests: A friend not wanting to hang out with you is not always bullying. Bullying involves deliberate and repeated hostile behavior
  • People ignoring you: Sometimes your friends are going through a lot and can’t respond to you online. They may have struggles you don’t know about

What Types of Messages Do Cyberbullies Send?

  • Insults or name-calling - Messages that contain derogatory language aimed at belittling or shaming an individual
  • Public shaming - Messages that aim to embarrass or humiliate an individual in a public online space such as a social media platform, including sending embarrassing, sensitive, or private messages
  • Threats - Messages that include threats of harm or intimidation, attempting to instill fear in the victim
  • Manipulation - Messages that try to control or coerce an individual into doing something against their will
  • Harassment - A barrage of unwanted messages that may be aggressive, condescending, or offensive
  • Identity theft - Sending messages while pretending to be the victim, often to ruin their reputation or relationships

How Can You Avoid Becoming A Cyberbullying Victim?

  • Protect your personal information - Don’t make it easy for an online bully to target you. Keep your passwords and contact information private
  • Think before posting - Don’t post anything online unless you are comfortable with everyone seeing it
  • Choose your friends wisely - Only accept friend/follow requests from people you trust and know in person. Block anyone who is negative towards you
  • Establish good online boundaries - Decide how you want to be treated, and speak up when those boundaries are crossed so things don’t escalate
  • Focus on self-confidence - Showing confidence can often scare bullies away, but it can also help you recover from situations that would otherwise tear you down

What To Do If You See Cyberbullying (or experience it)

  • Don't respond or retaliate - If students are targeted, advise them not to respond or retaliate, as this can often make the situation worse
  • Regularly check and clean up profiles - Have students review their online profiles regularly and remove anything that could make them a target
  • Be an upstander, not a bystander - Encourage students to support peers who are bullied online and to report it to an adult
  • Save the evidence - Encourage students to save messages or take screenshots of any bullying in case they need to report it
  • Use reporting features - Teach students how to use the report features on social networks and online platforms to report cyberbullying
  • Discuss online interactions with a trusted adult - Foster an environment where students can talk about their online interactions with parents or teachers so they don’t feel alone
  • Know when to disconnect - Encourage students to take breaks from social media and to disconnect from devices if they are feeling overwhelmed by online interactions

Dialogue Starters Around Cyberbullying

  • Have you ever seen someone being embarrassed or humiliated online, like with private images or personal secrets being shared? How did that make you feel?
  • Have you or any of your friends ever received messages with mean words or name-calling? How did you react to those messages?
  • Has anyone ever tried to pressure or trick you into doing something you didn't want to do online? How did you handle it?
  • Has there ever been a time when you felt scared or intimidated by something someone said to you online? Can you tell me about it?
  • Has anyone ever pretended to be you online or sent messages using your name? How did that affect your friendships or reputation?
  • Have you ever received repeated messages online that made you uncomfortable or upset? What did those messages say?

Signs Your Student is Being Bullied Online

If you notice a change in your student's habits then that might be a sign your child is being bullied online.

  • Change in diet
  • Sleeping more than normal or less than normal
  • Academic changes
  • Shows signs of aggression or increased agitation
  • Change in habits
  • Loses interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • Increase or decrease in device usage
  • Withdrawn, doesn’t want to talk

Dialogue Starters to Determine if Your Child is Being Bullied

  • How do you feel after spending time online?
  • Have you ever seen someone being treated unkindly online? How did that make you feel?
  • How do you think someone feels when they are being bullied online?
  • Who are the adults or friends you trust enough to talk to if a situation online makes you feel uncomfortable?
  • What are some safe ways to respond if you see someone being bullied online?
  • Have there been any times when you have felt bullied or uncomfortable by something that was said to you online?

Steps for Parental Intervention

  • Talk to your child - Have an open and supportive conversation about what’s happening and what your child feels the best solution would be
  • Document the bullying - Keep a record of incidents, including dates, times, and descriptions
  • Contact the school - Work with teachers and administrators to address the issue
  • Professional support - Consider seeking help from a counselor or psychologist if your child is struggling emotionally
  • Legal advice - In severe cases, if the bullying includes illegal activity, such as physical assault or sharing nude photos, legal advice might be necessary
  • Empower your child - Work with your child to develop strategies to handle bullying and to boost their confidence and resilience

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being bullied online is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Cyberbullying is a serious problem for tweens and teens nationwide. Up to 83% of teens will experience cyberbullying, either as a bully, victim, or witness (Source: Bark). It is more important than ever for parents and educators to come together to prevent bullying (online and in-person) to help protect students.

Students have more options than ever before to stay connected with each other and communicate with strangers. Previously, students who were bullied at school could find relief at home or other safe spaces away from their bully. Today, students have smartphones and social media, allowing them to stay connected 24 hours a day—which means a cyberbully can continue the harassment no matter where the student goes.

These cyberbullying prevention techniques and tips from experts can help students protect themselves from cyberbullying and help adults understand how they can provide support.

Educators and parents:Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

What Is Cyberbullying?

  • Cyberbullying involves the use of digital technologies such as the internet, social media, and smartphones to harass, threaten, or purposely embarrass another person
  • There is often a power imbalance, which can be physically, socially, or intellectually
  • There is an intent to harm with cyberbullying, meaning it is not an accidental offense
  • True bullying is ongoing and not a one-time incident

What Is Not Considered Bullying?

  • Accidental harm: When someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway or during sports, it's not always bullying. Bullying involves intentional harm
  • Single disagreement: A one-time argument or disagreement (online or in person) with a classmate, even if it's heated, doesn't qualify as bullying. Bullying is repetitive and targeted
  • Not being chosen for a team or seeing a photo of an event you weren’t included in: Feeling left out because you weren't picked for a team or a group activity isn't always bullying. Bullying is about repeated and deliberate exclusion
  • Joking among friends: Careless jokes among friends (online or offline) that end up being hurtful but weren’t meant that way usually don't constitute bullying. Bullying is about causing harm, distress, or fear
  • Not sharing interests: A friend not wanting to hang out with you is not always bullying. Bullying involves deliberate and repeated hostile behavior
  • People ignoring you: Sometimes your friends are going through a lot and can’t respond to you online. They may have struggles you don’t know about

What Types of Messages Do Cyberbullies Send?

  • Insults or name-calling - Messages that contain derogatory language aimed at belittling or shaming an individual
  • Public shaming - Messages that aim to embarrass or humiliate an individual in a public online space such as a social media platform, including sending embarrassing, sensitive, or private messages
  • Threats - Messages that include threats of harm or intimidation, attempting to instill fear in the victim
  • Manipulation - Messages that try to control or coerce an individual into doing something against their will
  • Harassment - A barrage of unwanted messages that may be aggressive, condescending, or offensive
  • Identity theft - Sending messages while pretending to be the victim, often to ruin their reputation or relationships

How Can You Avoid Becoming A Cyberbullying Victim?

  • Protect your personal information - Don’t make it easy for an online bully to target you. Keep your passwords and contact information private
  • Think before posting - Don’t post anything online unless you are comfortable with everyone seeing it
  • Choose your friends wisely - Only accept friend/follow requests from people you trust and know in person. Block anyone who is negative towards you
  • Establish good online boundaries - Decide how you want to be treated, and speak up when those boundaries are crossed so things don’t escalate
  • Focus on self-confidence - Showing confidence can often scare bullies away, but it can also help you recover from situations that would otherwise tear you down

What To Do If You See Cyberbullying (or experience it)

  • Don't respond or retaliate - If students are targeted, advise them not to respond or retaliate, as this can often make the situation worse
  • Regularly check and clean up profiles - Have students review their online profiles regularly and remove anything that could make them a target
  • Be an upstander, not a bystander - Encourage students to support peers who are bullied online and to report it to an adult
  • Save the evidence - Encourage students to save messages or take screenshots of any bullying in case they need to report it
  • Use reporting features - Teach students how to use the report features on social networks and online platforms to report cyberbullying
  • Discuss online interactions with a trusted adult - Foster an environment where students can talk about their online interactions with parents or teachers so they don’t feel alone
  • Know when to disconnect - Encourage students to take breaks from social media and to disconnect from devices if they are feeling overwhelmed by online interactions

Dialogue Starters Around Cyberbullying

  • Have you ever seen someone being embarrassed or humiliated online, like with private images or personal secrets being shared? How did that make you feel?
  • Have you or any of your friends ever received messages with mean words or name-calling? How did you react to those messages?
  • Has anyone ever tried to pressure or trick you into doing something you didn't want to do online? How did you handle it?
  • Has there ever been a time when you felt scared or intimidated by something someone said to you online? Can you tell me about it?
  • Has anyone ever pretended to be you online or sent messages using your name? How did that affect your friendships or reputation?
  • Have you ever received repeated messages online that made you uncomfortable or upset? What did those messages say?

Signs Your Student is Being Bullied Online

If you notice a change in your student's habits then that might be a sign your child is being bullied online.

  • Change in diet
  • Sleeping more than normal or less than normal
  • Academic changes
  • Shows signs of aggression or increased agitation
  • Change in habits
  • Loses interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • Increase or decrease in device usage
  • Withdrawn, doesn’t want to talk

Dialogue Starters to Determine if Your Child is Being Bullied

  • How do you feel after spending time online?
  • Have you ever seen someone being treated unkindly online? How did that make you feel?
  • How do you think someone feels when they are being bullied online?
  • Who are the adults or friends you trust enough to talk to if a situation online makes you feel uncomfortable?
  • What are some safe ways to respond if you see someone being bullied online?
  • Have there been any times when you have felt bullied or uncomfortable by something that was said to you online?

Steps for Parental Intervention

  • Talk to your child - Have an open and supportive conversation about what’s happening and what your child feels the best solution would be
  • Document the bullying - Keep a record of incidents, including dates, times, and descriptions
  • Contact the school - Work with teachers and administrators to address the issue
  • Professional support - Consider seeking help from a counselor or psychologist if your child is struggling emotionally
  • Legal advice - In severe cases, if the bullying includes illegal activity, such as physical assault or sharing nude photos, legal advice might be necessary
  • Empower your child - Work with your child to develop strategies to handle bullying and to boost their confidence and resilience

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being bullied online is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Full Event Replay Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home with Dr. Shelly Viramontez

Types of Messages Cyberbullies Send (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

October 10, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • What types of cyberbullying have you witnessed or heard about?
  • What might be the long-term impact of cyberbullying on someone who is victimized over a period of time? 
  • Where would you draw the line between incidents that are hurtful but might not raise serious alarms and harassment so serious that a teacher or parent probably ought to be informed? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it. 

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • What types of cyberbullying have you witnessed or heard about?
  • What might be the long-term impact of cyberbullying on someone who is victimized over a period of time? 
  • Where would you draw the line between incidents that are hurtful but might not raise serious alarms and harassment so serious that a teacher or parent probably ought to be informed? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it. 

Types of Messages Cyberbullies Send (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Supporting Friends Against Bullying (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

October 9, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • How could you help a friend understand that they shouldn't feel defined by the hurtful words or actions of a bully?
  • What would you do if you saw that a student was being cyberbullied, but you didn’t really know them? Would you still feel responsible for trying to help?
  • What is some other common-sense advice you might give a friend who is being cyberbullied to deal with the situation?


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • How could you help a friend understand that they shouldn't feel defined by the hurtful words or actions of a bully?
  • What would you do if you saw that a student was being cyberbullied, but you didn’t really know them? Would you still feel responsible for trying to help?
  • What is some other common-sense advice you might give a friend who is being cyberbullied to deal with the situation?


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Supporting Friends Against Bullying (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Teens Speaking Out: The Reality of Bullying (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

October 9, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • Name an example of bullying in a movie or pop culture, and explain why it does or doesn’t ring true from what you’ve seen
  • What age group do you think is most prone to mocking or cyberbullying someone who seems different from them? 
  • What are some things students might consider that would make them less likely to engage in cyberbullying?


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • Name an example of bullying in a movie or pop culture, and explain why it does or doesn’t ring true from what you’ve seen
  • What age group do you think is most prone to mocking or cyberbullying someone who seems different from them? 
  • What are some things students might consider that would make them less likely to engage in cyberbullying?


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Teens Speaking Out: The Reality of Bullying (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

Definition of Cyberbullying (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

October 10, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • How is cyberbullying different from other types of bullying?
  • What advice would you give a friend who has become the target of persistent taunting and cruelty online?
  • What are some ways students can cope with feelings of rejection when they feel left out but aren’t actually being bullied? 


Cyberbullying is when someone deliberately and repeatedly harasses someone online through social media, texts, gaming, or other online platforms. These actions can cause real emotional harm to the person being targeted and should be taken seriously. However, cyberbullying shouldn’t be confused with other things that might hurt a student’s feelings but don’t constitute cyberbullying, such as not being invited to a party or jokes that weren’t intended to be hurtful but are. While it’s always a good idea to reach out to a good friend or trusted adult when you’re experiencing feelings of rejection and need to talk, it’s important to know the difference between hurt feelings and cyberbullying. 

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Student Discussion Topics

  • How is cyberbullying different from other types of bullying?
  • What advice would you give a friend who has become the target of persistent taunting and cruelty online?
  • What are some ways students can cope with feelings of rejection when they feel left out but aren’t actually being bullied? 


Cyberbullying is when someone deliberately and repeatedly harasses someone online through social media, texts, gaming, or other online platforms. These actions can cause real emotional harm to the person being targeted and should be taken seriously. However, cyberbullying shouldn’t be confused with other things that might hurt a student’s feelings but don’t constitute cyberbullying, such as not being invited to a party or jokes that weren’t intended to be hurtful but are. While it’s always a good idea to reach out to a good friend or trusted adult when you’re experiencing feelings of rejection and need to talk, it’s important to know the difference between hurt feelings and cyberbullying. 

Definition of Cyberbullying (For Students, Parents, & Educators)

The Importance of Asking Your Child Questions (For Parents & Educators)

October 10, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • How are things going at school—not just your classes, but how do you like the social life, and who are your favorite people to have lunch or hang out with? 
  • Do you communicate with the same kids on social media?
  • If you were ever in a difficult situation with the kids you hang out with in person or online and didn’t want to come to me, is there someone else you feel like you could talk to?


Keeping an open dialogue with your kids about their lives—how they’re feeling, what they’re enjoying (or not), and friends who are important to them—is important even if your kids seem annoyed. That’s normal! The important thing is for them to know you care and for them to feel more comfortable coming to you with a problem they’re struggling to handle on their own.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • How are things going at school—not just your classes, but how do you like the social life, and who are your favorite people to have lunch or hang out with? 
  • Do you communicate with the same kids on social media?
  • If you were ever in a difficult situation with the kids you hang out with in person or online and didn’t want to come to me, is there someone else you feel like you could talk to?


Keeping an open dialogue with your kids about their lives—how they’re feeling, what they’re enjoying (or not), and friends who are important to them—is important even if your kids seem annoyed. That’s normal! The important thing is for them to know you care and for them to feel more comfortable coming to you with a problem they’re struggling to handle on their own.

The Importance of Asking Your Child Questions (For Parents & Educators)

Navigating Conversations About Bullying (For Parents & Educators)

October 10, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • How would you define cyberbullying? 
  • Why do you think it might be smart in some cases to report cyberbullying to a teacher, counselor, or administrator anonymously? 
  • What hurtful things have you seen students do to other students, even if it might not be “bullying”? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • How would you define cyberbullying? 
  • Why do you think it might be smart in some cases to report cyberbullying to a teacher, counselor, or administrator anonymously? 
  • What hurtful things have you seen students do to other students, even if it might not be “bullying”? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Navigating Conversations About Bullying (For Parents & Educators)

Spotting the Signs: Is Your Child Struggling? (For Parents & Educators)

October 9, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • I’ve noticed that you don’t really seem like yourself lately. Can you think of anything that might be bothering you at school or somewhere else? 
  • When I was growing up, I hated when kids bullied other kids, but now they can do it online, too. What kinds of things have you seen online where people are treating another student badly?
  • Why do you think students engage in cyberbullying? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • I’ve noticed that you don’t really seem like yourself lately. Can you think of anything that might be bothering you at school or somewhere else? 
  • When I was growing up, I hated when kids bullied other kids, but now they can do it online, too. What kinds of things have you seen online where people are treating another student badly?
  • Why do you think students engage in cyberbullying? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Spotting the Signs: Is Your Child Struggling? (For Parents & Educators)

7 Important Anti-Bullying Tips (For Parents & Educators)

October 9, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • If one of your friends was being cyberbullied, what advice would you give them? 
  • When students are being cyberbullied, what can they do to try and get away from it? 
  • Who do you think would be the best person at your school to go to if you were worried about someone being cyberbullied? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • If one of your friends was being cyberbullied, what advice would you give them? 
  • When students are being cyberbullied, what can they do to try and get away from it? 
  • Who do you think would be the best person at your school to go to if you were worried about someone being cyberbullied? 


For victims of cyberbullying, the damages can be devastating. They may internalize the cruel words and harassment targeted at them and believe there is something truly wrong with them. This can lead to anxiety, insecurity, and depression, which can become serious. And cyberbullying isn’t just at school—it follows its victims home on social media, so kids can’t escape it.

7 Important Anti-Bullying Tips (For Parents & Educators)

Techniques for Positive Online Interactions (For Parents & Educators)

October 10, 2024

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • How many apps do you think you use to communicate with or follow people on social media, and which do you use most often? Why?
  • What do you like about social media in general? 
  • How good do you think your friends are at trying to keep things light and upbeat in their posts? Do you think that matters?


Social media is full of pros and cons, especially for kids. The sooner you initiate an open dialogue with your kids about their choices and experiences on social media, the more likely they are to be open in discussing some of the downsides they might encounter. 

Teachers: View our Educator/Classroom Guide Here

Questions to Start Conversations with Students

  • How many apps do you think you use to communicate with or follow people on social media, and which do you use most often? Why?
  • What do you like about social media in general? 
  • How good do you think your friends are at trying to keep things light and upbeat in their posts? Do you think that matters?


Social media is full of pros and cons, especially for kids. The sooner you initiate an open dialogue with your kids about their choices and experiences on social media, the more likely they are to be open in discussing some of the downsides they might encounter. 

Techniques for Positive Online Interactions (For Parents & Educators)

How to Support a Friend Who is Being Cyberbullied (For Students & Parents)

June 3, 2024

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

Stepping into a Victim’s Shoes

  • Imagine you're scrolling through your phone and see your friend is being bullied online. How do you think your friend would be feeling?

Friend vs. Fixer

  • Why is it important to talk with a friend who’s experiencing unkind treatment online before immediately reporting what you’ve seen to a third party? 

Showing Support

  • What are some things you can do or say to let your friend know you’re there for them? 

Sharing Suggestions

  • What advice would you give your friend about how to handle cyberbullying? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Taking Action

  • If you saw a friend being cyberbullied, how could you help them create a plan to address it (being mindful of the risk of further encouraging the bully to continue)?

Finding the Right Words

  • Brainstorm some helpful things you could say to show support to a friend who’s being bullied and encourage them to seek help if needed. 

Serious Signs

  • The video talks about the pitfalls of being too fast to intervene if you see someone being bullied, but what are some red flags that would make you want to report your concern immediately to a trusted adult?

Finding Strength

  • What are some ways you can help a friend avoid internalizing hurtful things a cyberbully is saying to or about them? 

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Friend vs. Advocate: Knowing Your Role

  • Sometimes, helping a friend means stepping back. When is it appropriate to take action yourself versus advocating for your friend to seek help from trusted adults or online platforms?

Being an Advocate for Kindness

  • How can you take a stand against cyberbullying in a responsible and impactful way?

Avoiding Escalation

  • How can outright retaliation against a bully backfire? 

Knowing the Warning Signs

  • What are some warning signs you might notice in the victim of ongoing bullying that lead you to report the mistreatment to a trusted adult immediately?

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

Stepping into a Victim’s Shoes

  • Imagine you're scrolling through your phone and see your friend is being bullied online. How do you think your friend would be feeling?

Friend vs. Fixer

  • Why is it important to talk with a friend who’s experiencing unkind treatment online before immediately reporting what you’ve seen to a third party? 

Showing Support

  • What are some things you can do or say to let your friend know you’re there for them? 

Sharing Suggestions

  • What advice would you give your friend about how to handle cyberbullying? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Taking Action

  • If you saw a friend being cyberbullied, how could you help them create a plan to address it (being mindful of the risk of further encouraging the bully to continue)?

Finding the Right Words

  • Brainstorm some helpful things you could say to show support to a friend who’s being bullied and encourage them to seek help if needed. 

Serious Signs

  • The video talks about the pitfalls of being too fast to intervene if you see someone being bullied, but what are some red flags that would make you want to report your concern immediately to a trusted adult?

Finding Strength

  • What are some ways you can help a friend avoid internalizing hurtful things a cyberbully is saying to or about them? 

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Friend vs. Advocate: Knowing Your Role

  • Sometimes, helping a friend means stepping back. When is it appropriate to take action yourself versus advocating for your friend to seek help from trusted adults or online platforms?

Being an Advocate for Kindness

  • How can you take a stand against cyberbullying in a responsible and impactful way?

Avoiding Escalation

  • How can outright retaliation against a bully backfire? 

Knowing the Warning Signs

  • What are some warning signs you might notice in the victim of ongoing bullying that lead you to report the mistreatment to a trusted adult immediately?
How to Support a Friend Who is Being Cyberbullied (For Students & Parents)

Combat Online Bullying (For Parents & Educators)

June 3, 2024

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

What is Cyberbullying?

  • How can you tell the difference between bullying and other things that might hurt your feelings but aren’t actually bullying? 

Building Empathy

  •  What are some emotions a person might feel if someone online (or at school) repeatedly made fun of their clothes or body or made other insulting comments?

Positive Reinforcement

  • One expert in the video explained that showing confidence can discourage bullies. What are 

Knowing Where to Turn

  • If you ever experience cyberbullying, who are some adults you would feel comfortable talking to?

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Performing CBR

  • The video explained the CBR method—Copy, Block, Report. Why are each of these steps important when dealing with cyberbullying?

Bystander Responsibility

  • What are some ways you could help a friend who’s being cyberbullied, even if you’re not directly involved? 

Is It Cyberbullying or Something Else? 

  • Can you name some examples of things that might hurt someone’s feelings even though no one meant to “bully” them?  

Why It Matters

  • What are the dangers, emotional or otherwise,  of letting a cyberbullying pattern continue? 

High School Students (dialogue starters):

A Prevalent Problem

  • How big of a problem would you guess cyberbullying is at our school or in your other peer groups? 

Preventing Cyberbullying

  • What are some proactive steps students can take online to make it less likely they’ll become victims of cyberbullying?

Supporting a Friend

  • What are some signs of emotional distress that might indicate to you that a classmate is experiencing cyberbullying (or other forms of cruelty)? 

Building a Considerate Culture

  • How can we as a school promote positive interactions online and offline to build a culture where bullying is not tolerated? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

What is Cyberbullying?

  • How can you tell the difference between bullying and other things that might hurt your feelings but aren’t actually bullying? 

Building Empathy

  •  What are some emotions a person might feel if someone online (or at school) repeatedly made fun of their clothes or body or made other insulting comments?

Positive Reinforcement

  • One expert in the video explained that showing confidence can discourage bullies. What are 

Knowing Where to Turn

  • If you ever experience cyberbullying, who are some adults you would feel comfortable talking to?

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Performing CBR

  • The video explained the CBR method—Copy, Block, Report. Why are each of these steps important when dealing with cyberbullying?

Bystander Responsibility

  • What are some ways you could help a friend who’s being cyberbullied, even if you’re not directly involved? 

Is It Cyberbullying or Something Else? 

  • Can you name some examples of things that might hurt someone’s feelings even though no one meant to “bully” them?  

Why It Matters

  • What are the dangers, emotional or otherwise,  of letting a cyberbullying pattern continue? 

High School Students (dialogue starters):

A Prevalent Problem

  • How big of a problem would you guess cyberbullying is at our school or in your other peer groups? 

Preventing Cyberbullying

  • What are some proactive steps students can take online to make it less likely they’ll become victims of cyberbullying?

Supporting a Friend

  • What are some signs of emotional distress that might indicate to you that a classmate is experiencing cyberbullying (or other forms of cruelty)? 

Building a Considerate Culture

  • How can we as a school promote positive interactions online and offline to build a culture where bullying is not tolerated? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Combat Online Bullying (For Parents & Educators)

What Parents Need to Know about Online Bullying (For Parents & Educators)

May 7, 2024

Questions for Parents to Consider:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Parents of Elementary School Students (Engagement Questions):

Establishing Trust

  • What are some things you can do or say to show your child they can confide in you if something online makes them uncomfortable? 

Something Seems Off

  • What are some signs that your child might be dealing with an upsetting situation online? 

Time to Step in

  • What situations would you consider serious enough that you need to actively intervene? 

Parents of Middle School Students (Engagement Questions):

The Human Touch

  • What does the speaker mean when he says the best “app” to monitor your student’s online use and behavior is a trusted adult? 

Growing Opportunities

  • As a parent, do you think you could step back if appropriate and support your student in handling a negative online experience on their own? Why might that be the best approach sometimes?

It Takes a Village

  • In some cases, your student might prefer to talk to a different adult than a parent about cyberbullying or intimidating behavior online. Who are some other adults you’d feel comfortable being a go-to for your student?

Parents of High School Students (Engagement Questions):

Empowering Students

  • Do you believe it’s sometimes best to support your student in addressing a cyberbullying situation on their own? 

Knowing Your Kid

  • What are some signs of withdrawal or distress that would cause you to worry your student might be the victim of cyberbullying? 

Cyberbullying Takes Different Forms

  • What types of cyberbullying or harassment online concern you most, and what would you do if you knew your child was experiencing it? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Questions for Parents to Consider:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Parents of Elementary School Students (Engagement Questions):

Establishing Trust

  • What are some things you can do or say to show your child they can confide in you if something online makes them uncomfortable? 

Something Seems Off

  • What are some signs that your child might be dealing with an upsetting situation online? 

Time to Step in

  • What situations would you consider serious enough that you need to actively intervene? 

Parents of Middle School Students (Engagement Questions):

The Human Touch

  • What does the speaker mean when he says the best “app” to monitor your student’s online use and behavior is a trusted adult? 

Growing Opportunities

  • As a parent, do you think you could step back if appropriate and support your student in handling a negative online experience on their own? Why might that be the best approach sometimes?

It Takes a Village

  • In some cases, your student might prefer to talk to a different adult than a parent about cyberbullying or intimidating behavior online. Who are some other adults you’d feel comfortable being a go-to for your student?

Parents of High School Students (Engagement Questions):

Empowering Students

  • Do you believe it’s sometimes best to support your student in addressing a cyberbullying situation on their own? 

Knowing Your Kid

  • What are some signs of withdrawal or distress that would cause you to worry your student might be the victim of cyberbullying? 

Cyberbullying Takes Different Forms

  • What types of cyberbullying or harassment online concern you most, and what would you do if you knew your child was experiencing it? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

What Parents Need to Know about Online Bullying (For Parents & Educators)

How to Deal with a Cyberbully (For Students, Parents & Educators)

October 9, 2024

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

Why Bullies Bully

  • We don’t want to condone bullying behavior, but what are some reasons a person might post hurtful things to or about another person online? 

Kindness Counts

  •  Bullying behaviors can happen online or in person. What are some ways we can work as a class or school to promote kindness and try to stop hurtful comments before they start?

Recognizing Bullying

  • What are some examples of bullying and/or cyberbullying?

Finding Help

  • Who are some adults you might trust to go to if you feel like someone is directing hurtful comments at you? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Promoting a Positive Culture

  • How can we as a school promote a culture of staying positive and considerate of others online?

Showing Support

  • What are some ways you could show a friend who feels like they’re being bullied online that hurtful comments don’t reflect your friend’s value as a person?

Choosing Words Carefully

  • What kinds of things could a student say online that hurt someone’s feelings without that being the intention?

Understanding Cyberbullying

  • What are some reasons a person might want to mock, threaten or say hurtful things to another student online? 

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Recognizing Hurtful Speech

  • Even if it’s not intended to hurt anyone, what are some types of comments that another student might perceive as insulting, offensive, or even a form of bullying? 

Unpacking Cruel Comments

  • How can a student who feels put down on social media learn to avoid internalizing negative comments?

The Boomerang Effect

  • What are some ways that being cruel to others online could come back to hurt the person making those posts?

Preventing Bullying

  • How can you set an example in your own posts and online conversations to show the benefits of staying positive and considerate (while avoiding conflict and drama)? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Students (dialogue starters):

Why Bullies Bully

  • We don’t want to condone bullying behavior, but what are some reasons a person might post hurtful things to or about another person online? 

Kindness Counts

  •  Bullying behaviors can happen online or in person. What are some ways we can work as a class or school to promote kindness and try to stop hurtful comments before they start?

Recognizing Bullying

  • What are some examples of bullying and/or cyberbullying?

Finding Help

  • Who are some adults you might trust to go to if you feel like someone is directing hurtful comments at you? 

Middle School Students (dialogue starters):

Promoting a Positive Culture

  • How can we as a school promote a culture of staying positive and considerate of others online?

Showing Support

  • What are some ways you could show a friend who feels like they’re being bullied online that hurtful comments don’t reflect your friend’s value as a person?

Choosing Words Carefully

  • What kinds of things could a student say online that hurt someone’s feelings without that being the intention?

Understanding Cyberbullying

  • What are some reasons a person might want to mock, threaten or say hurtful things to another student online? 

High School Students (dialogue starters):

Recognizing Hurtful Speech

  • Even if it’s not intended to hurt anyone, what are some types of comments that another student might perceive as insulting, offensive, or even a form of bullying? 

Unpacking Cruel Comments

  • How can a student who feels put down on social media learn to avoid internalizing negative comments?

The Boomerang Effect

  • What are some ways that being cruel to others online could come back to hurt the person making those posts?

Preventing Bullying

  • How can you set an example in your own posts and online conversations to show the benefits of staying positive and considerate (while avoiding conflict and drama)? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

How to Deal with a Cyberbully (For Students, Parents & Educators)

How to Support a Child Who is Being Cyberbullied (For Parents & Educators)

May 7, 2024

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Teachers (Engagement Questions):

Building Trust 

  • How can educators and parents create a safe space and encourage students to feel comfortable confiding in us about online issues? 

Promoting Emotional Well-Being

  • Teachers have a lot on their plates already, but what are some ways we can promote emotional well-being among students so they’re better able to get through conflicts with peers?

Supporting Peer Helpers

  • What would you tell a student who comes to you with concerns about a friend who’s experiencing cyberbullying? 

Middle School Teachers (Engagement Questions):

Handling Reports of Cyberbullying

  • What protocols can we implement to ensure all reports of bullying are handled fairly and sensitively? 

Addressing Parents’ Concerns

  • How would you respond if a parent reported to you that their child is experiencing cyberbullying by other kids at our school? 

Encouraging Considerate Behavior

  • How can we as a school promote a culture of respect for others so kids might be less likely to engage in cyberbullying in the first place? 

High School Teachers (Engagement Questions):

No Easy Fixes?

  • How can we navigate student expectations for immediate intervention in the face of cyberbullying while promoting long-term coping mechanisms?

Promoting a Culture of Peer Support

  • What strategies can we use to empower students to be allies for a peer facing cyberbullying? 

Bridging the Gap Between Online and Offline 

  • The video acknowledges that cyberbullying spills into real-life interactions (and vice versa). How can we as educators and parents encourage students to avoid engaging in hurtful actions or speech whether online or off? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Elementary School Teachers (Engagement Questions):

Building Trust 

  • How can educators and parents create a safe space and encourage students to feel comfortable confiding in us about online issues? 

Promoting Emotional Well-Being

  • Teachers have a lot on their plates already, but what are some ways we can promote emotional well-being among students so they’re better able to get through conflicts with peers?

Supporting Peer Helpers

  • What would you tell a student who comes to you with concerns about a friend who’s experiencing cyberbullying? 

Middle School Teachers (Engagement Questions):

Handling Reports of Cyberbullying

  • What protocols can we implement to ensure all reports of bullying are handled fairly and sensitively? 

Addressing Parents’ Concerns

  • How would you respond if a parent reported to you that their child is experiencing cyberbullying by other kids at our school? 

Encouraging Considerate Behavior

  • How can we as a school promote a culture of respect for others so kids might be less likely to engage in cyberbullying in the first place? 

High School Teachers (Engagement Questions):

No Easy Fixes?

  • How can we navigate student expectations for immediate intervention in the face of cyberbullying while promoting long-term coping mechanisms?

Promoting a Culture of Peer Support

  • What strategies can we use to empower students to be allies for a peer facing cyberbullying? 

Bridging the Gap Between Online and Offline 

  • The video acknowledges that cyberbullying spills into real-life interactions (and vice versa). How can we as educators and parents encourage students to avoid engaging in hurtful actions or speech whether online or off? 

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

How to Support a Child Who is Being Cyberbullied (For Parents & Educators)

Red Flags that Your Child is a Victim of Cyberbullying (For Parents & Educators)

May 7, 2024

Questions for Parents and Educators to Consider:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Questions for Parents of Elementary School Students to Consider:

Encouraging Empathy

  • How can you talk to your child about the importance of supporting friends who might be experiencing bullying behavior, online or off? 

What to Watch For

  • All kids go through struggles at one time or another. What changes in behavior would concern you enough to try and open a dialogue with your student about anything that might be bothering them?

Seeking Advice

  • If you’re concerned your child is going through a difficult situation with classmates or other peers, what steps could you take first before trying to get involved?

Questions for Parents of Middle School Students to Consider:

Mentor vs. a Problem Solver

  • What are some ways as a parent you can support your child in dealing with cyberbullying other than jumping in to try and solve the problem yourself? 

Fostering Friendship

  • How can you encourage your student to be a good friend to a friend or classmate who might be experiencing cyberbullying? 

Finding Support as a Parent

  • If you notice troubling changes in your child’s behavior or relationships but they aren’t ready to talk to you about it, who are some people you can reach out to yourself for advice? 

Questions for Parents of High School Students to Consider:

Warning signs

  • How can we, as parents, navigate the difference between typical teenage mood swings and potential red flags related to cyberbullying?

Keeping an Open Dialogue

  • What are some questions you could ask your student about their use of social media so they know you care—and are available to provide support in case a problem arises—even if they don’t have anything to share at the moment? 

Striking a Balance

  • How can parents strike a balance between offering support and letting our teens develop their own coping mechanisms and resilience in the face of online challenges?

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Questions for Parents and Educators to Consider:

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Questions for Parents of Elementary School Students to Consider:

Encouraging Empathy

  • How can you talk to your child about the importance of supporting friends who might be experiencing bullying behavior, online or off? 

What to Watch For

  • All kids go through struggles at one time or another. What changes in behavior would concern you enough to try and open a dialogue with your student about anything that might be bothering them?

Seeking Advice

  • If you’re concerned your child is going through a difficult situation with classmates or other peers, what steps could you take first before trying to get involved?

Questions for Parents of Middle School Students to Consider:

Mentor vs. a Problem Solver

  • What are some ways as a parent you can support your child in dealing with cyberbullying other than jumping in to try and solve the problem yourself? 

Fostering Friendship

  • How can you encourage your student to be a good friend to a friend or classmate who might be experiencing cyberbullying? 

Finding Support as a Parent

  • If you notice troubling changes in your child’s behavior or relationships but they aren’t ready to talk to you about it, who are some people you can reach out to yourself for advice? 

Questions for Parents of High School Students to Consider:

Warning signs

  • How can we, as parents, navigate the difference between typical teenage mood swings and potential red flags related to cyberbullying?

Keeping an Open Dialogue

  • What are some questions you could ask your student about their use of social media so they know you care—and are available to provide support in case a problem arises—even if they don’t have anything to share at the moment? 

Striking a Balance

  • How can parents strike a balance between offering support and letting our teens develop their own coping mechanisms and resilience in the face of online challenges?

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

Red Flags that Your Child is a Victim of Cyberbullying (For Parents & Educators)

Spanish Version - Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home

October 10, 2024


El ciberacoso es un problema serio que está afectando la vida de muchos estudiantes hoy en día. Reconocer las tácticas utilizadas por los ciberacosadores y tener una comprensión clara de cómo apoyar a los estudiantes que están siendo acosados en línea es crucial. Los padres y educadores deben mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación con los estudiantes para apoyarlos y ayudarles a responder a los acosadores de manera saludable. El ciberacoso es un problema continuo. Requerirá vigilancia, empatía y un esfuerzo colectivo para crear espacios más seguros en línea.


El ciberacoso es un problema serio que está afectando la vida de muchos estudiantes hoy en día. Reconocer las tácticas utilizadas por los ciberacosadores y tener una comprensión clara de cómo apoyar a los estudiantes que están siendo acosados en línea es crucial. Los padres y educadores deben mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación con los estudiantes para apoyarlos y ayudarles a responder a los acosadores de manera saludable. El ciberacoso es un problema continuo. Requerirá vigilancia, empatía y un esfuerzo colectivo para crear espacios más seguros en línea.

Spanish Version - Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home

Mandarin Chinese Version - Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home

October 11, 2024





Mandarin Chinese Version - Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home

Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and at Home

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Cyberbullying is a serious problem for tweens and teens nationwide. Up to 83% of teens will experience cyberbullying, either as a bully, victim, or witness (Source: Bark). It is more important than ever for parents and educators to come together to prevent bullying (online and in-person) to help protect students. 

Students have more options than ever before to stay connected with each other and communicate with strangers. Previously, students who were bullied at school could find relief at home or other safe spaces away from their bully. Today, students have smartphones and social media, allowing them to stay connected 24 hours a day—which means a cyberbully can continue the harassment no matter where the student goes. 

These cyberbullying prevention techniques and tips from experts can help students protect themselves from cyberbullying and help adults understand how they can provide support.

Educators and parents: Guide your students' reflection and discussion with this student worksheet. (Log in to your Google account and select File-->Make a Copy)

How to Support a Friend Who is Being Cyberbullied (Student Video)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Elementary School Topic: Stepping into a Victim’s Shoes

  • Imagine you're scrolling through your phone and see your friend is being bullied online. How do you think your friend would be feeling?

Middle School Topic: Finding the Right Words

  • Brainstorm some helpful things you could say to show support to a friend who’s being bullied and encourage them to seek help if needed.

High School Topic: Being an Advocate for Kindness

  • How can you take a stand against cyberbullying in a responsible and impactful way?

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

How to Deal with a Cyberbully (Student Video)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Elementary School Topic: Why Bullies Bully

  • We don’t want to condone bullying behavior, but what are some reasons a person might post hurtful things to or about another person online?

Middle School Topic: Choosing Words Carefully

  • What kinds of things could a student say online that hurt someone’s feelings without that being the intention?

High School Topic: Unpacking Cruel Comments

  • How can a student who feels put down on social media learn to avoid internalizing negative comments?

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Combat Online Bullying (Student, Parent, and Educator Video)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Elementary School Topic: Knowing Where to Turn

  • If you ever experience cyberbullying, who are some adults you would feel comfortable talking to?

Middle School Topic: Performing CBR

  • The video explained the CBR method—Copy, Block, Report. Why are each of these steps important when dealing with cyberbullying?

High School Topic: Building a Considerate Culture

  • How can we as a school promote positive interactions online and offline to build a culture where bullying is not tolerated?

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

What Parents Need to Know about Online Bullying (Parent and Educator Video)

Questions for Parents to Consider:

Parents of Elementary School Students: Something Seems Off

  • What are some signs that your child might be dealing with an upsetting situation online?

Parents of Middle School Students: Growing Opportunities

  • As a parent, do you think you could step back if appropriate and support your student in handling a negative online experience on their own? Why might that be the best approach sometimes?

Parents of High School Students: Empowering Students

  • Do you believe it’s sometimes best to support your student in addressing a cyberbullying situation on their own?

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

Red Flags that Your Child is a Victim of Cyberbullying (Expert Video)

Questions for Parents and Educators to Consider:

Parents of Elementary School Students: Encouraging Empathy

  • How can you talk to your child about the importance of supporting friends who might be experiencing bullying behavior, online or off?

Parents of Middle School Students: Mentor vs. a Problem Solver

  • What are some ways as a parent you can support your child in dealing with cyberbullying other than jumping in to try and solve the problem yourself?

Parents of High School Students: Striking a Balance

  • How can parents strike a balance between offering support and letting our teens develop their own coping mechanisms and resilience in the face of online challenges?

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

How to Support a Child Who is Being Cyberbullied (Expert Video)

Questions to prompt discussion with students:

Elementary School Teachers: Supporting Peer Helpers

  • What would you tell a student who comes to you with concerns about a friend who’s experiencing cyberbullying?

Middle School Teachers: Addressing Parents’ Concerns

  • How would you respond if a parent reported to you that their child is experiencing cyberbullying by other kids at our school?

Parents of High School Students: Bridging the Gap Between Online and Offline

  • The video acknowledges that cyberbullying spills into real-life interactions (and vice versa). How can we as educators and parents encourage students to avoid engaging in hurtful actions or speech whether online or off?

Parents and Teachers: View the full VIP Facilitation Guide Here

What Is Cyberbullying?

  • Cyberbullying involves the use of digital technologies such as the internet, social media, and smartphones to harass, threaten, or purposely embarrass another person
  • There is often a power imbalance, which can be physically, socially, or intellectually
  • There is an intent to harm with cyberbullying, meaning it is not an accidental offense
  • True bullying is ongoing and not a one-time incident

What Is Not Considered Bullying? 

  • Accidental harm: When someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway or during sports, it's not always bullying. Bullying involves intentional harm
  • Single disagreement: A one-time argument or disagreement (online or in person) with a classmate, even if it's heated, doesn't qualify as bullying. Bullying is repetitive and targeted
  • Not being chosen for a team or seeing a photo of an event you weren’t included in: Feeling left out because you weren't picked for a team or a group activity isn't always bullying. Bullying is about repeated and deliberate exclusion
  • Joking among friends: Careless jokes among friends (online or offline) that end up being hurtful but weren’t meant that way usually don't constitute bullying. Bullying is about causing harm, distress, or fear
  • Not sharing interests: A friend not wanting to hang out with you is not always bullying. Bullying involves deliberate and repeated hostile behavior
  • People ignoring you: Sometimes your friends are going through a lot and can’t respond to you online. They may have struggles you don’t know about

What Types of Messages Do Cyberbullies Send? 

  • Insults or name-calling - Messages that contain derogatory language aimed at belittling or shaming an individual
  • Public shaming - Messages that aim to embarrass or humiliate an individual in a public online space such as a social media platform, including sending embarrassing, sensitive, or private messages
  • Threats - Messages that include threats of harm or intimidation, attempting to instill fear in the victim
  • Manipulation - Messages that try to control or coerce an individual into doing something against their will
  • Harassment - A barrage of unwanted messages that may be aggressive, condescending, or offensive
  • Identity theft - Sending messages while pretending to be the victim, often to ruin their reputation or relationships

How Can You Avoid Becoming A Cyberbullying Victim?

  • Protect your personal information - Don’t make it easy for an online bully to target you. Keep your passwords and contact information private 
  • Think before posting - Don’t post anything online unless you are comfortable with everyone seeing it
  • Choose your friends wisely - Only accept friend/follow requests from people you trust and know in person. Block anyone who is negative towards you
  • Establish good online boundaries - Decide how you want to be treated, and speak up when those boundaries are crossed so things don’t escalate 
  • Focus on self-confidence - Showing confidence can often scare bullies away, but it can also help you recover from situations that would otherwise tear you down

What To Do If You See Cyberbullying (or experience it)

  • Don't respond or retaliate - If students are targeted, advise them not to respond or retaliate, as this can often make the situation worse
  • Regularly check and clean up profiles - Have students review their online profiles regularly and remove anything that could make them a target
  • Be an upstander, not a bystander - Encourage students to support peers who are bullied online and to report it to an adult
  • Save the evidence - Encourage students to save messages or take screenshots of any bullying in case they need to report it
  • Use reporting features - Teach students how to use the report features on social networks and online platforms to report cyberbullying
  • Discuss online interactions with a trusted adult - Foster an environment where students can talk about their online interactions with parents or teachers so they don’t feel alone
  • Know when to disconnect - Encourage students to take breaks from social media and to disconnect from devices if they are feeling overwhelmed by online interactions

Dialogue Starters Around Cyberbullying

  • Have you ever seen someone being embarrassed or humiliated online, like with private images or personal secrets being shared? How did that make you feel?
  • Have you or any of your friends ever received messages with mean words or name-calling? How did you react to those messages?
  • Has anyone ever tried to pressure or trick you into doing something you didn't want to do online? How did you handle it?
  • Has there ever been a time when you felt scared or intimidated by something someone said to you online? Can you tell me about it?
  • Has anyone ever pretended to be you online or sent messages using your name? How did that affect your friendships or reputation?
  • Have you ever received repeated messages online that made you uncomfortable or upset? What did those messages say?

Signs Your Student is Being Bullied Online

If you notice a change in your student's habits then that might be a sign your child is being bullied online.

  • Shows signs of aggression
  • Change in habits
  • Loses interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • Withdrawn, doesn’t want to talk

Dialogue Starters to Determine if Your Child is Being Bullied 

  • How do you feel after spending time online?
  • Have you ever seen someone being treated unkindly online? How did that make you feel?
  • How do you think someone feels when they are being bullied online?
  • Who are the adults or friends you trust enough to talk to if a situation online makes you feel uncomfortable?
  • What are some safe ways to respond if you see someone being bullied online?
  • Have there been any times when you have felt bullied or uncomfortable by something that was said to you online?

Steps for Parental Intervention

  • Talk to your child - Have an open and supportive conversation about what’s happening and what your child feels the best solution would be
  • Document the bullying - Keep a record of incidents, including dates, times, and descriptions
  • Contact the school - Work with teachers and administrators to address the issue
  • Professional support - Consider seeking help from a counselor or psychologist if your child is struggling emotionally
  • Legal advice - In severe cases, if the bullying includes illegal activity, such as physical assault or sharing nude photos, legal advice might be necessary
  • Empower your child - Work with your child to develop strategies to handle bullying and to boost their confidence and resilience

Support Services for Students Dealing with Cyberbullying

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Crisis Chat: https://988lifeline.org/chat/
  • Stop Bullying Now Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
  • No Bully Help Hotline: 1-866-488-7386
  • LGBT National Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743

More resources for parents, students, & educators 


Cyberbullying is a serious issue that is impacting the lives of many students today. Recognizing the tactics used by cyberbullies and having a clear understanding of how to support students who are being cyberbullied is crucial. Parents and educators need to keep the lines of communication open with students to support them and help them respond to bullies in a healthy way. Cyberbullying is an ongoing problem. It will require vigilance, empathy, and a collective effort to create safer spaces online.

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In this guide, parents & educators will learn:

  • What is and is not cyberbullying
  • Expert advice on how to deal with cyberbullying
  • What to do if a student sees (or experiences cyberbullying)
  • Advice for parents around online bullying

Learn why parents and educators should care about online bullying

Login or join theSmartSocial.com membership to read more about the dangers and safety tips for parents & educators.

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This is great info, thanks for giving me some ideas on how to start a dialogue with my teen!


Sharon M.

Parent VIP Member

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Josh's presentation about social media was unbelievably fantastic. Our students learned so much about what kids should and shouldn't be doing. The fact that it is such a thoughtful process made it all worthwhile.


Director of College Advising

Educator Webinar Attendee

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This webinar is a very helpful eye-opener on the apps that are popular with my students.


Irene C.

Educator Webinar Attendee

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Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and At Home

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Combat Online Bullying: Supporting Positive Student Behaviors on Campus and At Home

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